Split: SAM's intellectual dishonesty and poor moderation

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She should do the right thing and step down. Unless of course, you support intellectually dishonest habitual liars as moderators?

He supported you when you were a mod. What does that tell you?

Talking with Bells is a waste of time. She's an emotional idiot. One simply need look at her responses here.
Yes dear, I'm emotional judging by my responses here. I'm the one screaming out "Sam's a liar and should resign" and trolling it across the board.. Oh wait! No. That's you.


First of all, I'm not wasting my time putting together a case for your benefit or for Bells. That would acknowledge that I actually did care what either of you housewives thought.
You don't care? Heh.. Could have fooled me and every other member on this forum. You have been trolling these forums with the same message for days now. But as they say, sharing is caring, eh Q? And you're sharing across the whole damn board.

You don't want to 'waste your time' because you don't have anything to "put together". Fail with a capital F Q.

I'm arguing because the vast majority here recognize and acknowledge SAM as an intellectually dishonest habitual liar.
And yet, with this vast majority, you'd think at least one of you would be able to show at least one instance where she was supposedly being dishonest and a liar. And yet... nothing. What does that tell you Q?
Are you accusing me of intellectual dishonesty?
Secondly, if you've been following along, which apparently you have been or you wouldn't be responding here, you'd know damn well SAM is an intellectually dishonest habitual liar.

It appears Q is interested in the truth. If lies are so obvious to him, I surmise he knows the truth and the truth means a lot to him.

So I typed in "truth" and "truths" and "posts made by (Q)" in the search function.

Here's some of what I got:

1. I'm not interested in truths, but am more interested in understanding how the universe works.

2. Knowledge and understanding of how the universe works is justification in itself. There is no right or wrong in gaining understanding, but may be in how it is used.
11-29-07, 04:44 PM

your truth is superior to theirs.

I don't deal in truths. Why can't you understand that?

You don't even understand religion.

I understand religion far more than you ever will, that is a fact which you yourself have shown.

You are fighting strawmen.

Yes, religion is built on strawmen fallacies, as well as other fallacies. Thats what makes the fight so difficult. Theists like yourself who are so deluded in their religion make up whatever they can at the moment that suits their purpose, for the moment. What you glean from religion shows what is selfish in you.

There goes your assumed superiority again.

No, it is more along the lines of you showing an inferior mindset to that of the norm.

09-01-05, 02:41 PM

If you still think this way -
You don't deal in truths, but you are very concerned about lies?
How can that be?
And yet, with this vast majority, you'd think at least one of you would be able to show at least one instance where she was supposedly being dishonest and a liar. And yet... nothing. What does that tell you Q?

It tells me that you are blind as bat and emotionally unstable. Simple, really. :rolleyes:
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