spoon bending

PsykoTonica said:
Do some research! gees

okay well spoon/fork bending (the real kind) is not done ONLY with your mind but mostly with your mind, it is a mind over matter kind of thing. it Is "Psychokinetic" and NOT Telekinetic.

Also Telekinesis is really REAL, Get ahold of this book some how and build the "Mind Machines" you will see that you CAN move them from many feet away! With your MIND! http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1560870753//104-1754095-9712732

Take a look inside the book on amazon.com!

This is REAL S***

Any Questions?

P.S. Go to or host a spoon bending party, when you see spoons bending all around you then you will know that it is NOT just a "A simple parlor trick."

How to host a spoon bending party... http://realityshifters.com/pages/articles/spoonbendingparty.html

FYI, telekinesis is not all that difficult. What is difficult is getting into the 7 Hz theta brainwave state that triggers TK without falling asleep. Getting
into it and holding onto it. Some people like Nina Kulagina has accomplished telekinesis the hard way; by sheer brute force of will, and in the process, she used to lose as much as five pounds of her body weight during each session. Eventually it led to the deterioration of her health, and she stopped doing demonstrations to people.

But if you study meditation long enough-- say five or ten years-- or master biofeedback, eventually you can gain control over TK that doesn't take such a heavy toll on the body. BTW, that 7 Hz brainwave state also happens during intense anger or deadly boredom, and for some people that has led to "geaisting:" books falling off of shelves, pictures cracking, things disappearing and other aspects of spontaneous telekinesis.

The Doctor
The Doctor said:
Gee, what paranoia you must have to think that everybody is a fraud out to
fool you. As a psi, I wouldn't waste my time trying to show anybody with that
kind of attitude anything.

The Doctor
If you think there are no frauds out there then you are naive.
Of course! I am hoping that Devil will pick up on that SF is up again and
respond. Don't let my assertion about 'The Doctor' confuse you with moving
forward with the challenge. He's a fraud.
shaman_ said:
If you think there are no frauds out there then you are naive.

Sometimes there are. But it seems to me poor science and sheer idiocy to presume there are frauds and there's nothing to the subject but a hoax. While I personally don't give a rat's a-- whether anybody believes in psi or not, as a scientist myself, I'm appalled at how so-called researchers seem more hell-bent on proving psi doesn't exist all in the name of "science." None of you half-brained people will ever be a pioneer in science because you are so biased it's pathetic. You don't ask questions of psychic people and listen to answers, but instead you form opinions and expect people to live up to them-- that in itself leads to your frauds. You set yourself up for it and encourage it.

If you were more intelligent and went about things with more respect for the subject and the people involved, you might actually learn something. But personally, I don't think any of the morons in this forum will ever be capable of true scientific research. And I wish every fraud good luck in putting something over on you paranoid half-wits. :D

The Doctor
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The Doctor said:
Sometimes there are. But it seems to me poor science and sheer idiocy to presume there are frauds and there's nothing to the subject but a hoax. While I personally don't give a rat's a-- whether anybody believes in psi or not, as a scientist myself, I'm appalled at how so-called researchers seem more hell-bent on proving psi doesn't exist all in the name of "science." None of you half-brained people will ever be a pioneer in science because you are so biased it's pathetic. You don't ask questions of psychic people and listen to answers, but instead you form opinions and expect people to live up to them-- that in itself leads to your frauds. You set yourself up for it and encourage it.

If you were more intelligent and went about things with more respect for the subject and the people involved, you might actually learn something. But personally, I don't think any of the morons in this forum will ever be capable of true scientific research. And I wish every fraud good luck in putting something over on you paranoid half-wits. :D

The Doctor
So anyone who tests for psi is paranoid? right.

It is clear that there is no point discussing anything with you as you seem more intent on abusing people and have perhaps a tenuous grip on reality.
I believe there's more evidence for actual psi abilities than there is that "The Doctor" is a "scientist."
SkinWalker said:
I believe there's more evidence for actual psi abilities than there is that "The Doctor" is a "scientist."

