Proposal: The CD theory of the WTC 7 fall is more scientific than the official theory

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Michael Fullerton

Registered Member
I, Michael Fullerton, challenge any resident scientist with at least a BSc to a debate on the topic "The controlled demolition theory of the 9/11 WTC 7 collapse is more scientific than the official NIST fire theory".

I suggest the standard rules for the debate.
I, Michael Fullerton, challenge any resident scientist with at least a BSc to a debate on the topic "The controlled demolition theory of the 9/11 WTC 7 collapse is more scientific than the official NIST fire theory".
Nobody will dare touch this hold all the cards.
This topic has already been widely canvassed on sciforums. For example, see here:

[thread=87960]WTC Collapses[/thread]

and here:

[thread=84951]9/11 Conspiracy thread[/thread]

and here:

[thread=90467]9/11 Poll[/thread]

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