SOUL - Who? What? Where?

Who has a soul?

  • Only humans and their evolutionary counterparts

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Lord Insane said:
When I said secular - I meant that the PEOPLE was secular - not only the government !!!!

The Indian government might be secular - but the people of India is NOT secular !!!
1 % atheists !!!!! I rest my case :p

Honey, we have a better record of democracy than any other multicultural country. In the last 1000 years at least (I don't know before that) we have not attacked any other country!!

ONLY 1% atheists!!! Hmm maybe we should take another look at the (?hidden?) atheists in the war mongering countries. ;)

I rest my case.
Nahh - it is OK - I only post here rarely - but I read the posts often .........
Sam you might (or might not) have hidden masochist tendencies - but I have always liked reading your posts - you are (almost) as intelligent as me ....
Sometimes you loose your temper though..... ;)

It would be nice to talk about India with you one day !!!
I LOVE India !!!!!!!

samcdkey said:
Honey, we have a better record of democracy than any other multicultural country. In the last 1000 years at least (I don't know before that) we have not attacked any other country!!

ONLY 1% atheists!!! Hmm maybe we should take another look at the (?hidden?) atheists in the war mongering countries. ;)

I rest my case.

True - mostly India has been attacked - from Alexander the Great - to China
and Pakistan ......

High chief Bush - is not an atheist - and his advisors are either christians or under influence from Jewish lobbying .......
Lord Insane said:
True - mostly India has been attacked - from Alexander the Great - to China
and Pakistan ......

High chief Bushy man - is not an atheist - and his advisors are either fanatic christians or under influence from Jewish lobbying .......

You'd have to apply that logic to the entire Security Council then- lookit at all the secular countries supplying arms to the country to whom they give aid!!

i.e. give money for aid then "allow" them to buy arms with it!! And then get frustrated with the backwards countries for not "repaying their debts" and making war!

Wow talk about progress! Moving war from the battlefield to the corporate offices!

After all, starvation does not make the headlines and nor do arms sales.

See any familiar names?
Interesting website - it is not my cup of tea , I do not belive in killing or subduing people ..............( except perhaps a partner who likes it - subduing that is ) ............
Sad that so much money is wasted on arms .........

I do not think that your concept of a country beeing secular is the same as my concept ..... Then again I am not saying that atheists are flawless - at least they do not kill for religious causes ;)

Please notice that Denmark is not on the list ... :p
Lord Insane

Well , I should have known, that you are not sure of anything .....

Call it a weakness of character but rather than accepting bold claims I prefer to examine the premises behind them ....
What I am telling you is this : some small children believe for a while in everything you tell them - such things as a tooth ferry and santa claus -
they actually believe those figures exist - ( actually I heard Paris Hilton believed in Santa claus untill she was 20 years old ) - but normally, when they grow up , then they realise, that they were fooled by the people , who told them about it , even though the people , who told them these stories were nice and caring people - often their own parents, passing on a tradition of telling stories to the children ....

Interesting - however even in the case of the tooth fairy and santa claus you find that the "evidence" is still there - in other words someone puts the present under the christmas tree or the coin under the pillow - in these instances you can say "look it was only your parents doing this - here is the evidence" - to hold a tight analogy between religion and santa claus aetc you would have to reveal what all these great philosophers and religious scholars were beholding in the name of god - at the very least it would require you to study a variety of religions - something I am sure you have not and will not do .... thus it still seems we are left with your bold statements

Nice and caring people has told you a nice story about religion,god and souls -
and since you obviously haven´t grown up yet - then you still believe in those stories - especially because believing in these stories gives you comfort in your troubled life !!! ;)
would you prefer I watch MTV? :p

Like santa claus and the tooth ferry - god and souls are only in the fantasy
of people , who have heard these stories and for some reason still believe in them !!!!
What on earth is your proof for the existence of souls ????????
these are all tentative claims that can be swung any way - like for instance I can say that it is you who has fallen victim to fantastic claims that state there is no god and it is you who are stabilized on a false level of security offerred by a godless world view.

I am not saying, that there is anything really wrong with you - you BELIEVE and that gives you comfort - no problem....
One of the happiest guys I ever knew , was a skizofrenic believing he ruled the earth - he believes like you do, and he gets comfort from that delusion,
just like you get comfort from your delusion !!!

No problems - have a nice day !!!
coming from a guy who names himself Lord Insane :rolleyes:
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lightgigantic said:
Lord Insane

Call it a weakness of character but rather than accepting bold claims I prefer to examine the premises behind them ....

Interesting - however even in the case of the tooth fairy and santa claus you find that the "evidence" is still there - in other words someone puts the present under the christmas tree or the coin under the pillow - in these instances you can say "look it was only your parents doing this - here is the evidence" - to hold a tight analogy between religion and santa claus aetc you would have to reveal what all these great philosophers and religious scholars were beholding in the name of god - at the very least it would require you to study a variety of religions - something I am sure you have not and will not do .... thus it still seems we are left with your bold statements

would you prefer I watch MTV? :p

these are all tentative claims that can be swung any way - like for instance I can say that it is you who has fallen victim to fantastic claims that state there is no god and it is you who are stabilized on a false level of security offerred by a godless world view.

coming from a guy who names himself Lord Insane :rolleyes:

Let´s see - what is LG saying here, let me analyze - first of all you state it is only "bold statements " - then LG says, I do not know anything about religion and should listen to great philosophers and religious scholars - and LG also makes fun of my name here on Sciforums : Lord Insane ......

