Country X might didn't even sign the Declaration.
The point here is that Country X didn't sign a declaration, they weren't apart of a "Pact". The current pact is to defend within the territories to which the Pact extends, a mutual protection treaty if you will. Country X isn't apart of that Pact and therefore it's obviously apprehendsive that it applies.
Of course this causes the problem that what countries are privileged enough to be in the Pact see outside the Pacts country list. In the long run they wouldn't want to see human rights violation and would want to afford whats invested in their pact externally, however this causes problems in some cases.
i.e. A number of African countries where currently no recognised government. If there is no one democratic to deal with the political avenue at that end, then politics stops. Discussion can't be held, overall reasoning can't be made, Anarchy (not Anarchism) is impossible to "work with" and thats pretty much what the U.N. is all about, Working with countries.
The UN could of course attempt to offer aid or help packages, however this can be thrown back in their face especially in regards to Anarchy. (Afterall how would you respond if a group of foreign powers told you "We are going to take over your economy, manage your lands, manage your jobs, schooling and hospitals, but you have to do as we ask". The outcome is you'd prefer to suggest that your land is your own, your people are your own people and your problems should have solutions sort by your own people rather than external bodies. (Xenophobia to an extent.)
Then there is the willingness to spend lots of money and possible taking casualties. Now why would any outside force spend money and lose its own citizens just to help to enforce the Declaration? Just so this country could be called the bastion of freedom?
Unfortunately prior to Eleanor Roosevelt's Civil Rights activities that aided in the creation of the Declaration of Human Rights, there had been a number of individuals participating in cornering a Free Market with Monopolism. These people were renouned for being involved in Black Monday (1929) that brought about one of the Great Depressions. Human Rights were waived in favour of Despotistic Fat Cats getting filthy rich.
Unfortunately The Free Market and the abuses that can occur through it's exploitation are legendary and they had a foothold prior to the Declaration of Human Rights. It's actually daft in a way though, countries don't necessarily care unless their is money to be made so there is something worthy of protecting, however when you look at this huge universe we exist in, most if not all those planets out there likely do not have life so the most valuable commodity is actually life. It's far more precious than diamonds (which can be replicated to a degree from base materials).
I guess I mention it because although people aren't necessarily worth money if they are poor, they are technically more precious then every coin on the planet combined.
Every rule/law is worths as much as it can be enforced. Unenforcable laws are meaningless...
Apathy is what causes the main absence of enforcement, if you ignore and choose to ignore what goes on and do not make a complaint, then nobodies going to do anything. It's really down to all of us to make any difference.