The Bible is founded on ASTROLOGY!

In ancient times astrology ~ astronomy. Is that so hard to understand ?
The Bible also mentions idols, that doesn't mean the Bible essentially outlines idol worship.
Well she's a bit of a nut. The Zodiac was shorthand for astronomical features. It doesn't attribute any special powers to them, especially over God. Criticize the Bible all you want, but at least make it accurate.

Make it accurate? Have you even read the Bible? Did you look at THIS LINK??

Shit even the atheists here show willful ignorance! :mad:
Amun (also spelled Amon, Amoun, Amen, and rarely Imen, Greek Ἄμμων Ammon, and Ἅμμων Hammon, Egyptian Yamanu[citation needed]) was the name of a deity, in Egyptian mythology, who gradually rose to become one of the most important deities in Ancient Egypt, before fading into obscurity.

Amun's name is first recorded in Egyptian records as ỉmn, meaning "The hidden (one)". Since vowels were not written in Egyptian hieroglyphs, Egyptologists have reconstructed the name to have been pronounced *Yamānu (/jamaːnu/) originally. The name survived in Coptic as Ⲁⲙⲟⲩⲛ, Amoun.

Gradually, as god of air, he came to be associated with the breath of life, which created the ba, particularly in Thebes. By the First Intermediate Period this had led to him being thought of, in these areas, as the creator god, titled father of the gods, preceding the Ogdoad, although also part of it. As he became more significant, he was assigned a wife (Amunet being his own female aspect, more than a distinct wife), and since he was the creator, his wife was considered the divine mother from which the cosmos emerged, who in the areas where Amun was worshipped was, by this time, Mut.

The Bible is rip of so many things, but the main thing is that it has it roots in Egyptian religion, and in Egypt it was the stars, sun, moon and planets which were big mystery and therefore they interpret them to be something beyond from this Gods.
In that sense, the culture described in the Bible is based on all the previous cultures in the region, among them astrology, idol worship, nature worship, and others. Hebrew culture was adapted from previous ones, but they changed it's basic meaning. The Bible doesn't tell you to worship the stars, but people that worshipped the stars were it's intended audience.

Christianity is not Paganism, but it did adapt elements of Paganism for it's own use (christmas trees, solstice and harvest festivals, a pantheon of spirits (saints)).
Amun (also spelled Amon, Amoun, Amen, and rarely Imen, Greek Ἄμμων Ammon, and Ἅμμων Hammon, Egyptian Yamanu[citation needed]) was the name of a deity, in Egyptian mythology, who gradually rose to become one of the most important deities in Ancient Egypt, before fading into obscurity.

Amun's name is first recorded in Egyptian records as ỉmn, meaning "The hidden (one)". Since vowels were not written in Egyptian hieroglyphs, Egyptologists have reconstructed the name to have been pronounced *Yamānu (/jamaːnu/) originally. The name survived in Coptic as Ⲁⲙⲟⲩⲛ, Amoun.

Gradually, as god of air, he came to be associated with the breath of life, which created the ba, particularly in Thebes. By the First Intermediate Period this had led to him being thought of, in these areas, as the creator god, titled father of the gods, preceding the Ogdoad, although also part of it. As he became more significant, he was assigned a wife (Amunet being his own female aspect, more than a distinct wife), and since he was the creator, his wife was considered the divine mother from which the cosmos emerged, who in the areas where Amun was worshipped was, by this time, Mut.


Amun(Amen-Ra) was the god representing the Sun at night (in the underworld).

Amen means "So let it be!" in Egyption. Amen-Ra means "So let it be hidden!"
Wikipedia is by no means a complete source of information on these topics. When you do research you should not rely solely on Wikipedia.
In that sense, the culture described in the Bible is based on all the previous cultures in the region, among them astrology, idol worship, nature worship, and others. Hebrew culture was adapted from previous ones, but they changed it's basic meaning. The Bible doesn't tell you to worship the stars, but people that worshipped the stars were it's intended audience.

Christianity is not Paganism, but it did adapt elements of Paganism for it's own use (christmas trees, solstice and harvest festivals, a pantheon of spirits (saints)).

-I asked Adstar this one, havent get answer yet, maybe you could help me ?

-Can you please tell me then what is Christian anyway, what does it mean.
For example our homeland was converted by force to be a Christian.
-If I believe that Jesus was a real person and prophet of somekind, like Buddha and others, but he was just a man,then, am I Christian ?
-LOL Remember the "satanistic" band Venom, their members took names...
...Chronos, Abaddon and Mantas :)

When you realize this lying, murdering, viciously evil god of the O.T. is Chronos it all begins to fall into place. The Greeks and Hebrews both got this practice of Saturn worship from the Egyptians.
Yes, I´m more interested the logic of Christians in this one, thats why the question, kinda hard nut to crack to them I see ;)
When you realize this lying, murdering, viciously evil god of the O.T. is Chronos it all begins to fall into place. The Greeks and Hebrews both got this practice of Saturn worship from the Egyptians.

-Indeed LOL :thumbsup: