The christian Bible...

nothing is outside the law. we just haven't discovered or understand all of it.

I think I get your gist, but I don't like the term "law" to describe it. The word "law" invokes words like rigid, black and white, and undead.
maybe what you're reading is error

I have to be careful because people are so sensitive and the double standard of this site is unbelievable. The reason I believe in the bible is that I have a different perception. The bible says that the useless god (notice the small g) of christianity did it all in six days but science clearly refutes that. Later it goes on to say that to God (notice the big G) a day is like a thousand years. Nowhere does it say exactly a thousand years (as christians perceive) so it could be a million years. According to what I perceive by the scripture, God isn't bound by time and that God grew the world. Now I'm not going to write everyone of my conceptions because I neither care enough nor have the time but that same bible states that the children of God (christians) will not see the kingdom of God, and as far as people's understanding of the bible (or what the less intelligent refer to as the babble),it clearly states that God will send them strong delusion that they will believe the lie (christianity) that they all may be condemned. At the end of the day what's more important, knowing how it came about or discovering how to maintain it for future generations, because from what I'm seeing on the news, the latter doesn't seem to likely to me. If you're of the belief that some great and mighty wonder is going to come out of the sky and save our ass, have at it, but personally I don't think so:shrug:
I think I get your gist, but I don't like the term "law" to describe it. The word "law" invokes words like rigid, black and white, and undead.

i'm not sure if i understand the undead part, but yeah, rigid, black and white.

people have always thought law to be the works of "gods" or magic before it was discovered and understood. you know, there are many people including myself and many scientists who the more they learn about the law, the more they believe in a higher source or a god. what do some call it?...intelligence.
I have to be careful because people are so sensitive and the double standard of this site is unbelievable. The reason I believe in the bible is that I have a different perception. The bible says that the useless god (notice the small g) of christianity did it all in six days but science clearly refutes that. Later it goes on to say that to God (notice the big G) a day is like a thousand years. Nowhere does it say exactly a thousand years (as christians perceive) so it could be a million years. According to what I perceive by the scripture, God isn't bound by time and that God grew the world. Now I'm not going to write everyone of my conceptions because I neither care enough nor have the time but that same bible states that the children of God (christians) will not see the kingdom of God, and as far as people's understanding of the bible (or what the less intelligent refer to as the babble),it clearly states that God will send them strong delusion that they will believe the lie (christianity) that they all may be condemned. At the end of the day what's more important, knowing how it came about or discovering how to maintain it for future generations, because from what I'm seeing on the news, the latter doesn't seem to likely to me. If you're of the belief that some great and mighty wonder is going to come out of the sky and save our ass, have at it, but personally I don't think so:shrug:

nicely put. :)
Lori, would you care to share a little about your experiences, maybe the jist of them?
it clearly states that God will send them strong delusion that they will believe the lie (christianity) that they all may be condemned. At the end of the day what's more important, knowing how it came about or discovering how to maintain it for future generations, because from what I'm seeing on the news, the latter doesn't seem to likely to me. If you're of the belief that some great and mighty wonder is going to come out of the sky and save our ass, have at it, but personally I don't think so:shrug:

Hamtastic, pull out the book of 2nd Thessalonians. Azriel started off good, but has muffed this up badly. What the bible clearly states is:

9Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

10And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

It's referring to the anti-christ, some dude who tries to assume godhood, and that's when everyone in the world say he's full of shit and declare war on him, standing united by a common enemy....beautiful.

But, Azriel gets on track says in Revelations that God will come down and end the war....and it won't be pretty for anyone left unless you are a Jew....the only ones who still have a chance to set things striaight.

I'm merely correcting Azriel so we have it straight, this stuff won't happen because there is no God...and if there is, the Bible is not accurate because it is a muffed up version, and was written mostly by a few folks.
Lori, would you care to share a little about your experiences, maybe the jist of them?

well, it's hard to sum it all up. when it was most intense, i thought it was my duty to share them, describe them, interpret them to everyone. so i set out to write a book, and it was too much...too complicated, and compounding. i know now that it's not really my responsibility to do that and what happened to me happened for a reason, there have been all sorts of witnesses, and the reason will be shown. the jist of them, or the purpose of them so far, and for me, has been to reveal what i have just described regarding sin, the purpose of it, and the purification of it by a perfected bloodline. it seems very davinci code to me...the secret of the holy grail...the perfected blood of christ into a body, which is his bride, the church. this is describing a genetic change for a race of people...a new generation of introduction to eternal life perhaps. this revelation came to me via spiritual interactions of various sorts.
Thank You. Sorry to pick apart your posts, but what do you mean when you say you don't believe in magic?
I think the bible should teach the truth.
It was set up for the central establishment of moral authority.

