The coronavirus response seems somewhat suspicious.

This subject fits in nicely with your post about everyone getting along and society leading to "bliss". Dealing with humans is like trying to herd cats. It's a very hard task.

Covid is a problem because everyone isn't vaccinated. It would still be a small problem for a while but without everyone getting vaccinated it just goes on and on. It gives Covid the opportunity to mutate and the problem just gets worse.

If you say everyone lets work together for the common good, talk about "freedoms" comes in. If people can't work together to get rid of Covid how can we ever expect humans to agree on how to create a state of "bliss" that everyone agrees with? :)
Sue: It doesn't work. Those who get it can still pass the virus on. It just minimizes the risk. Me: Then it doesn't work.
I won't attempt to debate a third person who's not on this thread, so I thought I'd just comment on this:

Seatbelts work. Airbags work. Parachutes work. Condoms work. Airplanes work. Cars work. NONE of them work 100%, and no one thinks they do. Why are vaccines somehow different?
Covid is a problem because everyone isn't vaccinated. It would still be a small problem for a while but without everyone getting vaccinated it just goes on and on. It gives Covid the opportunity to mutate and the problem just gets worse.
Okay. The vaccinated should be fine with that. If they're not then I recommend them separating themselves from the unvaccinated. In fact, that seems to already be happening to a huge extent. It is like these unvaccinated people, (Who are mostly just unvaccinated because they don't trust a rushed experimental vaccine which people are getting threatened into having) are being slowly ostracised from society. It makes no sense, but if they feel safer with no unvaccinated people about, then so be it.
I won't attempt to debate a third person who's not on this thread, so I thought I'd just comment on this:

Seatbelts work. Airbags work. Parachutes work. Condoms work. Airplanes work. Cars work. NONE of them work 100%, and no one thinks they do. Why are vaccines somehow different?

I suppose they are not. Were you under the impression that I thought they were?
Okay. The vaccinated should be fine with that. If they're not then I recommend them separating themselves from the unvaccinated. In fact, that seems to already be happening to a huge extent. It is like these unvaccinated people, (Who are mostly just unvaccinated because they don't trust a rushed experimental vaccine which people are getting threatened into having) are being slowly ostracised from society. It makes no sense, but if they feel safer with no unvaccinated people about, then so be it.

Since you feel that it is easy to deal with humans perhaps you could take on this problem. Go and convince all the unvaccinated people to get vaccinated or go and convince all the vaccinated people that the unvaccinated aren't a problem.

This should be easy.
I suppose they are not. Were you under the impression that I thought they were?
Yes. Because during your argument with Sue you said "then it doesn't work." That indicates you believe it does not work. If you have since changed your opinion, and now think they DO work (even if they are not 100%) then good for you!
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because they don't trust a rushed experimental vaccine

Ummmmm let's say the vaccine type was being worked up before COVID-19 came along


Messenger RNA, or mRNA, was discovered in the early 1960s; research into how mRNA could be delivered into cells was developed in the 1970s.

Let's also say the groups of people who offered to use themselves as test subjects were tested concurrently not sequentially

Normally test groups are tested, results poured over then testing moves to the next group. With urgency of COVID-19 groups were tested alongside each other and priority given to analysis

Rushed NO, method speed up (hastened) YES

Mod Note

Holly-May Leslie, just a few points..

Instead of spamming multiple responses, there's a trick that you can use so that your responses are all in the single post.

If you highlight text or paragraphs, sentences, etc that someone has written that you wish to respond to, you will get a little box appear at the bottom of that highlighted text that says "Reply". If you click on that "reply", it will then create a quoted section and a link to the person you are quoting and you can respond. And instead of hitting post reply, you can keep highlighting and responding in the same chatbox. You know, instead of posting 6 posts to respond to one person's single post. That is considered spamming.

Please don't do that. That is actually against the rules.

Also, I noticed that you copied and pasted another person's post and created a different thread without providing a link to Rainbow's post, nor did you differentiate it or even use quotation marks that would attribute it to the author of those words. That's called plagiarism. That is a huge no no. You can edit your opening thread and correctly assign and quote Rainbow's words correctly and provide a link.

If you fail to do so, I will ping you for plagiarism.

If you aren't sure about formatting, you can use the rich text format (or similar option) when using this site, or you can make use of the BB Codes if you like to do things old school, which can be found here:

And one final note..

We are in the middle of a dangerous pandemic and I take a very dim view of people who post falsehoods or anti-vaxxer arguments or dangerous conspiracies about said pandemic, while on a site that can be viewed by any member of the public.
It's killed close to 5.2 million people.
my rough guess of death stats is
south America 8 million
north American 3 million
middle east 2 million
africa (difficult) maybe 5 million maybe 2 million but looking at the rate of omacron
i might lean more toward 5 million
asia 15 million

38 million world wide keeping Europe off the count to add to the margin of error

rough guess
based on ready various reports from scientists

multiple responses
i may have in error lead a poor example
Ummmmm let's say the vaccine type was being worked up before COVID-19 came along


Messenger RNA, or mRNA, was discovered in the early 1960s; research into how mRNA could be delivered into cells was developed in the 1970s.

Let's also say the groups of people who offered to use themselves as test subjects were tested concurrently not sequentially

Normally test groups are tested, results poured over then testing moves to the next group. With urgency of COVID-19 groups were tested alongside each other and priority given to analysis

Rushed NO, method speed up (hastened) YES


Fine. Fine. I have changed my views there. I might get the vaccine, as it is more the response which seems dangerous than it. I probably would have gotten it already if it weren't for this freaky response.