Tesla vs Einstein

If any of you had bothered to skip past a few minutes, it is not about flat earth but that has all of you afraid like its kryptonite to superman.
Listen to the dull and the ignorant for they too have their story... R. Kippling I think...
With respect if someone starts talking flat Earth one concludes they are not worth hearing out.. Now ofcourse he maygo on to list truth after truth but you must understand why I gave up.
I thi k Tesla was of the belief that gravity workedvia an eather or push type system like LeSage had in mind.
I like that idea also but I dont think it will replace GR.
I think some see gravity workingvia a ele tromagnetic system but I dont know that it is any more than an idea or belief.
No, let's take one thing at a time. First, let's deal with my question to you about the claim that gravity and electromagnetism are one.

What is the difference between electrostatic attraction and gravity? isn't it essentially the same whereas 'gravity' seems to have longer range and weaker because of space/time curvature?
Listen to the dull and the ignorant for they too have their story... R. Kippling I think...

Don't kid yourself as you are one of them also as you are certainly dull and don't know anymore than they. What? you think being condescending to others because you make sure to strictly follow mainstream scientific models so you won't be considered a quack somehow qualifies as being superior? How superficial. At least they have some ideas.
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stfu. gravity is a theory and has plenty of holes in it itself. puleeze!!!
Everything in science is a "theory", aside from the physical observations themselves.
What is the difference between electrostatic attraction and gravity? isn't it essentially the same whereas 'gravity' seems to have longer range because of space/time curvature?
No, please answer my question to you, before asking further questions yourself.
In the interests of literary accuracy, this seems to be from "Desiderata" by the US writer Max Ehrmann, and was written in 1927: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desiderata

But I agree that the sentiments are ones Kipling might agree with.
I only ever had two passages framed on my wall so I should have known.
"If" by Kippling on one wall and Desiderata on the other.
Each impressed me greatly.
Everything in science is a "theory", aside from the physical observations themselves.

No, please answer my question to you, before asking further questions yourself.

The larger an object, the weaker electromagnestism is, so therefore what's called gravity.
Don't kid yourself as you are one of them also. At least they have some ideas.
What is wrong with being dull and ignorant by being dull and ignorant I find that everything is new and exciting. I dont have to hold my end up in a conversation because everyone else leads more exciting lives than me and being ignorant I am always learning new things.
The larger an object, the weaker electromagnestism is, so therefore what's called gravity.
OK let's rewind. What I asked you, about the clip you were describing, was: " How do they get an attractive force, that is never repulsive, exerted by electrically neutral bodies?"

Can you answer that? Because it is pretty crucial to any idea that the two could be the same.
OK let's rewind. What I asked you, about the clip you were describing, was: " How do they get an attractive force, that is never repulsive, exerted by electrically neutral bodies?"

Can you answer that? Because it is pretty crucial to any idea that the two could be the same.

If you had bothered to peruse the clip, can you speedread or fastforward or is that strange to you? he is saying that gravity is nothing more than electromagnetism losing it's di electricity so 'gravity' is not a separate entity.
What is wrong with being dull and ignorant by being dull and ignorant I find that everything is new and exciting. I dont have to hold my end up in a conversation because everyone else leads more exciting lives than me and being ignorant I am always learning new things.

I never said it was, you were being condescending and now changing your tune.
If you had bothered to peruse the clip, can you speedread or fastforward or is that strange to you? he is saying that gravity is nothing more than electromagnetism losing it's di electricity so 'gravity' is not a separate entity.
Ah. Losing its "di electricity". As yer do.

Good, well, I don't think this subject need detain us any longer.
I never said it was, you were being condescending and now changing your tune.
I was having a go at the flat Earth chap not you and I am sincerely sorry that I did not make that clear.
One of my little sayings is... Never look up to anyone nor look down upon anyone. I liveby that as best I can.
Ah. Losing its "di electricity". As yer do.

Good, well, I don't think this subject need detain us any longer.

You never debunked it, if it's so easy and obvious then do it. He explains it starting around 15:00. Why do people have problems believing in gravity? And who the fuk is 'us'? Do you think you are ganging up on this thread?
I was having a go at the flat Earth chap not you and I am sincerely sorry that I did not make that clear.
One of my little sayings is... Never look up to anyone nor look down upon anyone. I liveby that as best I can.

You weren't doing anything but trolling. What did you contribute except to say you didn't bother to finish the clip? You didn't even bother viewing the clip nor did exchemist.
You never debunked it, if it's so easy and obvious then do it. He explains it starting around 15:00. Why do people have problems believing in gravity? And who the fuk is 'us'? Do you think you are ganging up on this thread?
"Us" simply meant you and I together.

One does not "debunk" something that makes no sense. The video is fairly obviously just another example of the ubiquitous YouTube junk, just as I thought. You'd probably waste less time watching cat videos.
According to the clip, gravity is not separate from electromagnetism. It's all one.
That doesn't match what we observe. Gravity is associated with mass, whereas electromagnetism is associated with charge. Gravity is always attractive, whereas electromagnetism can be either attractive or repulsive. We can see gravitational effects on objects that possess no net electric charge.
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You weren't doing anything but trolling. What did you contribute except to say you didn't bother to finish the clip? You didn't even bother viewing the clip nor did exchemist.
I started and gave up for reasons stated. I would not expect you to look at something you found contrary to your views asking you to wade through to pick out some point.
If you have something to discuss then please raise it.
And seriously do you think trying to insult me does you any good, you must know I dont care at best and even if you make a list you will not cover all my faults that I will happily acknowledge... However if insulting me makes you happy go ahead it just seems silly to me.
Raise the good points in the clip but please understand flat Earth chat turns me off.
The larger an object, the weaker electromagnestism is, so therefore what's called gravity.
That doesn't work.

We can easily arrange to have two charged metal balls - a large one and a small one - that each have exactly the same electrical charge. Moreover, we can easily arrange things so the larger ball exerts a much stronger electrical force on other charges than the smaller ball does.