Shhh. It's Art.


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
With gaffer tape covering his eyes, Mike Parr today sat quietly as a man in builder's overalls nailed the performance artist's only arm to a wall. Barely a sound escaped Parr's lips as the long silver nail punctured his forearm before being driven into a stark white wall at Sydney's Artspace gallery at noon today. (Full text here)
Or is it?

Maybe I'm nuts, but I was under the impression art was something involving artistic talent and skill, and which, depending on the tastes of the observer, produced some kind of emotional response. Other than disgust, that is.
;) I guess ther's some feeling that goes along with that 'piece' ( I don't really know what you can call it- performance?) There's a religious aspect as in crucifixion- there's the aspect of potraying pain, and obviously the fact that he has only one arm makes it intriguing- but it does not go deep enough. This art could be worthwhile if they thought about the emotion more and the feelings associated with shock value less. :D You can be socking, but you have to incorproate feelings other than shock, or else you haven't really done anythig.
From a purely biological standpoint I hope his wound gets infected and he dies I'd hate to think of his genes getting passed on. WHAT A MORON!!!!!!!!!!!
There is no such thing as GOOD without EVIL - there is no such thing as "Sciforum members are smart", without these MORONs....