Firstly I didn't have a 'theory'. Secondly I didn't take it seriously. Thirdly I mentioned it on this forum to show that when you're ignorant of basic physics its easy to convince yourself you're doing viable stuff. Looking back after a decade of beyond high school level learning I can say I was utterly naive and completely unscientific. Fifthly it had nothing to do with 'recording everything'. Sixthly the fact a naive 16 year old made up some bullshit shouldn't be used as a justification for your claims and as somehow support for Wolf.
You're being downright dishonest and utterly unscientific. You aren't doing anything viable. Lame troll is lame.
AlphaNumerica, are you my evil twin?
Perhaps that "Fifth" was an ironic item number. Kaluza-Klein theory may not speak of the 5th dimension as a record, but it certainly doesn't rule that out. Modern Chemistry textbooks no longer teach the Bohr "perfect circle" orbital concept. Logic (if,then,else) mofifies it through classic physics to show, similar to what R.Buckminster Fuller claimed, the orbits are lobular in their geometry. In fact the electron becomes indistinguishable from the proton as it nears the nucleus to slingshot itself around that central group.
If we enter quantum physics and relativity into the picture, the the electron would need to jump over a microsingularity to remain within that atom. Inside that electron's trajectory would be a sympathetic synchronicity between entry and exit at a particular depth within the light cone of that singularity.
Planck Time is based upon the speed of light. Because the human brain, inclusive of the eye, can only resolve less than 100 frames per second, there will be interstices, base around Planck Time, as the number of photons reaching that atom from the light source photoelectrically run that orbit, emerge and those not absorbed make a beeline to the observer's eye. Everything compacted deeper and deeper into that singularity's cone would record the journey of those photons.
In theory if we could create a device to tune into that singularity, we could read that information and extract all the information that atom has "seen." The FBI might like something as such to help solve cases. As for the balance issue, I'd suggest looking up "the Butterfly Effect."