A lot of verbiage, but no evidence.
As stated in a prior Post:Anecdotes & word salad are not evidence.
BTW: A poster talked about a fly landing on his shoulder & asked he he should be considered either insane or having hallucinations if he could not prove it. Such a claim is not extraordinary: It is not in the same class as a claim of telephatic ability. People are known to have encounters with flies. It is a common phenonenom.
Is it something we want to prove or is it one of those abilities that are best left as guessing eachothers secrets? It's not something we are allowed to do according to the rules of society. It would be considered invasive. Is humanity still evolving is something we also must consider or has it come as far as it was programmed to and is now one small step away from self-destruct? To prove it would be letting the public enter your most private space, is anyone really ready and willing to do that, and not only one but it takes at least two people. It's a fascinating field of unexplored science. If humanity still is evolving telepathy will occur more frequent naturally in our every day lives until it is considered as common as the internet today, but that is most likely many decades into the future.
If you want telepathy proven for yourself you can easily test thinking about people and see if they suddenly call or ask them later if what you thought about them was correct, or if they picked up on your message.
There are also test conducted in laboratories, with the nonsensical use of ping-pong balls, which takes all seriousity away from the whole area of esp. I would like new tests to be done under more suitable circumstances.