"That's re-diculous"

Or when the same ditsy bitches say, "Oh my GAWD, Shut Up!" when they get excited. Oh... I also say "Pewter" instead

lol do they still say that? I thought that was an old one.

Seems nobody is their real name anymore either. No matter how
short the name is it seems like it is almost cut down to 2 letters lol

when I picked names for my kids I always thought what would they be
called for short...... like Jason for instance I thought ok it won't be cut down
but all his friends call him........Jas (Jace)
Have you ever watched a game of rugby? People get their ears torn off playing that game. It's brutal stuff.

They also learn how to tackle properly so people don't get their backs broken.
You're right.
People in rugby don't stay pretty long.
No ears, busted noses, missing teeth.
You never see them sponsoring anything except beer.
I find it annoying when people pronounce broccoli as "brockly"

How do you pronounce the second "o" in "broccoli" without sounding like some pompous jackass? I'm from Ohio, and we'd have a laugh fest if somebody said, "broccOli". I can barely get away with saying "soda" here, in the land where "pop" dominates.

How do you pronounce the second "o" in "broccoli" without sounding like some pompous jackass? I'm from Ohio, and we'd have a laugh fest if somebody said, "broccOli". I can barely get away with saying "soda" here, in the land where "pop" dominates.


People that can't pronounce it properly (and proply is another example)
should not be allowed to buy it, and be given cabbage instead.
How do you pronounce the second "o" in "broccoli" without sounding like some pompous jackass? I'm from Ohio, and we'd have a laugh fest if somebody said, "broccOli". I can barely get away with saying "soda" here, in the land where "pop" dominates.


Ohhhhh I haven't heard the word soda....its been so long I can't remember.
It's always been known as pop here.
orange coke, grape coke, lemon lime coke, and cola. oh and root beer. Root beer is always root beer.
I hate it when people spell generalisations incorrectly with a "z" after spelling "improvisational" with an "s".

touche...bro...touche...you totally caught me spelling things in the American way with a "z"...sorry about that....'cause I try to spell things proper...unless I'm trying to over-exaggerate my Texas accent. :)
orange coke, grape coke, lemon lime coke, and cola. oh and root beer. Root beer is always root beer.

You must be from the South. Everybody down there calls all carbonated beverages "Coke." I'm from Ohio-- but I CHOSE to call carbonated beverages "soda." I just hate the word "pop."

Soft drink.

Soft drink and Carbonated Beverage. Both names without a soul at all.

I do like the word Soda, it conjures up old fashioned gleaming ice-cream parlours.
The Fonz, I'm sure, would ask for a soda.
Whereas pop is just pop.
The Fonz would not ask for pop.
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The Fonz.
As soon as you mention the Fonz, everyone thinks they are the Fonz, but most people are more like Richie Cunningham and Potsie.