You may think so; however you yourself has provided enough direct evidence that you are such a sorry excuse for a human being. A tragic waste of intellect... I bet your mother must be totally disappointed in how you have turned out. I know I am.

The Doctor
shaman_ said:
So anyone who tests for psi is paranoid? right.

It is clear that there is no point discussing anything with you as you seem more intent on abusing people and have perhaps a tenuous grip on reality.

You get back the respect you give. You don't respect me, I sure don't give
2 cents worth of repsect to you. Happy now? Does that help you with your feeble grip on treality?
@ "the doctor": I say your behavior betrays your true nature and lack of intellect and is highly suggestive of several mental disorders consistent with DSM IV. It certainly isn't consistent with a "scientist" or one that is capable of objective thought and opinion regarding the existance of so-called "psi" or paranormal abilities among people. Indeed, I'd bet you're an embarassment to those, such as Halcyon, who are actually serious about discussing such matters.

The difference between you and he is that Halcyon's intellect is genuine. He and I disagree on the subject of "psi" and "telekinesis," but that doesn't cause him to make imature comments to others or stoop to ad hominem comments even when it is done to him.
In layman's terms Doctor,

Yours is a rectum by which the abyss itself pales in comparison.

The Doctor said:
Hmm, your proposed method is a lot like testing the skill of a basketball player by putting him in a straight-jacket and seeing how many shots he can make. If he can't get any, you'd blame the basketball player rather than the methodology of your test.
What your version of the test quite adequately proves is that the basketball player can't make shots with his arms restricted. Not a very surprising result, perhaps. But a perfectly adequate test of the fact that he can't make the ball move without the power of his muscles. Exactly why does the spoon bending test qualify not to be tested in the same way? It is the mind's power that is being tested, after all, not the strength of perfectly unrestricted fingers and thumbs. That is precisely what the methodology of the test is designed to ensure.
The Doctor said:
Psi has it's rules and mechanisms: either accept it on it's own terms or forget about it. But don't play disingenuous games then claim there's nothing to it. This is why Randi's offer is a joke to any rational person with 2 cents worth of a brain.
And science has its rules and mechanisms, and those rules and mechanisms have been consistently shown to work: either accept scientific determination of Psi on science's own terms or forget about it. And rule one of any scientific test is, always ask yourself the question "have I eliminated any other means for the effect to have occurred?" Psi's rules and mechanisms, however, frequently boil down to "the Psi effect only seems to occur when there happened to be some other means of information transmission [or in this case, kinetic energy transmission] also available. You want the spoon bending test to take place when the physical ability of the fingers to move the spoon is still present, because that's how "the rules" of Psi work. But it is impossible to see how this can stand up against any reasonable person (anti-psi or not) from saying "How do we know it wasn't just the fingers bending the spoon?"

Gee, what paranoia you must have to think that everybody is a fraud out to
fool you. As a psi, I wouldn't waste my time trying to show anybody with that
kind of attitude anything.
Well, let me take you as a genuine psi at your own estimation. You ought to be grateful that the primary purpose of tests such as Randi's is precisely to eliminate all those people who do not have psi powers at all, but are simply fraudsters and dishonest illusionists. James Randi himself would be only too happy to discover someone whose abilities transcend physicality - he is, after all, willing to pay out one million dollars to such a person! But until a person with genuine psi capabillity can fulfill the rigorous conditions of the test, they are indistinguishable from charlatans.
I believe that all humans(and maybe some animals)have innate abilities to move objects with mere thought. It's already been proven that we can totally block out pain with thought or cure ourselves of many serious illnesses with thought(there's a lot of literature available on the subject)and people are discovering new things that can be done through mind over matter. There have been many reports of being able to move objects through thought although few if any of the cases actually had any witnesses or credibility. Science has only begun to untap the mysteries of the human mind:)