Teenage girl bitten by white house dog Sunny after foolishly shoving her face in the dogs face

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Additionally - if that bite ACTUALLY causes a scar, I would be incredibly surprised. With proper cleaning out and a bit of neosporin + a clean bandage, it should be healed within the week, tops.
The article does say the examining doctor said it'll stitches.
nah it was Obama's dog, so even if it was done to her bones, it would "heal real fast" according to democrats.

While we're on the subject of you and your bigoted delusions, what the hell is up with that ridiculous topic post, YourEyes? Are you trying to shame yourself?

I never quite understand people who, like you, come out and write such contemptible stuff for no apparent useful reason. It's almost like you get off on denigrating yourself, and, in truth, it's kind of creepy. Sometimes I think you embarrass yourself so you can complain about everyone else humiliating you. It's the more plausible description of the symptom.
The article does say the examining doctor said it'll stitches.
It does. And maybe she did get one, maybe two stitches. It wasn't a huge wound or terrible wound. It was a minor wound. There was no tearing of the skin. If it were me, I wouldn't suture it, and I've done my share of suturing while serving in the Navy. I'd use steri-strips given the wound was minor and on the face. It's a much less invasive way of closing the wound while minimizing scaring.
While we're on the subject of you and your bigoted delusions, what the hell is up with that ridiculous topic post, YourEyes? Are you trying to shame yourself?

I never quite understand people who, like you, come out and write such contemptible stuff for no apparent useful reason. It's almost like you get off on denigrating yourself, and, in truth, it's kind of creepy. Sometimes I think you embarrass yourself so you can complain about everyone else humiliating you. It's the more plausible description of the symptom.

The reason for that post is to get attention of people who are for Obama/Liberals/Democrats/Clinton and to realize that the media they are listening to, choose to avoid topics that are somehow, even as small as this dog in White House biting accident, detrimental to current president. They are so focused on the good in Obama and the smils and all the sweet talk, that they choose to oversee the bad that the man has done.

That is the reason for this thread. It is not about the girl. It is not about the dog. It is about choosing to oversee the faults in current administration and rule them out as ok.

(...skipping all your personal attacks on me)
The reason for that post is to get attention of people who are for Obama/Liberals/Democrats/Clinton and to realize that the media they are listening to, choose to avoid topics that are somehow, even as small as this dog in White House biting accident, detrimental to current president. They are so focused on the good in Obama and the smils and all the sweet talk, that they choose to oversee the bad that the man has done.

That is the reason for this thread. It is not about the girl. It is not about the dog. It is about choosing to oversee the faults in current administration and rule them out as ok.

(...skipping all your personal attacks on me)
Well it that's the reason, why didn't you so state it in the OP? I suggest you read your OP:

"Why is this happening?

How could he do such a thing?

This innocent woman was a guest at White House and was supposed to feel safe, yet...Obama's personally "trained" dog attacked this 18 year old teen. Is this his legacy? The last of week of terrorizing everyone, including innocent civilians?

For once in your life you need to be honest comrade.

The incident has been reported; that's why it's being discussed. Was it front page news? No. It doesn't merit front page news especially when there are many more important stories in the news. Why would the news or anyone else want to cover this up?

The Obama's had nothing to do with the fact their dog bit the girl. They didn't encourage the dog to bite the girl. They weren't negligent. And Obama's dog isn't the first time a White House dog has bitten someone. The Bush family who preceded Obama at the White House had a dog who bit someone, and I believe the same was true of the Clintons.

This isn't a big deal. Hell, my dog who is a very congenial dog, bit a workman when he unexpectedly entered the premise. You need to be honest comrade. You aren't trying to make a statement about the press. You are trying to smear and blame the Obamas.
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that they choose to oversee the bad that the man has done.
Yep. The tactic of blaming Obama, the POTUS, for all sorts of things that have nothing to do with what he "has done", has become quite a meme.

Car accidents up? Thanks Obama.
Global Warming? Thanks Obama.
Sunspots? Thanks Obama.
Additionally - if that bite ACTUALLY causes a scar, I would be incredibly surprised. With proper cleaning out and a bit of neosporin + a clean bandage, it should be healed within the week, tops.
That's dreadful! The poor girl could have gone through life impressing friends, relatives, colleagues, acquaintances and casual encounters with: "Oh, yes. This scar? I got that when President Obama's dog bit me. He still calls me every year on the anniversary of the bite to make sure I am OK."

Now, because of prompt medical attention you say this has been taken away from her. I'm shocked and deeply moved.
That's dreadful! The poor girl could have gone through life impressing friends, relatives, colleagues, acquaintances and casual encounters with: "Oh, yes. This scar? I got that when President Obama's dog bit me. He still calls me every year on the anniversary of the bite to make sure I am OK."

Now, because of prompt medical attention you say this has been taken away from her. I'm shocked and deeply moved.

According to your mentality . Why should anyone believe her , it could be any dog . She will need more proof. ( There should be a DNA analysis of the open scar and the dog DNA analysis to proof.
According to your mentality . Why should anyone believe her , it could be any dog . She will need more proof. ( There should be a DNA analysis of the open scar and the dog DNA analysis to proof.
Hey Einstein there's a difference between a scar and a wound. Why does she need more proof and proof of what? It has been acknowledged that she was bitten and treated by the White House physician.
Hey Einstein there's a difference between a scar and a wound. Why does she need more proof and proof of what? It has been acknowledged that she was bitten and treated by the White House physician.

I posted as a joke ,
But Acknowledgment is not necessary a physical proof. Temojin will only assume, you know there are many inmates in jail waiting for a DNA test for proof to be released even they have been found guilty because acknowledgment .
(...skipping all your personal attacks on me)
Personal attacks on you? :D
Isn't that what you posted this thread for, and made such a moronic abhorent claim in doing so? :rolleyes:
Isn't this what you wanted? To get a raise out of people, and goad them by rubbing in the fact, that your kind of extreme racist/mysoginist pig of a man was elected and the fact that you agree with his racism, and mysoginistic pig like ranting? :rolleyes:
Personal attacks on you? :D
Isn't that what you posted this thread for, and made such a moronic abhorent claim in doing so? :rolleyes:
Isn't this what you wanted? To get a raise out of people, and goad them by rubbing in the fact, that your kind of extreme racist/mysoginist pig of a man was elected and the fact that you agree with his racism, and mysoginistic pig like ranting? :rolleyes:

He is better than Clinton, ok. I never 100% agreed to Trump, but what I dont agree to is a Police state in WWIII under Clinton.
According to your mentality . Why should anyone believe her , it could be any dog . She will need more proof. ( There should be a DNA analysis of the open scar and the dog DNA analysis to proof.
Clearly at least one of us is unable to recognise irony when it is used in a post. I'm just not sure which one.
The article does say the examining doctor said it'll stitches.
Aye, but with some basic care (keeping it clean et al) it shouldn't present much of a scar. I've suffered worse with nary a mark to show for it, at least. Maybe I'm just lucky?
That is a good point. There's some murkiness here. Was flipping it the correct or incorrect thing to do?
Don't know - don't really care. If you ask me, this is a troll thread. Young girl tries to kiss a dog who doesn't know her. Dog bites back. It's what dogs do. The only reason this is any sort of "news" is because it's the president's dog.
Not a troll thread, so much as an attempt at (utterly irrelevant) propaganda.

As such...

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