The Creator Loves You

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Angelic Being said:
Who is jadon?
Your previous name. You remember don't you. You created the "Angelic Being" because you thought this one represented you better than the name you went under before "jadon" ever would.

And may I ask, how many different names can one person have on these forums? I thought it was just one..?
Bells said:
Your previous name. You remember don't you. You created the "Angelic Being" because you thought this one represented you better than the name you went under before "jadon" ever would.

And may I ask, how many different names can one person have on these forums? I thought it was just one..?

If you would take the time to use your great intelligence and read previus posts on this string you would have discovered that jadon no longer exists and that the owners of this site have cancelled that user name.

The Creator Loves You!!
Just wondering Angelic Being are you going to actually answer any of the questions that you have been asked or are you just going to preach to us?

If you're just going to preach then obviously your not interested in have a conversation.
Angelic Being, in case you get some time on Friday: Again, lets keep this simple - just a YES or No to begin:

(1) Does God know everything?
(2) Does God know the future in full (all information)?
(3) Can God do anything? [Bascially, if I say "God has the ability to _______" I can fill in the blank with absolutly anything I think up.]
(4) Does God think?
(5) Does God feel all of the emotions humans feel?
(6) Do humans have abilities that God doesn't posses?

Remember: ONLY a YES or NO to begin, THEN we can converse about the answers, OK?

After 18 pages reading this thread, I've concluded that this Jadon/Angelic Being character is fucking nut!. :bugeye:

Read my previous posts - dont confuse misguided demonic individuals ( who really think themselves Christian!!) - with Christians like me who are actually contributing to the safety and well being of this planet.

I am actually interested to know exactly what you're doing to 'contribute to the safety and well being of this planet'. Astound me..
Godless said:
After 18 pages reading this thread, I've concluded that this Jadon/Angelic Being character is fucking nut!. :bugeye:

What, it took you the full 18 pages to come to that conclusion? I figured that out by his first post.
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Michael, I think it's evident that Angelic Being is not going to answer your questions. I have to say that I'm not amenable to being stuck with Yes/No-answers-only questions myself, so if I were you I'd let it go. Which is a way of telling you that I'm getting irritated by your repetitions of the same questions. I don't accept that kind of badgering by godbotherers, I don't see why one of them should accept it from our side.

Angelic Being, if you want to be taken seriously here, kindly stop responding to posts with patronising phrases like "Just wait, my Child". It is not necessary to reply individually to every post written against you, unless you have something substantial to say each time. And we are none of us your children - we are all equals here. Please respect that.
Hapsburg said:
What, it took you the full 18 pages to come to that conclusion? I figured that out on his first post.

What, it took you an entire post to come to that conclusion? :p
Nah, really just the thread title:
"The Creator Loves You"
gave it away that he is a scared little religious nut, that has been indoctrinated with bullshit.
By the way, the majority of those that profess to believe in the trinity actuall dont know what it means - and when told the actual meaning of the trinity they argue violently that that was not what they thought it really meant.

Of course, why should their fantasies agree with yours?

In fact, if those who attended church were actually allowed to sit and chat with one another about their beliefs instead of sitting there listening to one person talking, they would find their beliefs to be very different from one another, just like what we see happening on these forums. Most likely, Sunday mass would become Sunday massacre.

Like I said, the devil is a liar and will always create lies and confusion in whatever way he can get away with!!

You must be he, then.

By the way, The creator loves You!!!

Yes, but one must accept him missionary style, doggy style will simply not do-be-do-be-do.
Haps; I figured it out just by the tittle however I gave him a chance. Plus I was bored and read everyone's answers as well. This is entertaining to me, that is why I'm here to entertain myself with other fellow atheist, in thrashing religious nut cases. But not all religious people are as nutty as this guy. ;)

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