Share About Your Ancestry

I wanted to start a thread where members can share about their ancestry and family.

I will start. According to the research I have done within my family I am a German, Polish, Irish, and Russian American. I was born in the US and I still live there.

I did some research on some family surnames but I discovered that a surname can belong to one culture or another and is different for each person.

My great grandfather served in the US army during World War 1 in France. My grandfather joined the US Navy in 1946.

I am thinking about getting one of those ancestry DNA tests to find out more about my ancestry.

My last name Tate is either English or Scottish......
one of my mom's grandparents was from Southern Ireland so..... it is quite likely that some of my dad's ancestors may have committed atrocities on some of my mom's ancestors and relatives in southern Ireland.........
I strongly suspect that some of my relatives across North America may well be guilty of shooting buffalo from the windows of trains......
as well as of participating to some degree in the extinction of passenger pigeons that we boiled, barbecued, trapped, snared and shot into extinction........
through our greed, ignorance and lack of self control over hunger.............

On some levels my tendency toward "guilt" in some form or another might indicate a past life as a Jewish person..... (assuming the validity of the Dr. Ian Stevenson research)?????
I had a question about English ancestry. Are people of English descent mostly an Anglo-Saxon, Norman-French, and Celtic-Briton people?

Not really.......
we old white guys have been figuring out diabolical ways to have lots and lots and lots and lots of children and grandchildren all over the genetic spectrum for centuries.... and millennia?!
My last name Tate is either English or Scottish......
one of my mom's grandparents was from Southern Ireland so..... it is quite likely that some of my dad's ancestors may have committed atrocities on some of my mom's ancestors and relatives in southern Ireland.........
I strongly suspect that some of my relatives across North America may well be guilty of shooting buffalo from the windows of trains......
as well as of participating to some degree in the extinction of passenger pigeons that we boiled, barbecued, trapped, snared and shot into extinction........
through our greed, ignorance and lack of self control over hunger.............

On some levels my tendency toward "guilt" in some form or another might indicate a past life as a Jewish person..... (assuming the validity of the Dr. Ian Stevenson research)?????

Not really.......
we old white guys have been figuring out diabolical ways to have lots and lots and lots and lots of children and grandchildren all over the genetic spectrum for centuries.... and millennia?!

Thanks for sharing. I have some Irish ancestors. I am not sure if I have any English or Scottish ancestors. The Irish and Scots are both Celts, so it is possible that I may have Scottish ancestors. The English have ruled over the Irish and Scots in the past, if I am not mistaken, so it is possible that I have English ancestors too. I imagine people from all walks of life have ancestors that have committed genocide or atrocities and also have ancestors who have been the victims of genocide or atrocities. What matters most is the values you hold as a person now.
Not really.......
we old white guys have been figuring out diabolical ways to have lots and lots and lots and lots of children and grandchildren all over the genetic spectrum for centuries.... and millennia?!
Humankind have been wandering every since they wandered out of Africa.
* * * *
United States President Andrew Jackson's parents were Scots-Irish colonists.
And, look what Jackson did...
The Indian Removal Act was signed into law on May 28, 1830, by United States President Andrew Jackson. The law authorized the president to negotiate with southern Native American tribes for their removal to federal territory west of the Mississippi River in exchange for white settlement of their ancestral lands. The act has been referred to as a unitary act of systematic genocide, because it discriminated against an ethnic group in so far as to make certain the death of vast numbers of its population.[4] The Act was signed by Andrew Jackson and it was strongly enforced under his administration and that of Martin Van Buren, which extended until 1841.

Andrew Jackson was born on March 15, 1767, in the Waxhaws region of the Carolinas. His parents were Scots-Irish colonists Andrew Jackson and his wife Elizabeth Hutchinson, Presbyterians who had emigrated from Ulster, Ireland, two years earlier. Jackson's father was born in Carrickfergus, County Antrim, around 1738. Jackson's parents lived in the village of Boneybefore, also in County Antrim. His paternal ancestors originated in Killingswold Grove, Yorkshire, England.
Something like 30 Irish soldiers died with Custer at the Little Big Horn. Did they wander too far into someone's else's lands?
Humankind have been wandering every since they wandered out of Africa.
* * * *
United States President Andrew Jackson's parents were Scots-Irish colonists.
And, look what Jackson did...
Something like 30 Irish soldiers died with Custer at the Little Big Horn. Did they wander too far into someone's else's lands?

Those are very good questions indeed.......
Several American Presidents feared the First Nations of the USA partly because if England had gone into total war against America.....
they could have armed their First Nations allies and the American Republic would have been doomed......
the mathematics for that was probably valid for at least fifty years if not for the first century of the existence of the USA as a Republic.

Being feared by Presidents of the USA is a very dangerous position to be in.
Thanks for sharing. I have some Irish ancestors. I am not sure if I have any English or Scottish ancestors. The Irish and Scots are both Celts, so it is possible that I may have Scottish ancestors. The English have ruled over the Irish and Scots in the past, if I am not mistaken, so it is possible that I have English ancestors too. I imagine people from all walks of life have ancestors that have committed genocide or atrocities and also have ancestors who have been the victims of genocide or atrocities. What matters most is the values you hold as a person now.

Well said..... there is no possible way that we as individuals could ever repay for the injustices committed on others and the guilt of our ancestors ourselves.
Well said..... there is no possible way that we as individuals could ever repay for the injustices committed on others and the guilt of our ancestors ourselves.
The acts of our ancestors in the past are in no way our own acts as individuals now. What matters is the beliefs and values we hold and the acts and good deeds we engage in now. We can make a better present and future if we try.
I was curious, are the surnames Colfer, Kelly, and Blake English, Welsh, Scottish, or Irish? I happen to have Colfer, Kelly, and Blake family.
I did some research and I discovered my Meyer and Hesse ancestors are German, my Rozanski ancestors are Polish, and my Colfer, Kelly, and Blake ancestors are Irish.
I am thinking about getting one of those ancestry DNA tests to find out more about my ancestry.

i hear those dna tests are not reliable
dont spend any real money on it
depending on how they run the test it can be wildly inaccurate

my family come from pirates
actual pirates legally recognized as pirates by a corrupt system which in todays money confiscated around 100 million dollars off the family & turned them into criminals stealing their land & possessions.

thats probably why i like guyforks soo much
Do you have any proof of is this just a hunch?

program like 60 minutes did documentary
they got many testes
did tests
got results
results were different
some results were complete rubbish

very simple
but most of those companys probably use the same data set base sets(sequencing like a library listing which is fixed and only checked once and not checked properly & never re done from the beginning up)

so dont take your results to heart.
they may be one of the wildly wrong ones which is around 15% of tests
only around 15% of tests are accurate roughly
the 70% in the middle rely on the same basic non specific base data

its just another type of game to make money
you need to do about 5 different testes cheap & expensive
you will find a general result
you will find some are rubbish
probably 1 in 5 will be roughly ok(20%)
I did some research and I discovered my Meyer and Hesse ancestors are German, my Rozanski ancestors are Polish, and my Colfer, Kelly, and Blake ancestors are Irish.
My Hess ancestors came from the Rhineland-Palatinate area if that is of any help to you.