Spiritual Growth

I think, this is what we are trying to do. Present pope has a strong yellow soul (the picture)....


I think, this is necessary because of what Stephen Hawking said...

"I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet. Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonise whatever planets they can reach."

Spiritual things are connected to the right side of the brain. Whereas science is more connected to the left side of the brain. Both sides of the brain process data in different ways with each having its own strong points. The left side of the brain is more differential and rational and is therefore useful for differentiating reality via science. The right brain is more spatial and is useful for integrating reality and our connection to it such as with spiritualism. The idea of children of god integrates one with the universe at some level; 3-D. This works for the right brain but does not process the same in the left brain.


Man made global warming dramatizes a wide scale problem in a media driven culture of politics. On the one hand, this is based on science, which is left brain. But the issue is also being based on politics, as reflected by the political divide. The politics is working the right brained, and is more of a hybrid that banks on its ability to induce the right brain output with spin and rhetoric. The call to spiritualism is a call for a pure right brain assessment of the situation.

Let me explain how a political scam works with respect to the brain. Say I paint a verbal picture, like in a good novel, that moves you. I am giving details of really that appeal to the left brain's need for differentiation and details. But I am also appealing to your right brain so it can generate feelings. We all remain conscious of these two separate inductions, because we remember this is a story and it is fiction.

But say I write a book I don't publish; speech. I recite the book in a rally, while leading you to believe my story is true. The left brain sees the details appear proper, while the right brain generates the feelings. You depend on me to tell the truth that is a movie. All I have to do is make you feel confidence in me like a top notched used car salesman and now the story appears true. The spiritual person has better right brain control due to exercise and has a better platform to enjoy the story without assume the fantasy is true. Liberals are told to hate religion. Without this, their leaders know the herd is easier to contain since the right brain will not be exercised except by them with their own messiah legions.
Spiritual things are connected to the right side of the brain. Whereas science is more connected to the left side of the brain. .

Thank you. There must be a mechanism by which we understand the Creation and the bigger picture of daily basis on matter and energy system. It would be hard....may be someday we will have specific equipment.

It is hard because I know people who can get actual data from the Spirit Universe But those who talk about it are mostly Fakes. That is why we need a structure that is real. For example there is this lady who talks to Akashic Records and knows all about her and hence makes money. Well I asked her what I did in 1903 to get a major prize....she could not say. There are many of these people out there....

I got the data about Florida being gone under the sea in 200 years. But how do we prove it? And if we wait that long, it is too late. So, there has to be a mechanism to find out what is False and What is Truth?...before bad things happen.

We need to figure out how to connect both brains....to get serious value for Humanity....thank you.
We need to figure out how to connect both brains....to get serious value for Humanity....thank you.
In the cetaceans (whales and dolphins), only one hemisphere sleeps at a time... otherwise they would drown.

It must be an interesting experience to be completely under the control of your left brain for part of the day, under the control of your right brain for another part, and to have them share control during the rest of the day.
Just a Thought - UNIVERSAL DIMENSIONS...you saw it in Sciforums when everyone jumps in...

From my Right Brain Hypothesis....
First Three Dimensions = Your Space that is added to TIME
Fourth Dimension = Spirit Universe = Dark Energy

Fifth, Six, and Seventh Dimensions = Dark Matter
Eight, Ninth Dimension and others= I have no idea,

If we go by Brain theory...stuff happens.
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In the cetaceans (whales and dolphins), only one hemisphere sleeps at a time... otherwise they would drown.

It must be an interesting experience to be completely under the control of your left brain for part of the day, under the control of your right brain for another part, and to have them share control during the rest of the day.

Perhaps we could build an eye glass that has each side connected to your head and monitors the signal level and compares with signal level so that you know which side is doing what....But what can you do with it?
I just learned that there are more than 10+1 dimensions....that may be because there are multiple Branes....Many more and each one take up 3 dimensions...that is a LOT....

And Dark Energy may be Spirit Universe....then again I am thinking...if there are many Branes, then each Brane has their own Spirit Dimension....It is a complex structure out there....OR 26% of Dark Energy may cover all....

Who knows...may be someday we will know more...
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The more you read the more you know.

you do realize that sometimes, some people, just make stuff up, right ?

It's why i prefer some sci-fi/fantasy at times, for when i just want to fantasize and not worry about what is true and what not.
Agreed...I just learned that we live in a 4D Universe (actually it is 10^500 Universes)....interesting...3 in matter and one in Energy...I really do not know if it is correct...but what the heck...someday some will tell us for sure....
We don't live in universe that's made of dimensions, we live in a universe that can be mapped in 3 or 4 dimensions.
And yet the words are not the thoughts.

I had a spiritual growth, but I had it removed. Luckily it was benign.

That is why, I could not get your thoughts....who knows what it is...knowing our Economy is not going anywhere up..we know what the thought are with many people....
And yet the words are not the thoughts.

I had a spiritual growth, but I had it removed. Luckily it was benign.

That is why, I could not get your thoughts....who knows what it is...knowing our Economy is not going anywhere up..we know what the thought are with many people....
Just a Thought - UNIVERSAL DIMENSIONS...you saw it in Sciforums when everyone jumps in...

From my Right Brain Hypothesis....
First three Dimensions = Your Space
Fourth Dimension = TIME
Fifth Dimension = Spirit Universe = Dark Energy
Six, Seventh, and Eight Dimensions = Dark Matter
Ninth Dimension = I have no idea, may be Hyperspace

If we go by Brain theory...we may have to make 9th, 10th and 11th as a separate dimension that is 10+1 dimensions...thanks.

Reality is spirit.
I wonder though , if the spiritual is the highest dimensional form

Why is it that the physical form is fought for in the end ?
"Why is it that the physical form is fought for in the end ?"

That is because, the Universe needs new information. You can not produce that without the physical form for life, planets, stars etc. That is how it is designed (who...I am too young to know). Our spirit side has high knowledge as you grow and maintain full memory and logic. For example, in the last civilization some of us worked on Space Fairing areas and have the right ideas when needed.

That is because, NASA and others are trying to develop the warp system. That means, when you are on the space ship, and travelling, you will be blind to the outside world due to folded space. When to rich somewhere, you do not sometimes know where you are and when you stop, you may be inside a sun or planet or whatever....if everything is not correct. Stuff like that. Also, because you have to have NEW information, you do not get spirit lives connect to you very easily, until your society understands it....anyway, that is the answer...new knowledge...