The Atheist Republic

Medicine Woman said:
M*W: DUDE, religion is responsible for dividing and fragmenting society.
PEOPLE are responsible for the division in society. They have a tendency to 'gang up' with others that share some common characteristic, be it race, income, sex, religion (or lack thereof), profession, or favourite football team.
Atheism plays no role in the division of society -- religious or not. Atheism strives to find answers and will never tell you to believe blindly on faith alone. Atheism will never tell you "the proof is in the pudding." Atheism is the common denominator of all religious thought. When you've checked out all other theologies that leave you with questions and doubt, each and every one of them can be traced back as far as you want to go, and there you will find the truth in atheism.
Basically, atheists have their own way of doing things. I'm an atheist myself, so I don't need a lecture on the "atheist method" of analysis.
Atheism doesn't fragment society. It brings together people of like mind for intellectual discussions.
Sounds like fragmentation to me.
We are not criminals. Generally, atheists are law abiding citizens with honorable ethics and morals.
This is also true of most religious people I know.
We don't try to convert the religious.
They usually avoid us at all costs.
You sure you aren't avoiding them?
Atheists are honest people.
Assuming a person to be honest solely because you've identified them as an atheist is called "prejudice." You want to be careful making claims of the form "Atheists are [whatever]" as if this were true of every atheist on the planet.
We don't make up fairy tales to tell our children. We tell them the truth.
All parents tell their children what they perceive to be the truth. Narrow minded atheists will tell their children that God does not exist. More open minded atheists will tell their children that there is ultimately no evidence either way.
They are better human beings because of it.
Meaning they're more like you. Don't claim you have an unbiased opinion of what constitutes a "better" person.
We follow the rule "Don't ask, don't tell." Don't ask us what we believe about religion, and we won't tell you. But if you do have questions, we accept them kindly, and we make every effort to explain them to you without bias or judgment.
That website was hardly "don't ask, don't tell."
I am an Atheist, but I am not a spokesperson for atheism.
How could one person possibly speak for all atheists?
The athesit republic is a religious cult. I think all flaming atheits should confine themselves to it.
jax0509 said:
I think that medicine woman is right that religion fragments the world in much more ways than anything else. Also everytime we have let religion be involved in society, society gets fucked, Middle ages people.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: No, religion narrows your being.
I wouldn't blame narrow mindedness or other human faults on religion itself, but rather the reverse. Note that for some religious people its the "love thy neighbour" part of religion they take the most seriously, not the endless debate on whether or not God exists. I have a lot of respect for such people.

Medicine Woman: You sound a little anti-religious. Do you feel oppressed by religion or something? Not every religious person is narrow-minded, and I seriously doubt the majority of atheists are particularly open minded.
cool skill said:
The athesit republic is a religious cult. I think all flaming atheits should confine themselves to it.

The Atheist Republic one place on earth where atheists can live without religion.

We are not confining ourselves to it
Without religion good people would still do good things and bad people would still do bad things. It takes religion to make good people do bad things.
-Richard Dawkins

“Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.” - Seneca
Pi-Sudoku said:
The Atheist Republic one place on earth where atheists can live without religion.

We are not confining ourselves to it
Well you very well should. And you're not living without a rleigion. Atheism is a religion. May your fanatical congregation enjoy great prosperity. : )
atheism is not a religion but more of a cult, if it was a religion then it would be against the very reason that it was made
Yes it is a cult, and not really a religion.
I tend to refer to it as a religion because of its religious cult nature.

Technically, there are 2 types of atheists.
The cult type, and the genuine type.
Most atheists, such as many around here fall under the cult type.
Agreed. 'Cult type' atheists can be too quick to look down on religious people, considering them inferior. I suspect most atheists are no more open minded than the average citizen: they'll say that God does not exist and that faith is ridiculous because that's what they've been brought up to believe. Whether they're right or wrong is not the issue here.
Theists aren't inferior, they're just people who prefer fantasy over reality.
cool skill said:
The athesit republic is a religious cult. I think all flaming atheits should confine themselves to it.

Ahhhhhh! My shorts! They're on FIRE! Ahhhhhh!!! (I'm a flaming atheist. Get it? Flaming?! Huh? :D No? :( Well, poo on all of you then. :mad: )
cool skill said:
Wrong. That's atheists prefer fantasy over reality.

Please, if you would, kind theist, demonstrate for us how atheism is more of a fantasy than theism? Should be fun, right?
cool skill said:
Wrong. That's atheists prefer fantasy over reality.

Oh yes, how utterly silly of me to get it backwards.

I'll immediately get down on my knees and pray to an all-powerful, all-knowing scientist not to cast me into bunsenfire where goblins and ghouls forever will feast on my netheregions.
Pi-Sudoku said:
In Britain we have laws against "incitement to religious hatred" I don't want to be thrown in jail.
HA HA! Where I live, I can make fun of religious people all I want. See, it's better not to live in a semitheocracy (HM still claims the title "defender of the faith" does she not?). :D
This is directed at those who think Atheism is a religion or a cult.

The definition of "religion":
1.   a. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.
      b. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.
2. The life or condition of a person in a religious order.
3. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.
Atheism is the lack of belief in a supernatural power. Thus the a- prefix, which means "without" or "lacking". Nor is Atheism a system grounded in belief and worship. Nor is Atheism a set of anything based on the teachings of a spiritual anyone.

The definition of "cult":
1.   a. A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.
      b. The followers of such a religion or sect.
Atheism is not a religion. And its "followers" do not live in any manner under the guidance of any leader.
superluminal said:
Ahhhhhh! My shorts! They're on FIRE! Ahhhhhh!!! (I'm a flaming atheist. Get it? Flaming?! Huh? :D No? :( Well, poo on all of you then. :mad: )
Yes. Flaming. Otherwise, you would not have went on such a rant.

(Q) said:
Oh yes, how utterly silly of me to get it backwards.

I'll immediately get down on my knees and pray to an all-powerful, all-knowing scientist not to cast me into bunsenfire where goblins and ghouls forever will feast on my netheregions.
Good luck with that.

Athelwulf said:
This is directed at those who think Atheism is a religion or a cult.

The definition of "religion":

Atheism is the lack of belief in a supernatural power. Thus the a- prefix, which means "without" or "lacking". Nor is Atheism a system grounded in belief and worship. Nor is Atheism a set of anything based on the teachings of a spiritual anyone.

The definition of "cult":

Atheism is not a religion. And its "followers" do not live in any manner under the guidance of any leader.
This debate has been over and done with. Why bring it up again, and where do you plan to go with it?
Athesim is a releigion just like thesim. Atheism is one of the biggest cults ever.