

Registered Senior Member
Named Sunday because it was sunny the day it was named Sun day. My philosophy of how Sun day was named.

Don't ask about Wednesday or Thursday, but 1,2. _, _ , 5, sit and sun.

Let's see... From memory, we have:

Sun day, Moon day, (Tuesday), Odin's day, Thor's day, Freya's day and Saturn Day.

Is that right?
Tuesday is the day dedicated to Tiw, the old Germanic god of war, equivalent to the Roman god Mars.
So in all the names for the days of the week originated from the seven known "planet's" : Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn.
At the time, the order for the relative distances of these planet's from furthest to closest was:
Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon.
The hours of the day used to be given these names, in this order. Which means that they were all used three times in a day, with three used a forth time. When a new day began, they did not start over, but from where they left off. If the last hour of a day was Mercury, the first hour of the next day would be Moon.
So the pattern goes like this
Sat, Jup, Mars, Sun, Ven, Mer, Moon, Sat, Jup, Mars, Sun, Ven, Mer, Moon, Sat, Jup, Mars, Sun, Ven, Mer, Moon, Sat, Jup, Mars
Sun, Ven, Mer, Moon, Sat, Jup, Mars, Sun, Ven, Mer, Moon, Sat, Jup, Mars, Sun, Ven, Mer, Moon, Sat, Jup, Mars, Sun, Ven, Mer

Moon, Sat, Jup, Mars, Sun, Ven, Mer, Moon, Sat, Jup, Mars, Sun, Ven, Mer, Moon, Sat, Jup, Mars, Sun, Ven, Mer, Moon, Sat, Jup
Mars, Sun, Ven, Mer, Moon, Sat, Jup, Mars, Sun, Ven, Mer, Moon, Sat, Jup, Mars, Sun, Ven, Mer, Moon, Sat, Jup, Mars, Sun, Ven

Mer, Moon, Sat, Jup, Mars, Sun, Ven, Mer, Moon, Sat, Jup, Mars, Sun, Ven, Mer, Moon, Sat, Jup, Mars, Sun, Ven, Mer, Moon, Sat
Jup, Mars, Sun, Ven, Mer, Moon, Sat, Jup, Mars, Sun, Ven, Mer, Moon, Sat, Jup, Mars, Sun, Ven, Mer, Moon, Sat, Jup, Mars, Sun
Ven, Mer, Moon, Sat, Jup, Mars, Sun, Ven, Mer, Moon, Sat, Jup, Mars, Sun, Ven, Mer, Moon, Sat, Jup, Mars, Sun, Ven, Mer, Moon

Thus when you name the days after the hour they begin with, in order you get: Sat, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mer, Jup, Ven
Let's see... From memory, we have:

Sun day, Moon day, (Tuesday), Odin's day, Thor's day, Freya's day and Saturn Day.

Is that right?

No man ...
1 day
2 day
Wedding day (hump day)
3 day or I mean get thru day after hump (wedding) day... umm Thursday
5 day
6 day sit day or I sat a day
7 day sun day cause it was sunny that day

Yours is all wrong man .... I mean it too