Show that there is *religiously* motivated violence

I realize you don't understand the difference between faith and an informed opinion, so I'll just let it go.
But it can be informed by knowledge of reality, which means that it's not faith. This is also an equivocation fallacy, since faith in a religious context means something different than mere trust.
But it can be informed by knowledge of reality,
which means that it's not faith.
It becomes a double bind when reality itself is defined by the said authority ... and even then, any definition of reality requires (positive) assumptions

This is also an equivocation fallacy, since faith in a religious context means something different than mere trust.
The only difference is the subject.

IOW faith in a transcendent universe and faith in a reductionist universe are different subjects but are identical in that the assumptions rest outside the capacity of the seer (since you equate "the senses" with "evidence")
This thread is making me consider religious violence.
Protesters calling for religious tolerance attacked with stones, threatened with death

The protesters, calling themselves ‘Silent Solidarity’, had earlier issued a press release stating that their intention was to “make the Maldives and the international community aware of the rising religious intolerance in the Maldives, and to condemn the Constitutionally endorsed suppression of religious freedom. We also denounce the increasing use being made of Islam as a tool of political power.”​
Protesters calling for religious tolerance attacked with stones, threatened with death

The protesters, calling themselves ‘Silent Solidarity’, had earlier issued a press release stating that their intention was to “make the Maldives and the international community aware of the rising religious intolerance in the Maldives, and to condemn the Constitutionally endorsed suppression of religious freedom. We also denounce the increasing use being made of Islam as a tool of political power.”​

emphasis mine
Yes, thank you for pointing out the danger of religion, it makes people vulnerable to leaders that seek to exploit their credulousness.
You can take their fucking toys away. You don't have to follow Christianity (or Judaism) and beat them.

If they keep failing at school, keep getting drunk etc. - then what do you do?
Ask them, nicely, to, pretty please, get themselves together?

So if I revoke your assets I am not being dominating and fearful?

Fearsome. :p

Around a fearsome person, others are afraid or fearful.

I don't understand how one can act in the capacity of enforcing negative consequences without being dominating and fearful ....
Actually its the intelligence of someone in such a position of authority to bring the correct level of "volume" to an act in order to deliver results ... being dominating and fearful is simply the natural consequences

Perhaps Spidergoat doesn't have experience with training anyone, beyond cats.

Domestic cats are indeed, generally, aversive to any use of force, and any use of force against a cat will tend to result in the cat becoming withdrawn, fearful, or leave. Punishing the cat does not make it refrain from an undesired behavior.
Which is why in order to get a cat to refrain from doing something you don't want it to do, you have to use creative and goodwilled alternatives, such as distractions.
This is just how cats are. But then to begin with, people have cats in order to dominate the house and to look pretty, not to do as told or to be able to succeed in life on their own.

Dogs and children do not have the role of cats. Dogs are expected to do as told, and children are expected to grow up and be able to take care of themselves.
It becomes a double bind when reality itself is defined by the said authority ...

But this double bind always applies, also in religious philosophy!

There is a lot more to this, but I can't put it into a brief passage right now.
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