The word of god was an oral tradition invented by mythology so humans could make sense of what is right and what is wrong and who should make these decisions.

The problem is when you are made to believe the mythology as literal fact. The early theologies where of the idea, that humans/we are incapable of making moral judgments. So invented a central authority figure above the authority of human beings.

The priests and worshipers saw injustice in how there fellow man could be so cruel and evil. And asked the question, “why”, as all thinking people do. The paradox is good and evil is a subjective question. Often there are many grey areas and who should draw the line in the sand and create the laws to govern them, who sets the laws in stone.

For Instance, is “the predator” a good thing or a bad thing? From the victims point of view the predator is evil, always seeking to kill you. From the Animals point of view it needs to consume to survive, so it is doing good. Humans tend to take the view of the victim and the predator only seeks good for him self. This is mythology in action and you could write a fictitious novel about it, which creative humans like to do
Now we know that predation is what drove the evolution of plants and animals. So if you could place your mind in a god perspective, predation is neither good nor evil. And from this "enlightenment of knowledge" we would say it is good or we would not have evolved into existence.

So if you imagine removing your point of view from the eyes of men, an independent observer, you can get insight into the “god idea”.

I theorize that when humans became consciously aware, was the time we saw the reflection of our selves and said, “That is me”. And to do that you had to subjectively view your self from a different perspective.

Just like when a child sees them self in a mirror and for the first time recognizes them selves as an individual.

So now if you view the bible as non-literal you can understand how the story is the messenger to wisdom. My argument is that wisdom needs to remain organic, new knowledge brings new perspective. So morals need a mechanic to shift with the presiding forces of the time. What was good/bad 2000 years ago may not be a good/bad thing forever.
Thank You. Sorry to pick apart your posts, but what do you mean when you say you don't believe in magic?

that's ok, you're welcome. i just mean that there's law behind everything. a scientific explanation for everything, whether we've discovered it yet or not.

so i don't think god works outside the law, we just don't always understand how it works, or what he is even. nothing is supernatural, just not understood.
fuck morals. morals are man-made, and their way of controlling and judging each other.
that's ok, you're welcome. i just mean that there's law behind everything. a scientific explanation for everything, whether we've discovered it yet or not.

so i don't think god works outside the law, we just don't always understand how it works, or what he is even. nothing is supernatural, just not understood.

Thanks for explaining that.
Lori, what about post 36 ?

Edit: Sorry, I'm the one that missed a post :eek:
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Wow. I go away for awhile, and the thread goes screeching off course. I'll pause, then bring in chapter 2. The pause? My belief is simple. I believe God is Jesus is Holy Spirit. I believe Jesus died on the cross as a sacrifice, choosing to die to be a blood covering for our sins. I believe God wants to have beings capable of dreaming to hang out with, Angels being his nondreaming, though powerful servants. The rest of all of it, to me, is polish. Nice stuff, but not necessarily true. I don't think Job is literally true, along with a bunch of OT stuff. I don't believe that I have to believe in anything except what I have stated, with the exception of the bit about angels, and our purpose. Just so you kitties know where I'm coming from. :D

I have to be careful because people are so sensitive and the double standard of this site is unbelievable.


The reason I believe in the bible is that I have a different perception.

LSD does that.

The bible says that the useless god (notice the small g) of christianity did it all in six days but science clearly refutes that.

YAY Literalism!

Later it goes on to say that to God (notice the big G) a day is like a thousand years. Nowhere does it say exactly a thousand years (as christians perceive) so it could be a million years.

8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 2 Peter 3:8

According to what I perceive by the scripture, God isn't bound by time and that God grew the world.

Grew it? Hydroponics?

Now I'm not going to write everyone of my conceptions because I neither care enough nor have the time but that same bible states that the children of God (christians) will not see the kingdom of God, and as far as people's understanding of the bible (or what the less intelligent refer to as the babble),it clearly states that God will send them strong delusion that they will believe the lie (christianity) that they all may be condemned.

Dude... Blue Acid is seldom safe. Ease up. Is any of this biblical? O)r are you just making it up as you go along?

