Should we take Ray Comfort Serious? If no, what not?

Suffice to say to any creationist or IDer, that they will wake up tomorrow and the theory of the evolution of life, as well as Abiogenesis, will still be concrete and firm as facts,
The naked empower will be clothed, with no clothes on.
I get it.:wink:
I may take advice of the previous article I posted re taking on Idiot creationists in any debate as foolish, due to their obvious hair-brained extremism and fanaticism.
When you grow up, you will hopefully realise calling people names does nothing to advance your illusion.
Your standard is very poor.
Or I prefer as the greatest educator of the 20th century imo said [Carl Sagan] , "we are all born in the belly of stars" we are simply all star dust...
My apologies to our frustrated one for spoiling his dreams and his self protected warm inner fuzzy feeling, that the myth of any afterlife has given him.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but this is fun.
Hope you keep posting.
I’ve already grown up, figuratively speaking.

Your position may rob you of further growth, but in time you will realise where you are now...still on the bottom step afraid to go further up where the elevation you achieve will enable you to look further than you can now imagine.

That’s deep. In a darwinist type of way.

I get it..Darwin had a beard..I have a beard..I can understand your confusion now..look I am in Sydney not perhaps Sydneysider???

How cool to have been recognised for your contribution to science to have a town named in your honour. Darwin the capital city of The Northern Territory.
Just so cool.

Good advice!

The only kind I offer.

Me I am not leaving the bedroom.

The trip is hanging.
Two cars to take up on a transporter but I can't get one started..I should be working on it now but it's a rainy sort of day...happy to be slack.

God did it!

Yes we all know that but your version step by step...please.

It shouldn’t be about competition.

I was expecting a victory speech.

Of course you did.

“He is a nice guy but I can see why some folk resort to calling him a con man.”
Sorry in advance for being so forward, but it’s important in order to get the point across.

No ...yes? I am not calling him a con man... But I see your point and accept it.

If I said of you, ““He is a nice guy but I can see why some folk resort to calling him a peodofile.”. I bet you wouldn’t accept that.

I can see your point here also but it's a long stretch really.

Of course I’m not making any such assumption, but you get my drift.

Yes of course.

You simply chose to accept it as such.

It is the reward for thinking the best of people and situations.
I get it.:wink:
No you don't. Stop being so pretentious.
When you grow up, you will hopefully realise calling people names does nothing to advance your illusion.
Your standard is very poor.
I expect nothing better then such delusions, from a fraudster and someone that still accepts fairy tales.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but this is fun.
Hope you keep posting.
Sure I will. I'm waiting for you to show some evidence for your magical spaghetti monster.
God did it!
You mean like this?

Let me though again explain how the universe/space/time came to be, according to observational and experimental best evidence.
Space/time/universe evolved from a hot dense state at t=10-43 seconds: At that time temperatures and pressures were such that the four known forces were united in what was called the superforce: As pressures and temperatures dropped, the superforce started to decouple: This created phase transitions and false vacuums, and the excesses of energy went into creating our first fundamentals: At 3 minutes conditions were such that quarks combined to form protons and neutrons: At 380,000 years conditions were such that electrons were able to couple to atomic nucleii: Around 400 million years or so, the first short lived POP3 stars were ignited: From that point it is plain sailing.
NB: While we can only go back as far as t+10-43 seconds, with any confidence, some sound speculation has been made re the defining of nothing, being that which existed for eternity and known as the quantum foam.

NB: Jan, that is the science and while admittedly the closer we get to the actual BB event, obviously the less certain we are, but overall the general BB model is accepted by the vast majority of cosmologists. Which of course leaves your god/deity/spaghetti monster as superfluous at best and a total myth at worst, accepted by impressionable and gullible people to achieve that warm inner fuzzy good feeling most of us desire.
In other words Jan, you and I will in the course of time, be nothing more then dust, sprinkled back into the Earth, and in time, again spewed out into the heavens, from whence we came.
Isn't that a beautiful story? made even more awesome by the fact that we as humans, are able to reasonably decypher how the universe we know came about, the emergence of life via Abiogenesis, and the evolution of that life.
That alone is special and gives me a far more lasting feel good, fuzzy inner glow, then some made up stone age ancient myth.
Over to you my confused gullible friend!
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Are you obsessed with me James?
Not obsessed, but interested. The hoops you put yourself through in a desperate attempt to shore up your religious beliefs make watching your antics fascinating. The lies you tell yourself (not to mention the ones you try to tell everybody else). The refusal to think about certain things. The dogmatic preaching.

I find it all intriguing. Seeing how the other half lives and all that.