The Atheist Republic


Slightly extreme
Registered Senior Member
The Atheist Republic has been created!!
we are an independent society of people who are opposed to the torment, corruption and lies of organised religion. Why not become a citizen and meet some like minded people?
Sorry, I do not accept others religious beliefs and therefore cannot join your republic.
Theres so much wrong in just the opening statement on the site that it boggles the mind.

I wonder what the flag (symbol?) represents. I think it is an acknowledgement that atheists are not to be trusted with sharp, pointy objects. I know I'm not! :D

Pi-Sudoku said:
The Atheist Republic has been created!!
we are an independent society of people who are opposed to the torment, corruption and lies of organised religion. Why not become a citizen and meet some like minded people?
DUDE, we don't need society becoming more fragmented and divided than it already is.
Whats the symbol about? Its like a colourblind person tried to draw a sign for no roads that disappear over the horizon.
Pi-Sudoku said:
The Atheist Republic has been created!!
we are an independent society of people who are opposed to the torment, corruption and lies of organised religion. Why not become a citizen and meet some like minded people?

Hell's been around a while.
przyk said:
DUDE, we don't need society becoming more fragmented and divided than it already is.

M*W: DUDE, religion is responsible for dividing and fragmenting society. Atheism plays no role in the division of society -- religious or not. Atheism strives to find answers and will never tell you to believe blindly on faith alone. Atheism will never tell you "the proof is in the pudding." Atheism is the common denominator of all religious thought. When you've checked out all other theologies that leave you with questions and doubt, each and every one of them can be traced back as far as you want to go, and there you will find the truth in atheism.

Atheism doesn't fragment society. It brings together people of like mind for intellectual discussions. We are not criminals. Generally, atheists are law abiding citizens with honorable ethics and morals. We don't try to convert the religious. They usually avoid us at all costs.

Atheists are honest people. We don't make up fairy tales to tell our children. We tell them the truth. They are better human beings because of it.

We follow the rule "Don't ask, don't tell." Don't ask us what we believe about religion, and we won't tell you. But if you do have questions, we accept them kindly, and we make every effort to explain them to you without bias or judgment.

I am an Atheist, but I am not a spokesperson for atheism.
Hell is a state of mind.
The design of that website sucks.
And "theres so much wrong in just the opening statement on the site that it boggles the mind." (by superluminal)
Ibanez said:
Word 95 to be precise, and the graphics were done on MS Paint...

Yeh sorry about that. I created it in around 5 minutes.

I will improve it when i have got the chatroom online

The flag could probably also do with changing
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: DUDE, religion is responsible for dividing and fragmenting society. Atheism plays no role in the division of society -- religious or not.
Exactly. However, emphasizing atheism above other possible points of unity is just as ridiculous as trying to use religion as a point of unity.
There are simply too many opinions and viewpoints on the matter of "what makes someone an atheist" or "what religion is right or wrong" or "am I good according to so-and-so faith", which fragment mankind along those lines.
Which is why, in the modern era, those lines should be forgotten and kept to oneself, accepted as mere opinion and choice, and pushed to the side of more pressing issues. Humanity should unite under the common banner of species. Too long has our great species been fragmented, divided, separated, and disgruntled along trivial lines of race, religion, philosophy, and ancestry. We have lost sight of what really makes us special: our superior mind, our capability to adapt, and above all, our civilization.
We are One Species. One Mankind.
Menschheit, Vorwärts!
Lemming3k said:
Whats the symbol about? Its like a colourblind person tried to draw a sign for no roads that disappear over the horizon.

The flag symbolises the atheists penetrating the barrier set up by religion. The empty space symbolises the potential knowledge of science that only an atheist can reach
(Q) said:
Sorry, I do not accept others religious beliefs and therefore cannot join your republic.

In Britain we have laws against "incitement to religious hatred" I don't want to be thrown in jail.

Tolerance is up to the individual
I think that medicine woman is right that religion fragments the world in much more ways than anything else. Also everytime we have let religion be involved in society, society gets fucked, Middle ages people.