The Conspiracist Mindset


Valued Senior Member
Prompted by "Petra" , who has embraced at leat two mad notions, one about the World Trade Centre disaster and another about the Great Fire of London, I thought I would post a thread about the motivation of such people. There was an interesting article on this in Psychology Today a couple of years ago. A key paragraph reads:

.......studies show that some people are especially prone to these beliefs, even without the motivating uncertainty of a global health crisis. [This was written during the Covid crisis] Researchers have found that this “conspiracy mentality” correlates with particular personality traits, including low levels of trust and an increased need for closure, along with feelings of powerlessness, low self-esteem, paranoid thinking, and a need to feel unique.

Here is the full article:

Aside from certain intrinsic character traits that predispose them, people can resort to conspiracy theories to gain a way of managing situations they feel they can"t cope with, by purporting to identify a simple cause in the form of an enemy and, importantly, assigning blame.

Reading this made me realise suddenly the appeal of politicians like Trump. (See also Hofstadter's famous article from the 1960s: )
There’s also something I would call ‘muddying the waters’ by states wishing to cover something up, like the origin of the Covid pandemic. Especially if people are pointing a finger at a certain country.
The web along with the kind of person mentioned in your article provide a great base to begin the muddying of the waters.
You have heard the expression ''use your nut'', well, I think Some ''use the nutters'' on the web for their purposes.
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There’s also something I would call ‘muddying the waters’ by states wishing to cover something up, like the origin of the Covid pandemic. Especially if people are pointing a finger at a certain country.
The web along with the kind of person mentioned in your article provide a great base to begin the muddying of the waters.
You have heard the expression ''use your nut'', well, I think Some ''use the nutters'' on the web for their purposes.
Yes, the irony is that the conspiracist mindset is fertile ground for real conspiracies to exploit! Russia does it quite a bit.
I was going to say so does Thrump, but I think he actually believes his own guff.
Trump constantly seems to think he is the victim. So I think he has a version of the same psychology as deranged people like "Petra Liverani". That makes him easily able to exploit others with similar psychology. I see that "she", by the way, has just confirmed my prediction by claiming the Sandy Hook massacre was not all it seemed to be. :D
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