Telekinesis is Fake.

Well, if you would have read the post, you would have found that Carroll explains the limits on fifth forces---so that any force which could act on the spoon would have to be about a billion times weaker than gravity.


Well, that proves it. Given our present state of knowledge his assurances about what must be the case seem pretty convincing. Of course that has been the situation before and, gosh, new things were discovered, by scientists, by the way, that opened new doors to new phenomena or explanations of what seemed like impossible phenomena.

I'll keep a running duh on this one. If his theories had not been about something most scientists are very skeptical about, they would take his assumption that he had proved it was impossible with a large grain of salt. Given what we know now, it looks pretty solid. But that should not be confused with what we may realize later is possible.
russian scientists study telekinesis:

check out at 2:47 when a sceptic wants to debunk her and she almost kills him with her telekinetic powers, funny!

BenTheMan said:
If telekinesis were real, organisms which had telekinetic powers would be at a distinct advantage, and so would make more attractive mates. This means that humanity should evolve telekinetic powers.

humans did have telekinetic abilities (ever heard of sorcerers, witches, necromancers, magicians?) before they devolved. but we will get them back later when we evolve. also, life isn't just about passing on your genes.
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russian scientists study telekinesis:

check out at 2:47 when a sceptic wants to debunk her and she almost kills him with her telekinetic powers, funny!

humans did have telekinetic abilities (ever heard of sorcerers, witches, necromancers, magicians?) before they devolved. but we will get them back later when we evolve. also, life isn't just about passing on your genes.

Time to move on. Can you feel the vibes ?
Scientific authority: Anyone who says what Ben wants to hear.

Or tells me what I don't want to hear in a manner which convinces me that I am wrong.
Of course that has been the situation before and, gosh, new things were discovered, by scientists, by the way, that opened new doors to new phenomena or explanations of what seemed like impossible phenomena.

I think you fail to appreciate the situation of how constrained things like this are.

Given what we know now, it looks pretty solid. But that should not be confused with what we may realize later is possible.

Ummm agreed? Sure. But what we realize later still has to be consistent with all of the experiments that we preform now. Right?
Even if there was some biofield consistant in being physical in space and time that is responsible for any telekinetic properties, how would we detect it? Also, how does this field act upon thought? The field alone would be totally thought manifest for it to work, and it sounds very improbable.
The Foundation is committed to providing reliable information about paranormal claims. It both supports and conducts original research into such claims.

At JREF, we offer a one-million-dollar prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event. The JREF does not involve itself in the testing procedure, other than helping to design the protocol and approving the conditions under which a test will take place. All tests are designed with the participation and approval of the applicant. In most cases, the applicant will be asked to perform a relatively simple preliminary test of the claim, which if successful, will be followed by the formal test.

So prove it and make a million dollars! It's just that simple but as yet no one has been able tp prove anything. I wonder why? ;):rolleyes:
humans can only see a specific range of the electromagnetic spectrum, and only hear a specific sound range... similarly, there is a range of things people can accept. telekinesis can't be proven if it's out of your range... but the range can gradually be extended so that you can see more. everything takes time, things can't be proven "just like that".

Time to move on. Can you feel the vibes ?

what do you meen? why can't you understand that telekinesis is real?

Or tells me what I don't want to hear in a manner which convinces me that I am wrong.

what kind of evidence would make you believe in telekinesis?

catch 22: paranormal things can only be proven by making them more normal (so that scientist want to study them) but they can't become more normal unless they are proven.

Also, how does this field act upon thought?

it's no more weird than that our body reacts on thought.

So prove it and make a million dollars! It's just that simple but as yet no one has been able tp prove anything. I wonder why? ;):rolleyes:

there are also religious people who offer million dollars to someone who can prove evolution and no one has done it.
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It has been mentioned before but there are ways to generate Telekinesis. The sort I'm referring to is using sophisticated equipment to monitor brain functions so as to generate the movement of a mouse cursor for use as Cybernetics with impaired/disabled people. (e.g. if someone is paralysed from the neck down, they could utilise their mind to move a cursor or construct written sentences amongst other things.)

However as stated this is man-made, it requires a lot of physical apparatus to generate. There is hypothesis as to how to generate lift for actual objects, however such experiments for the most part prohibited considering the potential dangers and exploits of mysterious lifting objects and moving them at speed.
there are also religious people who offer million dollars to someone who can prove evolution and no one has done it

But we weren't talking about religion so why even bother to bring that up in this thread? Why not start another thread to see who will bite?
The Foundation is committed to providing reliable information about paranormal claims. It both supports and conducts original research into such claims.

At JREF, we offer a one-million-dollar prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event.

You have to be somewhat famous to be tested by them. You are also assuming that the environment - take that term in its broadest sense - of the testing does not work against the abilities. I will leave it to you to see if you are creative enough to think of how this might be. Imagine for a moment that some people have certain abilities or are better at them. Imagine some of the factors that might affect their ability on a given occasion - you could think of what reduces your ability to perform and what increases it - and make some guesses.

Good luck.
If you want the million then you must follow the rules. That way everyone is treated the same so that no 2 people could be tested differently giving one a better chance at proving their "gift".
Another good point was raised in the comments on the blog. If telekinesis were real, organisms which had telekinetic powers would be at a distinct advantage, and so would make more attractive mates. This means that humanity should evolve telekinetic powers. But I don't have telekinetic powers. And most people I know think the idea is bullshit, so I know THEY don't have telekinetic powers.
Not that I'm defending a belief in telekinesis (I think it's nonsense), but I'm always surprised to hear this argument. The diversity of abilities exhibited by the Earth's various species is astounding. If all traits that confer a reproductive advantage are selected for, why can't we all change colour, spit poison, breathe under water, see infrared, use sonar, fly? Obviously, there are natural biological reasons why humans - and other species - have their peculiar abilities and limitations. I expect some abilities are too energy-demanding to maintain, or could only come at the expense of more useful characteristics. In the case of telekinesis, because this 'phenomenon' is unproven and has no basis in physics, such speculation is worthless.

Yorda said:
life isn't just about passing on your genes.
Yes, it is. Life is all about passing on your genes.
The Foundation is committed to providing reliable information about paranormal claims. It both supports and conducts original research into such claims.

At JREF, we offer a one-million-dollar prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event. The JREF does not involve itself in the testing procedure, other than helping to design the protocol and approving the conditions under which a test will take place. All tests are designed with the participation and approval of the applicant. In most cases, the applicant will be asked to perform a relatively simple preliminary test of the claim, which if successful, will be followed by the formal test.

I referred to Randi some time ago and the respose I got was that one had to be "famous" to apply. It was a good example of how some people fail to think things through because,

a) There are lots of famous people like Yuri Geller but none of them has applied. If they don't want the money it can always be given to charity, But, given that these characters constantly seek publicity, why miss such an opportunity to show the world what they are capable of.

b) If some criteria were not applied to applicants, there would be an endless queue of deluded people wanting to demonstrate their putative powers

So prove it and make a million dollars! It's just that simple but as yet no one has been able tp prove anything. I wonder why? ;):rolleyes:

Sorry I made a mess of this post. I'm beginning to wonder whether I'm not being affected by some malevolent influence, for my hubris.
Or tells me what I don't want to hear in a manner which convinces me that I am wrong.

Considering the fact that accepted science has not figured out special relativity, the correct application of relativistic mass, or the correct formula for gravitational redshift, I am not worried that the field of fields is closed to phenomena like telekinesis.

The way that scientists act when challenged tells me that they have not met the challenge of their science.