Some things about Religion i have observed

what the hell that mean?

That technically atheists don't concede the reality that atheism constitutes a world view?

It means that modern atheism shouldn't be taken out of the context of the culture. When people say atheism is simply a non-belief in God, that is intellectually true, but practically false. Atheists do tend to have a set of beliefs that go beyond simple non-belief.
It means that modern atheism shouldn't be taken out of the context of the culture. When people say atheism is simply a non-belief in God, that is intellectually true, but practically false. Atheists do tend to have a set of beliefs that go beyond simple non-belief.
Is it possible to take any world view outside of the context of culture?

Or even better, is it even possible to take any ideology or philosophy (which must, by necessity grant a world view) outside the context of culture?

IOW the moment an atheist goes beyond the mere atheism of chairs and tables is the moment that they are taking an ideological/philosophical stance which by nature has cultural/social/political ramifications
You're essentially presenting a false dichotomy here; that there is either someone in charge, or else everything is chaotic, unpredictable, irregular, irrational and that all there is to existence is aging, illness and death.

I can't say I've ever completely understood why the space between theism and nihilism is judged to be void of any legitimate content by so many people.

Did you try to really, seriously, believe that the universe, and everyone and everything in it, is chaotic, unpredictable, irregular, irrational, that there is no one in charge, and that everyone and everything is simply subject to aging, illness and death, and that this is all there is to existence - ?

What did you find?
Did you try to really, seriously, believe that the universe, and everyone and everything in it, is chaotic, unpredictable, irregular, irrational, that there is no one in charge, and that everyone and everything is simply subject to aging, illness and death, and that this is all there is to existence - ?

What did you find?

I think your representation is an absurdity.
I answered your question. I consider such a view to be absurd. It makes no sense to me whatsoever.

Sure. Neither do I think anyone really believes that the universe, and everyone and everything in it, is chaotic, unpredictable, irregular, irrational, that there is no one in charge, and that everyone and everything is simply subject to aging, illness and death, and that this is all there is to existence. Other than a few poor chaps in white padded cells.

However, it is fairly common to find people make statements declaring that the universe, and everyone and everything in it, is chaotic, unpredictable, irregular, irrational, that there is no one in charge, and that everyone and everything is simply subject to aging, illness and death, and that this is all there is to existence.

Earlier on, Spidergoat, for example, clearly stated that he believes that.
“Now, the invention of the scientific method and science is, I'm sure we'll all agree, the most powerful intellectual idea, the most powerful framework for thinking and investigating and understanding and challenging the world around us that there is, and that it rests on the premise that any idea is there to be attacked and if it withstands the attack then it lives to fight another day and if it doesn't withstand the attack then down it goes. Religion doesn't seem to work like that; it has certain ideas at the heart of it which we call sacred or holy or whatever. That's an idea we're so familiar with, whether we subscribe to it or not, that it's kind of odd to think what it actually means, because really what it means is 'Here is an idea or a notion that you're not allowed to say anything bad about; you're just not. Why not? - because you're not!”
― Douglas Adams
I already told you, both buddhism and taoism are compatible with that statement, so it could imply either. That you look at it and see christian atheism is an artifact of your christian worldview, nothing more.


However, it is fairly common to find people make statements declaring that the universe, and everyone and everything in it, is chaotic, unpredictable, irregular, irrational, that there is no one in charge, and that everyone and everything is simply subject to aging, illness and death, and that this is all there is to existence.

Earlier on, Spidergoat, for example, clearly stated that he believes that.

I'm not sure that you'd be able to find many people (if any) who would agree that the above description is an accurate description of the universe, no matter how atheistic they are.

I'm sure spidergoat would have something further to say about chaos, predictability, regularity and rationality, at the very least.
I'm not sure that you'd be able to find many people (if any) who would agree that the above description is an accurate description of the universe, no matter how atheistic they are.

I'm sure spidergoat would have something further to say about chaos, predictability, regularity and rationality, at the very least.

Like I said above, I don't think anyone really holds that view.
But it is often directly or indirectly used in arguments.