The Abduction Experience

Abduction Experiencs

I agree with you completely! The very reason this whole issue has been swept under the rug is because society doesn't really want to believe the truth.
It has left those who has had such experiences alone to deal with them on their own or express themselves in Forums such as this.
Even here, you deal with the non- believers...
There will come a day when everyones eyes will be opened and then they all will know the truth...

The Truth is within ourselves....All we need to do is believe!
Re: Abduction Experiencs

Originally posted by Aribella
The Truth is within ourselves....All we need to do is believe!

Gee. When I try to look inside myself, all I see is the back of my eyelids.

Hmm. I guess the Truth is a very dark place... :D
Aribella -"Even here, you deal with the non- believers..."

I hope you can make a distinction between non-believers and skeptics. As one one of the latter, I can certainly be swayed by clear evidence. At this point convincing evidence is lacking. On the old Compuserve UFO Forum I did communicate with someone who was convinced they were abducted. I have no doubt they truly believe it happened to them. I am not so certain that their belief in what happened is correct.
Do I believe there is other life out there somewhere? Most certainly. Do I believe that superior intelligence beings are now here or have in the past paid us a visit? No.
heyya all :)

J.S. Horvath

see how they come crawling from the corners to persecute rather than try to help!!!

this is one mesure of how some people act to try to subjegate!

their are others who will string you along and then try to destroy you emotionaly and or finacialy!!!

the truth is among us!
crazzy is as crazzy acts to others in times of need!

look to those who have strong hearts and minds!
look to those who do not show biggotry!
look to those who seek to help the soul as well as the body!

stay strong and if you need to , just remind yourself of how sad and desperately confused the inner minds of those who act against you!

as banshee was saying... the bible tells of many things that ARE NOT MODERN CHRISTIAN ways and things that MODERN christians can NEVER accept.
this is one of the biggest tools used to miss-inform and hence
undermine the society in which the victim of such , lyes!

regardles of mental illnes
we still need love to secure the spirit to the body in the comunity of life!
this is why seperation (devide and coquer) is used and promoted as "INDIVIDUALITY" which all "big businnes" is pushing as a social ideal,
when in reality the problem is that the idevidual is actualy miss led and poisened so they no longer have the ability to devide good from bad.
rite from wrong.

there are allot of people who seek to gain power in their own life by persecuting others who seem weak!
"kicking someone on the ground"
to make them feel like they are in control of their own life, when they know deep inside they are not!
these people will try and track you down and destroy your ability to understand yourself and feel safe !
fear is the biggest weapon
and their are many tools!
tv and radio are some of the biggest!
and then their are people who actualy look for peole to "pick" on

above all else!
stay happy as much as possible and
keep groovin!

peace light
truth love
the path to that we hold above!
Alien abductions

Has anyone here ever been abducted or know anyone thats said they've been abducted. I would actually like to hear some stories (true or false) LMK what you have to say, enlighten me please.
heyya all :)

I would actually like to hear some stories (true or false)
small prob with that request!
this is not a fictional thread!
it is not for making up storys!
it is a discussion on the philosophical edicts of the nature of abduction experience in relation to societal interface on a
Common-istic sociological foundation!
stuff people believe to be true!

science fiction is what you are referring to !
'science-miss-information' would be a more accurate word!-
pertaining to small crucial technical portions of the truth mixed amongst fantastical social 'loggerheads'.

in a story book fashion...

i have read many stories stated as truth by the authors and or experiencers...

it is mealy futile and destructive in scientific relativity to mix this with fictional material.

so maybe you should re-consider your direction of interest???

a U$A insurance company has already paid-out to a person for being abducted...
so what you choose to believe and what you choose to
"not believe in"
are some times too close to allow an unbiased view point!
this under-pins the complexatey of advanced scientific theory
and is one of the most intensionaly miss-represented and ultimately perverted areas of science that the "skeptics" flounder in in ever decreasing circles.

funny ol world!
if we judge others by our own fears then we build our world of unreasonable arrogance to thus paint all others as evil and foriegn

groove on all

peace light
truth love