Wow, this thread sure has evolved.
Indeed. But I think it has evolved in a way that proves my original point
Wow, this thread sure has evolved.
First, no one asked u to tell us all that crap and waste our time.
So if u r so special then whats stopping u from telling us what ticks in an atomic clock.
All the so called experts here are so dumb, they dont focus on the question but everything else, and we are supposed to threat these people respect.
All the so called experts here are so dumb....
It's the fact that you think all that is crap is the very reason why you know and understand so little.
Atomic clock? The "ticks" come from the decaying of cesium atoms.
...says the nutball whacko who thinks the Moon landing was fake.![]()
Oh my, the irony.![]()
...says the nutball whacko who thinks the Moon landing was fake.![]()
Oh my, the irony.![]()
Explaining an inherintly mathematical concept to someone without the background is often a useless endeavor. I have tried three times to explain the idea behind Lorentz Invariance to Farsight, and everytime he comletely ignores my discourse. Unless one takes the time to work through the mathematical details of such ideas, they will never understand them. I speak from experience.
you ignore me and keep banging your Lorentz Invariance drum despite my replies.
You say "Farsight you're wrong about a variable c because of this here law that says c is not variable, QED I've proved you wrong". Laughable.
Farsight, you're wrong because every observation we'ver EVER made confirms that c is a constant.
You're wrong because we've explicitly tested Lorentz Invariance and confined the violations to a very high scale.
It would make a pleasant change.I'll do some physics.
No, it's got real consequences. For example, the rule that the internal angles of a triangle add up to 180° is no longer valid in curved space.Spacetime curvature seems like a self-evident idea and it is not falsifiable.
Lorentz invariance can't be proven beyond all doubt any more or less than any other scientific theory, but it can be tested by checking for seasonal variations in the laws of physics in our rest frame as we orbit the sun. The validy of Lorentz invariance is also reflected in the success of Lorentz invariant theories. A good example is mechanics, which was originally Galilean-invariant. When a Lorentz-invariant version was proposed (introducing relativistic momentum, among other things), it was found to make much better predictions under relativistic conditions (eg. in particle accelerators) than Newton's original version did.Lorentz invariance is something that should have to be proven but under its own rules it can't be proven.
Where's this coming from?We can construct experiments that appear to work but since we can only figure this out by calculation, the calculation simply massages the evidence.
It's the fact that you think all that is crap is the very reason why you know and understand so little.
Atomic clock? The "ticks" come from the decaying of cesium atoms.
We can go in circles as long as you like. As soon as you show me why my arguments are wrong, I will continue repeating them.
Farsight, you're wrong because every observation we'ver EVER made confirms that c is a constant. You're wrong because we've explicitly tested Lorentz Invariance and confined the violations to a very high scale.
You are invoking Lorentz Violations with impunity.
After being a member at SciForums for about three months, I have found that "freedom of expression" somehow translates into "freedom to express my dumb ass opinion about space and time, and ignore all expert opinions to the contrary".
Why is it that people who work their whole lives to understand the nature of the universe at its most fundamental level can be written off completely as "members of the scientific establishment"?
Why is it that people think that they can be as intelligent or as insightful as Einstein, and that every piece of drivel posted on the internet has some sort of scientific merit?
Why is it that people who can't understand the fundamental mathematical assertions behind their arguments can believe their own theories but think that GR, or quantum mechanics, or (insert real physics here) is wrong?
Does somone who claims that, say, general relativity is wrong have any moral authority to rebuke those who claim that HIV doesn't cause AIDS (i.e. MetaKron), that the universe was created in a ball of water two light years wide 6000 years ago (IceAgeCivilizations), that the Illuminati somehow control all of life on this planet (MattMarr), that global warming is wrong, that Intelligent Design is correct, or that the Holocaust didn't occur?
This is part of a wider problem in America---that is, the devaluation of scientific though. More examples: people who think that crystals have "powers" (one of my mom's friends), that intelligent design should be taught in schools (the president), that Astrology is real (there's a collumn in EVERY paper in America) and that the Earth could possibly be 6000 years old.
I won't post any links---it should be easy enough to locate the posts that I'm talking about.
Added in Edit
I should clarify---I have absolutely no problem with people asking questions about things. Like "How do we know that time is a dimension?" What I have an ENORMUS problem with is someone claiming to have a new theory of everything when it is clear that they don't have a high school education.