Actually, he has a point:
No, really, he's not entirely wrong.
What has Bowser missed? Nothing; this is how he behaves, for years.
Nor is Sciforums really a place where certain questions can be discussed openly; this, too, is fairly well established.
And it's true; this thread is an utter waste of time.
While it's true Musika
could offer us some manner of citation, it should be noted there is nothing unusual about you failing to recall your own actions. As a matter of fact, it seems one of the defining attributes of the character you play at Sciforums.
So I will, in this moment, remind that one of our backroom discussions spilled into public view a few months ago, and of that I would ask you to consider a couple of points:
• It is mildly, albeit obscurely, ironic that we are presently discussing Musika, but it's not unrelated. Once upon a time, someone told me—and you're actually aware of this episode, whether you recall it or not—that the members here are generally educated, professional, and capable of havng a discussion without being unduly upset. Certain reactions to Musika remind me of that episode, and while it's a fairly straightforward ABC, the irony is still a distraction.
• Within the public portion of our spilled policy dispute, a certain, relevant point arose:
Certes, some are generally annoying, but, as
I said↗, "Nobody says we have to keep them around if they're utterly full of shite. Well, okay, maybe you do"
Your response↗ was quite particular: "Yeah, I do, and I've explained why, many times, at length."
Given your tendency to forget your own words and actions, I admit it wouldn't be surprising if you said you cannot recall what I'm reminding. But it's also true you used, in the spilled dispute, the word "hatred", and, yes, we get its colloquial meaning as well as the darker suggestion; maybe it's time you reconsidered your relationship to the hatred itself: "This in spite of my intense hatred of the lot of them (see what I did there?). Funny that."
We should also note, one reason I'm
not doing this in green ink has to do with you; that is, it's not for considerations of rank, but, rather, there really isn't any point since rational discourse itself is anathema as a result of your policy prerogative, to any pretense of attempting, for the sake of the members, to clarify policy and rules in this. What stands about your complaint is the contrast that this is what we've cultivated around here, and for your sake.
Let us, then, make a couple other things clear: I don't have to like the way Musika behaves in discussions like these, but it's not exactly unfamiliar behavior compared to the rest of what goes on around here. Nor do I like writing other people's answers for them, but if you look at the idea that I just reached back to January and cited two posts, you might take a moment to consider, first, whether
no information, or,
some information, is the more or less common behavior around here. That Musika didn't answer you directly is unsurprising compared to either the individual or the larger community. Additionally, in January, you also argued on your own behalf, "What would be the point of me digging through the archives to find hundreds of counter-examples to your thesis? You
could do that yourself. In fact, you
should have done that yourself."
And, yes, there are a couple things to make clear about that:
• You did, by that, demand I prove a negative, which is its own question of fallacy. Not unrelated is that you also demanded I should have gone out and found your examples for you, and then assessed them according to your criteria on your behalf. Functionally, at least, that's what you did, there. More importantly, however, the question of hundreds of examples is virtually a straw man, as the danger looming over the effort of digging up even one example is the prospect of criticism.
• If I suggest your disdain for evidence showed through, it's true I expect you wouldn't recall what that reminds, but it is connected, and the purpose of raising the suggestion in this moment is to make the point that while I, too, was expecting something more substantial from Musika, complaining of his generality seems rather quite futile.
The bottom line, James, is that whatever else we might disdain and discuss about our neighbor's behavior, the hit—
—and the way he leads his dodge—
—are fulfilled simply by reading through the
public portion↗ of our dispute from January.
So, as much as I might not like writing people's answers for them, you put far too much effort into pretending confusion in order to set up a projection; and if it happens that I just went out and grabbed a smallhandful of links, we might consider, to the other, how many people around here ever really bother with even that, and, furthermore, we have you on the record disdaining such efforts.
As I said,
early on↑: The entire pretense of this thread is askew from the outset; there is an underlying question of risk worth exploring, but as the topic post shows, it's a difficult one to set up properly.
Thus: No, Musika is not entirely wrong; still, if this thread is a waste of time, the difficult setup isn't the problem, but, rather, what people bring to it. And, no, we need not overlook Musika's behavior and, thus, role; but neither, as such, should we overlook other disdainful, fallacious, or disruptive behavior.
There are plenty around here who are unable or unwilling to have an honest discussion about this or that subject. In that particular context, the intersection of the factors I've noted really is too much to ignore. Otherwise, sure, it's just another day at Sciforums, which, in turn, is pretty much how you've wanted it.