At the end of the day what's more important, knowing how it came about or discovering how to maintain it for future generations, because from what I'm seeing on the news, the latter doesn't seem to likely to me. If you're of the belief that some great and mighty wonder is going to come out of the sky and save our ass, have at it, but personally I don't think so:shrug:

What are you on? Is it legal? Will you share? :bugeye:

Hamtastic, pull out the book of 2nd Thessalonians. Azriel started off good, but has muffed this up badly. What the bible clearly states is:

9Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

10And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

It's referring to the anti-christ, some dude who tries to assume godhood, and that's when everyone in the world say he's full of shit and declare war on him, standing united by a common enemy....beautiful.

But, Azriel gets on track says in Revelations that God will come down and end the war....and it won't be pretty for anyone left unless you are a Jew....the only ones who still have a chance to set things striaight.

I'm merely correcting Azriel so we have it straight, this stuff won't happen because there is no God...and if there is, the Bible is not accurate because it is a muffed up version, and was written mostly by a few folks.

what are you on about? azriel is a grade A nutcase. We'll Get to Thess and Rev in due time.

I think the bible should teach the truth.
It was set up for the central establishment of moral authority.

It was not.

The word of god was an oral tradition invented by mythology so humans could make sense of what is right and what is wrong and who should make these decisions.

So... God is mythology, right? Just want to make sure I get you.

The problem is when you are made to believe the mythology as literal fact. The early theologies where of the idea, that humans/we are incapable of making moral judgments. So invented a central authority figure above the authority of human beings.

Ok, so God is an invention, and is mythology? I take it you've studied some phonecian(sp?) and Sumerian religious texts, right?

The priests and worshipers saw injustice in how there fellow man could be so cruel and evil. And asked the question, “why”, as all thinking people do. The paradox is good and evil is a subjective question. Often there are many grey areas and who should draw the line in the sand and create the laws to govern them, who sets the laws in stone.

Wait...WoG invented as oral tradition because man couldn't tell right from wrong... Then the priests and worshippers saw injustice? So Man invents something to judge man by so man can judge man.... Tell me if I'm wrong, please.

took out some useless nonsense

So if you imagine removing your point of view from the eyes of men, an independent observer, you can get insight into the “god idea”.

Isn't there a rule somewhere that no object can take an exact measurement of itself? Thought I read that somewhere. So the guy who said,"I know! Let's have a God!" was objective, then?

I theorize that when humans became consciously aware, was the time we saw the reflection of our selves and said, “That is me”. And to do that you had to subjectively view your self from a different perspective.

nonsense. A different perspective is not what you have implied thus far. You are saying Man made God to judge Man by. That's man attempting the objective perspective.

more nonsense. I got kids. They know they are themselves when they squirt out, and maybe before.

So now if you view the bible as non-literal you can understand how the story is the messenger to wisdom. My argument is that wisdom needs to remain organic, new knowledge brings new perspective. So morals need a mechanic to shift with the presiding forces of the time. What was good/bad 2000 years ago may not be a good/bad thing forever.

Yawn. Damned foolishness, literally. Wait-You're saying that it's ok to kill your brother out of Jealousy now? YAY! <goes to get sharp objects>

Enough of all that... Chapter 2. Try to keep the madness to a minimum, try to keep it on topic. Let me know if posting the whole chapter would make doing these things easier, 'k?

6 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground

This one is interesting, I think. Could there have been giant aquifers or something to cause this? Maybe pressured by magma? I dunno, Plate Tectonics weird me out, anyway.

10 And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads.

11 The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold;

12 And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone.

13 And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia.

14 And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates

Like a prehistoric address book. "Hang a left at Mabel's Barn, It's yeller, hard to miss"
If I set aside things for a moment and consider it, doesn't this place Eden in the middle of the sahara? Or am I backwards, and it's in the black sea? Then I gather my stuff together and say, nah, probably pretend. Still, be cool to meet the guardian, but we'll get to that.

Just some foreshadowing... Tricky how Adam gets the command about the tree, then God makes Eve. I wonder if Adam ever made things clear to her about the stupid tree?
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obviously your acid is so much better than mine. I would tell you what I think of you but I'm the only one that gets banned for hate talk, maybe because I'm not a cry baby like some of you people, but I'm sure that you could guess what I'd like to tell you to kiss

Read Matthew chapters 7-8. Matt. 8:11,12
Many will come from the East and the West and sit at the feast in the kingdom with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and then the subjects of the kingdom will be cast into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. I don't know what church you're going to but that doesn't sound saved to me.