Talking about god...

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I honestly dont see the point of this fight, believe what you want to believe, just dont force it on others.The only real difference between a hardline theist and a hardline atheist is the a
Depends on what you define as freedom and tolerance.

e.g. I'll support gay sex, but not bestiality.

What about you?
You might, but your religion won't.

And why should your religion have anything to say about bestiality?
Don't get it. Don't get it why people are so dogmatic against the great array of wonderous probabilities in an infinite universe of equal possibilities.
Don't get it. Don't get it why people are so dogmatic against the great array of wonderous probabilities in an infinite universe of equal possibilities.

They lack imagination. And an inability to see beyond the obvious.
Don't get it. Don't get it why people are so dogmatic against the great array of wonderous probabilities in an infinite universe of equal possibilities.
because a major possibility that is extinguished by entertaining the notion that god exists is that something is constitutionally higher than us
No. It's more in the suicide bombings, blind following of "leaders", crushing of individual lifestyles, mass killings of those who don't believe, for no other reason, etc.
Boy, I'll bet if an atheist society were set up it would be a utopia. No mass killings, no blind followers of leaders, no crushing of individual lifestyles, no bombing. It would be great!

Wait a minute? Didn't they try that in Russia and China? Wasn't the atheist Stalin responsible for millions of deaths? And Mao wasn't so great either. Hmmmmmmm. Maybe religion isn't to blame. Maybe it's just human nature.
Ah so if the gays and animals are enjoying it, you're fine with it?

Good example imo. Nobody can really be totally tolerant, I think it's a myth. Who could honestly get used to living around neighbors that practice bestiality?
"You'd like to think I'm all for rounding you up and having you shot, but that would take all the fun out of it. No, far more effective and entertaining is to create no martyrs and inflame no causes, but to slowly, effectively, teach your children to think for themselves, to expose them over and over to the duplicity of beliefs and make them realize that you, and the Moslem, and every other belief system, can't all be right, but you can all be wrong."

"You'd like to think I'm all for rounding you up and having you shot, but that would take all the fun out of it. No, far more effective and entertaining is to create no martyrs and inflame no causes, but to slowly, effectively, teach your children to think for themselves, to expose them over and over to the duplicity of beliefs and make them realize that you, and the Moslem, and every other belief system, can't all be right, but you can all be wrong."


Tell me, do you find any dichotomy in the fact that you are using a quote to teach people to think for themselves?

Just asking.
Tell me, do you find any dichotomy in the fact that you are using a quote to teach people to think for themselves?

Just asking.
He's an atheist. That makes him a free thinker by definition. Even when he's quoting chapter and verse from some atheist handbook/website.
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