Actually I never like bollywood before I saw that movie, but my mum watched
a lot. Then one day she cried while watching that movie :bugeye: Then I said,
there is no way I will cry because of movie. My mum said I should see the
movie first! So I watch.. then I cried like 8 times, hehe..
Each times I would watch that movie, I said to myself, this time I will not
cry! But I failed. There is this scene when they wave goodbye to each other
on train (the girl left him by train, do u remember??). She waves to him and
tried not to cry and so is him. It really breaks my heart :bawl:
Also there is one where he said he loves her. She thought he really loves her,
but apparently he is just practicing how to say I love you to other girl whom
he crush, oh oh oh
Heh if you think that was a tear jerker, you should (not) watch K3G or KHNH