Allright , LG is trying to discredit me - excellent - that is the last thing you can do , if you do not have any real arguments ;)

What else - WOW - LG is actually sure of something : LG is sure that I have never studied a variety of religions and never will do so !!!

Unfortunately you are wrong (as usual) !!!!!!!!!!

Just for your information LG :
My name here is actually very well chosen , beeing a MD and now professor
of psychiatry I first thought of the name : Master of Insanity - but since
a long life has convinced me about the blessings of secularism - I choose
the name Lord Insane = god, as I see him ...... as a kind of joke on the deists ....

Just like Paraclete here on Sciforums choose his name - Paraclete works as a
psychiatrist here at my hospital - I am his senior - and he told me of this funny chatroom so I joined .....

I have now spend 26 years studying religion - I have more than 3 meters of books about religion on my bookshelves at home - and even more at the hospital ... for the last 4 years I have studied the concept of Jesus in other religions - especially in islam - which also accept Jesus as a prophet ....
I have bhagavad gita, the quran, hadiths, the bible and books about most other religions including even special books of rare and obsolete religions,
including the cargo cult you mentioned in another post - and right now I am reading about the religion of small and occult sects here in the west ......

Why do I study that , beeing secular myself - the answer is simple :

It is my job to decide who is insane or not !!!!!
I am even paid very,very,very good money for doing that !!!!

There is NO doubt that religious people are delusional - but it is a delusion that is accepted by society and the religious people that suffers from that delusion , are not in mental agony - actually often comforted by it -
so there is no need to treat them for their delusion !!!!!!!!!!

It has not always been so - in the Soviet Union for a while , the communist government choose to look at religion as a mental disease and locked up religious people in closed psychiatric departments !!!!!!!!

Part of my job is to know - when people are coming here as mental patients - whether their delusion are induced by their religion or sect that they belong to or not !!!!!

If their delusion is induced by religion I choose NOT to treat them - delusion induced by brainwashing ( or perhaps god gene) !!!!
If not I have to treat them , sometimes against their will !!!!!
So I HAVE to know about religions !!!!!!!!!!!

So my dear LG - what are your qualifications to be an expert in this topic !!

After reading your posts I see, that you mostly quotes famous people , discredit your opponents , uses nice words like ontology and epistomology - and sometimes says it is only a battle of will of LG and the opponent :
I say yes - you say no - I say yes - you say no ....... and everybody who do not agree with you have only " bold statements "

Do you really think anybody will take you serious when you do this ???????

Try to take a look into yourself for once !!!!!!

Anyway take care LG .....
Lord Insane - you are the best - I bow to you ;)

Don´t waste your time on Lightgigantic - for his remarkeble posts filled with wisdom (LOL) - he achieved to win Satyr´s award of RETARD of the month !!!!

Lord Insane

I have now spend 26 years studying religion - I have more than 3 meters of books about religion on my bookshelves at home - and even more at the hospital ... for the last 4 years I have studied the concept of Jesus in other religions - especially in islam - which also accept Jesus as a prophet ....
I have bhagavad gita, the quran, hadiths, the bible and books about most other religions including even special books of rare and obsolete religions,
including the cargo cult you mentioned in another post - and right now I am reading about the religion of small and occult sects here in the west ......


If you insist on determining the validity of religion by examining mental patients it is understandable why you hold such views and are unable to understand much in the way of theism.
philosopher´s stone said:
Luckily the majority here at Sciforums seem to be sane .....
Right now, more than 60 % do not believe in souls in the poll !!!


Given that there are large numbers of apparently sane and intelligent persons who do advocate the notion of the soul I am not sure on what basis we should regard your statements as compelling
Given that there are large numbers of apparently sane and intelligent persons who do advocate the notion of the soul I am not sure on what basis we should regard your statements as compelling

It requires faith (delusion) wether you be intelligent or stupid.
If you insist on determining the validity of religion by examining mental patients it is understandable why you hold such views and are unable to understand much in the way of theism.

Ain't he good for a laugh? Heck this guy would make it at the Improv! :D
lightgigantic said:
Given that there are large numbers of apparently sane and intelligent persons who do advocate the notion of the soul I am not sure on what basis we should regard your statements as compelling
I am glad you used the word "apparently". :D

Numbers of followers are not a basis of strength of argument.
KennyJC said:
It requires faith (delusion) wether you be intelligent or stupid.

“ "Science demands also the believing spirit. Anybody who has been seriously engaged in scientific work of any kind realizes that over the entrance gates to the temple of science are written words : Ye must have faith. It is a quality which science cannot dispense with ... This imaginative vision and faith in the ultimate success are indispensible. The pure rationalist has no place here" - Max Planck

-scientists (and not just ID'ers) tend to disagree .....
Sarkus said:
I am glad you used the word "apparently". :D

Numbers of followers are not a basis of strength of argument.

then I guess we can safely ouright reject this original post that inspired me to such a reply .....

Originally Posted by philosopher´s stone
Luckily the majority here at Sciforums seem to be sane .....
Right now, more than 60 % do not believe in souls in the poll !!!

lightgigantic said:
Lord Insane


If you insist on determining the validity of religion by examining mental patients it is understandable why you hold such views and are unable to understand much in the way of theism.

You are jumping to your own conclusions - I determine the validity of religion by studying religion itself - NOT by examining mental patients ...

Again you jump to your own conclusions,making a BOLD STATEMENT about me not understanding the way of theism - I actually have studied the topic much more than you can imagine and know the way of theism , much better than you can even imagine .....
