Should Smoking Be Banned?

Should smoking be banned?

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Cars give off Carbon Monoxide just like cigarettes, except they don't give off 100 other carcinogens.

Wake up and smell your car exhaust tail pipe (no cheating here: engine should be running). Carbon Monoxide is not the only toxic that comes out from exhaust tail pipes. A smog technician can tell you more in details. Besides, has anyone ever worry that cigarette smoke is considered an air pollution contributor? Last time I checked, it is the automobile exhausts that people are most concerned about.
"You people are all fascists. If I want to smoke in the privacy of my own home ? alone or in the company of other smokers ? what business is it of yours? Yes, it?s dangerous and disgusting, but in case you haven?t heard, in a free society people are allowed to do dangerous and disgusting things so long as it doesn?t endanger anyone else."

I think we all agreed it was alright to smoke in your own home, geez.
Fascism c'est en vogue. C'est le mot de la mode.

Excuse my spelling. That says "Fascism is popular. It's the word in fashion"

If you want to ban smoking: Fascist.
If you're an atheist: Fascist.
If you want to be politically correct: Fascist.

Get a life and learn a new word.

It's not fascism.
It's like driving a car. It's not a right. It's a privilage. Like voting, like anything else.

Yes I do have the right to breathe fresh air without you telling me to go live in the Amazon.
Yes, fine, smoke. Smoke in your house. A friend's house. Do it away from me! Thank you very much, you selfish pig... breathing is my human right. I don't see any article about smoking.
"Yes I do have the right to breathe fresh air without you telling me to go live in the Amazon."

What Amazon?

And having an opinion does not, I say that again, does not make one a fascist.
If people want to smoke, so be it. If they want to smell bad and damage their body, so be it. That's their choice, not ours.

Smoking/non-smoking should be up to the establishment owner.

Smoking in public buildings/vehicles should be illegal.

Smoking outside is fine. Just don't do it right in front of the door.
what i hate are those renegade non-smokers who come up to me at the bus stop when i am like ten feet away from any individual and tell me to put my cigarette out because its hurtin them from frikkin way over there which is nowhere near the stupid bus stop... get a frikkin life...
Well us non-smokers do get pissed at smokers for good cause. I can't count the number of people who have lit up right next to me and had their smoke AND ASH blow on me.

You just happened to remind them of the asshole who lit up next to them.
Thor said:
I've always thought that the concept of non-smoking and smoking sections are obsurd. Smoke doesn't go towards the boundry and say 'Oh crap, can't go there!' Smoke get everywhere! And many pubs and restaurants rarely enforce their smoking policies for some reason
The issue in this case is neither the rights of the smokers nor of the non-smokers but the rights of the proprietor. That's why I said, vote with your dollar. Because if it behooves the business to ban smoking you can be sure they will. Many restaurants have indeed banned smoking, at least in the dining area because there are enough non-smokers who object and will go elsewhere. Bars and pubs, however, tend to be a different story. Many people who do not smoke regularly will smoke when they're out partying and having a drink. As Eddie Izzard says, "Soon no drinking and no talking."

The point is that a restaurant is not a public space, it is a private space. As far as the outdoors, try standing downwind because all you're objecting to at that point is the smell. You're doing more damage to your body standing out in the sunlight than from the amount of toxins you could possibly get from the outdoor diffusion of cigarette smoke. And if we're going to start legislating smell there are far more offensive odors, I assure you.

