Kind of a racist comment, IMO.
Thats according to Fraggle, not moi.
2. The medieval Christians somehow managed to develop an aversion to water. (I don't know how they got this out of the bible. But since almost everybody was illiterate before the invention of the printing press, they were at the mercy of their priests to tell them what the bible said.) Knowing how to swim marked a person as a disciple of the devil, and merely bathing was socially unacceptable. Even what we consider minimal standards of cleanliness were way beyond them. At a time when Japanese cities had government employees regularly washing and sweeping their streets, European city leaders turned a herd of pigs loose once or twice a year to eat the garbage... and turn it into pig shit, which was somehow supposed to be an improvement. The "heathen" Romans invented the sewer, but their Christian descendants let them fall into disrepair. The Jews considered cleanliness to be a ritual of religious or near-religious importance. They bathed, kept their food preparation areas relatively sanitary, and even kept the streets in the shtetls much cleaner than in the surrounding Gentile communities. The kashruth's prohibition against eating the flesh of scavengers such as bears and pigs followed the same spirit, and reduced the incidence of parasite-borne illnesses. The result of all of this was that when the Plague (a parasite-borne disease carried by the fleas that infested the rats that infested the Gentile districts) hit Europe and killed off 25-30% of the Gentile population, the death rate in the Jewish community was so low in comparison that the only possible explanation was: Those damn Jews were in league with the devil.
Apparently being dirty was a way of life to them.
You're an idiot. Islam made war on the Eastern Roman Empire - a Christian civilization, since you're apparently not aware of that, much as you're not aware of the meaning of Syriac or Manichaean. The Eastern Romans were from Constantinople, not the invading islamic armies.
You need a history refresher, and lots and lots of perspective.
Three words. Look it up.
The Arabs fought the Byzantine Empire in the 8th century,
. By the early 8th century, the Umayyad Caliphate had rapidly captured North Africa, Egypt, Palestine, Syria, and Spain from a predominantly Christian Byzantine Empire.
The Romans were invaded by the Seljiks in the 11th. The Turkomen were natives of the region who resisted the Roman Empire.
Turks are not Arabs, besides which the Muslims were just one of many. The rest included the pagans, gypsies, Slavs and Jews all of whom were slaughtered to make way for Christendom.
And if you want to be picky, the Romans were not native to any of the regions which through the Muslims were given back to the natives [slaves under the Romans].
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