Telepathy, proof and a question for science

Blavatsky was a charlatan, and her beliefs are racist!
QQ , i misseed tat post bove about dancing synchronicity.........entnalgment. i like that cause i love dancing so can resonate withat metaphor

also couple whove lived to gther for years can form a kind of telepathy too
you talk shit. blavatsky owns. what's racist about her beliefs? you can't handle the truth. you take too much drugs.
Quantum Quack said:
I have a hypothesis as to the physical or material nature of telepathy, that involve physics yet to be understood. Involving the nature of time and distance, dimensionality and the illusion of 3 dimensional space.

However at present this understanding is way ahead of us and when finally understood a uniform theory of everything [TOE] would be achieved.

In other threads I have posted a diagram just to wet the appetite as to the mechanics of universal consciousness and I shall post it again here just as a matter of curiosity.

<img src=>

The diagram refers to zero dimensionalism that is common to every thing that exists. That everything is in a zero distance and time relationship via a zero point [ nothing ness] as with particle entanglement [QM] we all share an entangled relationship.

However as we are self animated we break or more precisely mitigate that entanglement as soon as we are aware of it. Usually Fear and a conflict of interest causes the entanglement [ telepathic relationship ] to become broken [ altered ] as we automatically attempt to effect the entangled person once we are aware of that relationship at this level. Thus telepathy or more precisely the telepathic relationship, can only be proved in hindsight and not predicted.

One thing that seems to be confused is that telepathy invloves the instincts of at least two people but in absolute it involves the instincts of every thing that has them universally. So as I suggested earlier it is impossible to read a persons mind if their instincts prevent you from doing so. A bit like farting in a crowded elevator and pretending it aint you that done it. You hide your complicity mentally and physically thus no one in the elevator can determine the source of the dreadful smell.

Telepathy can only be proven in hindsight and is currently unpredictive. Simply because awareness of a conscious attempt immediately causes the entanglement to be broken [ see particle entanglement in QM]

As yet it has proven almost impossible to shield two persons from ouside instinctive interference.

OK, so we have a hypothesis as to why it has proven to be impossible to demonstrate predictive telepathy.

And as hindsight proof is deemed unacceptable to science we have an impasse as to the validity of the notion.
Science requires predictability which by nature requires fore-sight and as explained this is impossible given the current state of instinctive fear based responses.

However the big philosophical question is:
Does the lack of predictability make the hindsight evidence invalid?

I was wondernig where I can find your zero point theory. If it is in the first post.

And also on a personal, was wondering if you don't mind me posting....

I find it very interesting, just what interests me most is if this is universal ie for everyone, at all times sort of "truth",
duendy said:
Blavatsky was a charlatan, and her beliefs are racist!
QQ , i misseed tat post bove about dancing synchronicity.........entnalgment. i like that cause i love dancing so can resonate withat metaphor

also couple whove lived to gther for years can form a kind of telepathy too

You know I tend to think of it as more than just a metaphor.

Maybe you can remember the expereince of dancing [ say a slow romantic shuffle] with someone and in your case as a woman you find yourself in a tight little battle of the wills that eventually leads to the stopping of the dance to reset who is leading and who is following. And how sometimes the dancing must stop all together because the lead issue can not be resolved.

To me this is an entanglement issue.

As to long term relationships there is no doubt that a form of telepathic agreement can develop, how many times have you heard old couples ssay that "she gets her way some of the time and I get my way some of the time" as they express how they managed to stay together for so long. If you read carefully you can see that they have reached an intuitive agreement about who is leading at any given time. Usually it is the man who jokes and complains that the missus is the boss no matter what it looks like....ha

So I ask is it a key to successful relationships that both parties know when to defer their wills to the other and when not to?

In the context of zero point relationships this makes perfect sense to me because if not conflict will always be the outcome. Two people attempting to lead the other and the other always rejecting that lead. Causes the dancing to be very dischordant if not impossible.
existabrent said:
I was wondernig where I can find your zero point theory. If it is in the first post.

And also on a personal, was wondering if you don't mind me posting....

I find it very interesting, just what interests me most is if this is universal ie for everyone, at all times sort of "truth",
This thread contains the only published aspects of it.

No I don't mind you posting if the topic is being discussed.

If as I believe zero point theory is true as hypothesised it must be universally true. Not just with animated life forms but with the hard stuff [ matter ] as well.] It affords us all a universality to our awareness and consciousness.

It explains how telekenisis can be an outcome of will as the object including the space around that object becomes a part of your own self animation. It also explains why it is almost impossible to control.

[keeping in mind that teh body is also made of "hard stuff" and is animated by our wills.]