Ive never had a non-smoker come stand next to me when Ive been smoking and tell me to put it out (not even ask). I can assure you if someone was as ignorant as this I would stub it out on their face.
Someones correct (forget who said it), they said that once smoking is banned, they will move onto something else until you wont be able to do anything. There is a movement in UK where, they want to ban swords because of the recent kill bill movies incase someone wants to go out and copy whats in the film on someone, so far it hasnt happened but they want to do it anyway - I havnt seen the film. There are also anti-drinking movement who want to see health warnings plastered over all bottles or beer/wine/liquor, telling you how bad it is for you and ban alcohol related ads from television.
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I'm a far greater danger to people's health when they complain about me smoking than I am when I am smoking.
i've always wondered why smoking was banned in all other buildings but not restaurants until recently. the smoke doesn't know which table it's supposed to stay at. even those restaurants that realized this and put up the little partitions can't tell the smoke to stay inside them.
cigarette smoke makes me nauseaus...not what the restuarant wants for its patrons who intend on eating. i'm so glad about the smoking ban. even smokers i know agree bars/clubs are so much more pleasant now that they have to smoke outside and it's not that big a deal for them. afterall, you have to go outside everywhere else.
Persol said:
their smoke AND ASH blow on me.
arg i hate that. a few days ago my friend lit up a cigarette, upwind of me mind you, and proceeded to tap ashes onto my shoes and bag. i had to keep reminding her not to burn my things. rude. :mad:

Here is another story. A friend of mine was standing in front of his house smoking. A woman about sixty something driving by stopped her car in front of him and said to him: "Will you stop polluting the air?" My friend, while being able to see visible smoke coming out of her exhaust tail pipe, becomes speechless as she drove away after giving him an unfriendly kind of look.

By the way, let us all be reminded that the amount of tax money coming out from smokers pockets is huge. Trust me on this one.
I have a solution. A bit ambitious but it's a solution that could very well be put into effect and work if implemented the right way.

Okay, smokers today don't want a ban right? So why don't we just ban the smokers of tomorrow?! It would work like this...

The smokers of today (people over legal age who are smoking now) can apply for a smokers license. This license will be asked for whenever you wish to purchase any tabacco based products and you must show it in order to buy.

This means that the smokers of tomorrow will not be able to buy them from the stores but the smokers of today will. And when an allotted period of time has passed, tobacco based products are banned outright as a health and safety scheme.

So, people who smoke already will be appeased and the people of tomorrow will be healthier.

What do you think? Can anyone add anything to it? It's only an early idea that I thought up in a Burger King car park like two hours ago.


Burger King? The food there is categorized as junk food and thus not good for you. To avoid being a dictator, before thinking about forcing people to have a license so they can smoke and forbiding people from deciding to smoke in the future, stop thinking!
i'm not in the habit of listening to "proud americans" much less proud smokers. i've never met anyone who was proud to be a smoker. everyone i know swears up and down that they will quit or want to quit or wish they could quit but it's just too hard. i have certainly never heard of defending it. all the smokers i know (plenty...too many :( ) are in favor of the ban. if it's really too hard for you to go outside then consider getting a less dependent dependency.
your "story" is neither here nor there. the point was that she apologized the first time she dropped ashes on me, then continued to do so despite repeated reminders. that is simply rude. i don't like burn holes in my expensive shoes thank you.
""Hey bro, can you buy me some cigs?"


Well that's one flaw. If fines and prison sentences' were there as a deterent, that would only happen on rare occassions.

"Burger King? The food there is categorized as junk food and thus not good for you."

How does being in a Burger King car park constitute as being unhealthy?! I am so confused!

"To avoid being a dictator, before thinking about forcing people to have a license so they can smoke and forbiding people from deciding to smoke in the future"

It's gonna be banned in the future so what are you wailing about? I'm just thinking of ways to make it easier. No-one wants to ban it as they'll lose votes come election time. But it is on the agenda.

" stop thinking!"


"By the way, let us all be reminded that the amount of tax money coming out from smokers pockets is huge. Trust me on this one."

And being spent on what, nuclear weapons? Yeah, that's great. Use money from products that kill to make stuff that kills more. Yippee!
Send people to jail for life for buying cigs?

Zeig Heil, Mein Füher Thor!

Why not shoot them and spare their prison expence?

Nonono... you can't ban ciggarettes. It's not a viable solution.

What do the smokers suggest for the future generations? Do they encourage it? Do they think people just be unincentivated? tell us, please :) and how would you, victims of the smoking fashion (although you'd probably never admit it) go about saving the youth?
Or is it just not working?