The consequences of the Psychic Realm being proved


i think these themes have been explored fairly well in the first x-men movie
there is also a tv series..the 4400, that deals with this stuff

Where by we have the non- telepathic vs the telepathic.

it will probably will boil down to that. the haves and have nots
there will be a "psychic race." billions spent on research to have an edge over competitors.

i predict an initial chaotic state of affairs
probably serious upheavels

i think we can adjust
Gustav, thanks for your comments.
I just can't help getting the impression that ethics with regard to the psy is a really hot potato.
In all the books and movie that touch upon the subject the authors always attempt to deal with the ethical issues but unfortunately merely touch upon them.

Possibly because of the unknown nature of what they are discussing...

Of course the X-men movie shows an absurd unrealistic sitiuation involving a certain amount of insanity. I mean if you had the magnetic kenetic ability of the villain would you bother with govenment obstruction and other mere non-psy nuances? Probably not.

The ability being so profound that conventional existance is rendered somewhat insignificant, if you catch my drift.

The authors of these films and books placing limitations on the operants determined on their quest for power and greed. But I would argue that if you already had all the power whats the point?

So it sort of neutralises itself....

For example telepathy is not as far as I am aware in any way limited by distances. So the universe would be wide open to telepathic explorations and so on........

So from a POV of humanity proof of the psychic would be a huge developement in human affairs.
And this is why it is so difficult to prove, the would be telepath being paralised by all the consequences he is either consciously or subconsciously aware of, thus shutting down any useful deliberate demonstrations.

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Quantum Quack said:
The ability being so profound that conventional existance is rendered somewhat insignificant, if you catch my drift.

i agree that hollywood probably had given only the most cursory and perhaps illogical treatment of psi abilities in the x-men movie

yet i do not think a conventional existance is neccessarily helpless in the face of a perhaps adverserial segment of the population in possession of psychic abilities.

for instance, magneto was rendered ineffectual by isolating him in a prison lacking any significant metallic content for him to manipulate. with my limited knowledge, this seemed to be adequate enough to contain him

regardless, conventional definitions of psychic phenomena do not include any specific abilities to control electromagnetic fields so we can for the moment give hollywood's flights of fancy the boot and stick to convention.

which brings us to definitions. i feel it is important that these be explored to minimize any confusion

what do we find in the psychic realm?
I tend to feel that becasue the psychic realm is so close or entwined with imagination that you will always find more imagination than actual psychic ability.
Thus making it a very fickle business.

I guess it is just that we humans love to speculate and often we forget what was/is speculation and what was/is actual.

Because the psychic realm deals with our fundamentals of thought and creativity it is little wonder that we get a confusing array of abilities suggested, wanted or actual.

The science of this field is actually not that hard to understand I feel but the devil is in the reflexive reactions we instinctively perform.