Supramolecule that could help reduce nuclear and agricultural waste

Plazma Inferno!

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Indiana University researchers have reported the first definitive evidence for a new molecular structure with potential applications to the safe storage of nuclear waste and reduction of chemicals that contaminate water and trigger large fish kills.
The study, which was published online Oct. 6 in the German scientific journal Angewandte Chemie International Edition, provides experimental proof for the existence of a chemical bond between two negatively charged molecules of bisulfate, or HSO4.
The existence of this structure -- a "supramolecule" with two negatively charged ions -- was once regarded as impossible since it appears to defy a nearly 250-year-old chemical law that has recently come under new scrutiny.
An anion-anion dimerization of bisulfate goes against simple expectations of Coulomb's law. But the structural evidence presented in this new paper shows two hydroxy anions can in fact be chemically bonded. Scientists behind the study believe the long-range repulsions between these anions are offset by short-range attractions.
