The Bible is Bullshit

All existing religions, like those of history,were improved and used by people who have no connection with faith but saw the potential to contain, and they were used to obtain different material or social advantages.
They basing of naivete, ignorance, superstition and fear of the unknown to many people,took some utopian ideas, humanitarian (as Jesus), they have perfected and used them for their interest.
This is the Bible.

All existing religions, like those of history,were improved and used by people who have no connection with faith but saw the potential to contain, and they were used to obtain different material or social advantages.
They basing of naivete, ignorance, superstition and fear of the unknown to many people,took some utopian ideas, humanitarian (as Jesus), they have perfected and used them for their interest.
This is the Bible.

That is not the bible, but is in the bible; the whore in revelation.

The bible is the prophecy of the perfection of the human race.
Any good physicist will also tell you your belief system violates physical laws, yet you would never take that advice.

Any good physicist would realize they haven't enough understanding of the spiritual realm (let alone someone's "belief system") to know one way or the other. They're hard pressed to know much about the physical. So not agreeing with a physicist who told me my belief system violates physical laws would be a wise decision.

All existing religions, like those of history,were improved and used by people who have no connection with faith but saw the potential to contain, and they were used to obtain different material or social advantages.
They basing of naivete, ignorance, superstition and fear of the unknown to many people,took some utopian ideas, humanitarian (as Jesus), they have perfected and used them for their interest.
This is the Bible.

very well said
Any good physicist would realize they haven't enough understanding of the spiritual realm (let alone someone's "belief system") to know one way or the other.

LOL! Do you actually believe physicists are interested in your bronze age superstitions?
Exactly, which is why the spiritual realm is just a delusion.

If a plane of reality is not bound by physical laws, then it is a realm obviously outside of the physical universe, and is thus impossible to study scientifically in any reliable manner. That doesn't mean it is a delusion or doesn't exist; that's quite the strange leap to make.
If you don't believe in something, fine; your beliefs, or lack thereof, are yours to hold. But outright calling someone's beliefs a "delusion" is absurdly rude and childish. Basically you're going the route of "I disagree, so you're an idiot and everything you think is wrong and evil". That's the mentality of a five-year-old.

I mean, I disagree with almost every belief Lori holds (probably), since I am of a different religion and theological position than her. But I can disagree respectfully and not act like a brat.
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