The 2nd Coming... Islam Style

Numerology was very very important back then. Every single number in the Bible is signficiant. Every name in the Bible is realted to a number. These number are always connected to one another geometrically.

My point is, the overwhelming amount of numerology in the Bible points to the great influence Gnostic Xians had over early Xian tradition - over, per say, that of "literalistic" Xians - who are now considered orthodox. Xianity itself was a Jewish attempt to reconcile Greek/Egyptian theology with Jewish theology.

So with this mind it is easy to see that the Gnostic view of Jesus as the reasonable and as their belief was that Jesus was an allegory - well we should take it that he was.

Not that it really matters. The events in the Bible that are attributed to Jesus did not occur. So if there were a Jesus, again, he may as well have been Isis and born 2500+ years earlier - for all that it matters. Is there anything "new" philosophically in the Bible? Not really at all. It's pretty much a Jewish rewrite of the prevalent Greek and Roman thoughts on fairness and equality occurring within the Roman empire at the time.

Sop again, there's no need to postulate an actual Jesus character anymore than to postulate an actual Hercules. The evidence for both is exactly the same - zero.


M*W: I believe the significance of the numbers in the bible is more related to the signficant numbers in astrology more so than numerology. If you notice, the numbers in the bible repeat themselves over and over again, and they have certain meanings pertaining to the cycles of the ages.
Adstar, I think Ezekiel 38 is about seven years before Armageddon.

I disagree with that interpretation. The battle detailed in Ezekiel 38 is the final satanic rebellion that will happen at the end of the 1000 year reign of the Messiah Jesus. The battle of gog magog is recorded in the book of Revelation chapter 20. Have a read of the chapter and follow the sequence.

I will give you a detailed commentary of Ezekiel 38 battle if your interested?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
No thanks, the Bible mentions Persia, Meshech, Tubal, Put, and Cush, as against Israel in that battle, after which Israel will know that it was the Lord's victory, which will soften their hearts toward the Jewish Messiah.
No thanks, the Bible mentions Persia, Meshech, Tubal, Put, and Cush, as against Israel in that battle, .

Stop there. Now it mentions the troops from Persia Ethiopia and Libya. Why does the prophecy not mention the Egyptians? Where are they Syrians? or Sinar/Iraq? Where are all these peoples? Are the Libyans going to march through Egypt to attack Israel while the whole Egyptian nation sits quietly as the tanks roll by? Are the Iraqi's going to be doing the same when the Persians head west to Israel? And likewise is Syria and Lebanon going to take no part with the armies of the north? What has happened to these nations like Egypt and Syria?

God promised to the descendants of Abraham a promised land that was far bigger than the one that He established for them in the time of Moses. lets read about it.

Genesis 15
17 And it came to pass, when the sun went down and it was dark, that behold, there appeared a smoking oven and a burning torch that passed between those pieces. 18 On the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying:
“To your descendants I have given this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the River Euphrates

So God has promised the descendants of Abraham will have a Land that includes the Nile and the Euphrates. Now Persia borders the land of the Euphrates to the east and Libya borders the land of the Nile to the west and Ethiopia borders the land of the Nile to the south. So at the time of Ezekiel the nations of Libya Ethiopia and Persia will border the greater Messianic Kingdom of the Messiah Jesus.

So the reason that the nations like Egypt and Syria are not mentioned in Ezekiel 38 is because they will have long been destroyed 1000 years before the battle detailed in Ezekiel 38.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Although it is possible that Syria is considered with the others with Gog, or they actually would sit this one out for whatever reason, and Egypt could sit this one out, with Libya and Ethiopia and Cush (Sudan?) providing support for the attackers.
No thanks, the Bible mentions Persia, Meshech, Tubal, Put, and Cush, as against Israel in that battle, after which Israel will know that it was the Lord's victory, which will soften their hearts toward the Jewish Messiah.


I hope all is well and thank you for your comments

its ironic how the Jews did not except Jesus as the Messiah and muslims see him as the messaih, BUT the neocon christians side with the Jews.

Surely they should be workign with the muslims to help the Jews undertsand that Jesus was the messaih and work for unity between religions etc...

IAC - surely you must see this.

Spider - thank you for your comments, Jesus followed Islam cos he submitted to the will of God, according to the Bible that is.

Islam has been around since before Jesus, The term Christainaity came about i have read by the people who were against Christ (eg Romans) etc. By labelling all jesus' follows as Christians.


Take it ez
Islam has been around since before Jesus, The term Christainaity came about i have read by the people who were against Christ (eg Romans) etc. By labelling all jesus' follows as Christians.

Ermmm Islam was founded in 622 AD. After the supposed Christ had already been and gone so to speak.
Ermmm Islam was founded in 622 AD. After the supposed Christ had already been and gone so to speak.

Hi bells,

Thank you for your comments.

I understand, however Islam means to Submit to the will of God, so technically it hasd been around since the early prophets becuase they followed Gods wishes.

It all depends on your understanding, that is why i think there should be a strong common bond between all Abrhamic religions.

You see i am all for unity..

take it ez
Dear Sock,

i hope all is going ok with you.

Thank you for your feedback, i will take a google at it.

take it ez
I understand, however Islam means to Submit to the will of God, so technically it hasd been around since the early prophets becuase they followed Gods wishes.

I would imagine that the man who started your religion my take some offence to that. After all, he did fight and face adversity to bring it into existence. To say it kind of always existed diminishes his input a tad, don't you think?

Also, the interpretation could mean that even before monotheism came into existence, anyone who "submitted to God" was somehow following Islam, before it ever existed.

But as an atheist, I don't really have any say so meh..
Zak, Allah was the pre-Islamic Arab Moon god, so he's not the God of the Bible.

Christians and Jews don't support the notion of an Islamic theocracy, nor evangelism by the sword, for a faith which is antithetical to the teachings of the Bible, you'll have to ally with the Bahais and Mormons, I guess, for religious common ground.
I would imagine that the man who started your religion my take some offence to that. After all, he did fight and face adversity to bring it into existence. To say it kind of always existed diminishes his input a tad, don't you think?

Dear Bells,

thank you for your comments

I understand what you are saying but the prophet role was to essentially re-inforce the message of earlier prophets, so i would imagine he would not be offended.

Take it ez
Zak, Allah was the pre-Islamic Arab Moon god, so he's not the God of the Bible.

Dear IAC

thank you for yoru comments

God is God, i do not worship a moon God!!

Christians and Jews don't support the notion of an Islamic theocracy, nor evangelism by the sword, for a faith which is antithetical to the teachings of the Bible, you'll have to ally with the Bahais and Mormons, I guess, for religious common ground.

Whats an islmic theocrcy and where do you get Evangelism by the Sword from the Quran.
how is my faith Antithetical to the teaching of the BIble?

The bible is abse don the Ten commandments isn't it?

take it ez