The 'Extra'


Valued Senior Member
Have a look at the pic in the attached article (I don't know what the article says - I haven't bothered to translate it).

I read about this in some parapsycological article, and was intrigued, so I corresponded with author of said article and asked him for a link to a pic of what he was writing about, and it's ..

Apparantly he is making a big deal about this - forming investigation panels, writing articles, has a book in print about it ..

I'll admit, it's tempting, but all the same I have to say that it seems to me no more that a coincidence of woodwork patterns, notches, etc.

What do others think ?
I say: show me the photos of the same background without the person standing in the way.
Creepy as hell. Does the house have a history of paranormal activity?

I don't know. The author promoting this is German, you would have to translate the article at least, or read the book. During my email concersations with him I don'r recall that he said the house had such a history.

I've done some hobby kind of woodwork projects in the past, including with plywood, etc.

It still seems to me as a coincidence of wood characteristics.

I recall years ago, seeing a black and white photo from the 1940's (?) of a guy sitting on a park bench under a bunch of trees. The trees branches, leaves, etc, had coincided to the effect that it seemed that a giant evil monster some 10 metres tall was enveloping him (tried just now to find it, but can't). Now that was REAL freaky - sent a shiver up ones spine. However, you could safely assume that photographed from a different angle, you would see no such monster.
I don't know. The author promoting this is German, you would have to translate the article at least, or read the book. During my email concersations with him I don'r recall that he said the house had such a history.

I've done some hobby kind of woodwork projects in the past, including with plywood, etc.

It still seems to me as a coincidence of wood characteristics.

I recall years ago, seeing a black and white photo from the 1940's (?) of a guy sitting on a park bench under a bunch of trees. The trees branches, leaves, etc, had coincided to the effect that it seemed that a giant evil monster some 10 metres tall was enveloping him (tried just now to find it, but can't). Now that was REAL freaky - sent a shiver up ones spine. However, you could safely assume that photographed from a different angle, you would see no such monster.

I can see how something like this might get "matrixed" out of a wood pattern. But as I examine the pic more closely it appears there is just dark space all around it, suggesting the face is there by itself. Frankly it looks a little odd for even a ghost pic, having a mask-like quality to it. I wish he had taken another photo of what is behind the girl. This way we could rule out wood patterns or trickery.

I can see how something like this might get "matrixed" out of a wood pattern. But as I examine the pic more closely it appears there is just dark space all around it, suggesting the face is there by itself. Frankly it looks a little odd for even a ghost pic, having a mask-like quality to it. I wish he had taken another photo of what is behind the girl. This way we could rule out wood patterns or trickery.


Thanks for putting the pic up. I don't know how to do this yet .. lol ..

Yes, it would have been good to see a pic without the girl .. none exists, thus my suspicions of a cover up .. heh ..

Nice girl though .. from what we've seen of her.