If I understand this excerpt from your thesis correctly, you are indicating that this entire concept is the anthropomorphic interpretation from a subjective human psychological perspective.
IOW, God is an invention of the human mind.
I can agree with that 100%. But it does not objectively prove the actual existence of a God as independent from human thought, no?
[GE Hammond MS physics]
NO, you are incorrect that:
_____"IOW, God is an invention of the human mind."
... The reason you are incorrect is because God is a "physical fact" of the human brain, and NOT an "invention" of the human mind.
... Look, the universe (Nature) has long been proven to be "
scientifically logical" and because mathematics is simply "
symbolic logic" therefore the universe (Nature) can be as you propose, "be entirely described by mathematics".
No problem!
... The thing that is missing in your theory is the (newly discovered scientific fact by Hammond), that there is a
real God and that it can be concisely described by mathematics as an "
Einsteinian curvature of subjective reality". So your mathematical description of the universe is
incomplete without the incorporation of the fact that there actually is a "
real God".
... Now avoiding "
Philawsephy" discussion completely, let me mention the every day practical scientific (indeed
mathematical) facts about this so-called "
real God".
As you know a half grown person (a 9-year-old child) has half the size, and half the mental speed (perceptual speed) as an 18-year-old fully grown adult. There is no arguing that that fact has been measured by thousands of researchers for hundreds of years. Okay, and the 2nd fact is that no one on earth ever reaches "
full growth" in fact the world population average is about 85% of full growth. This means that the size and speed of the world as the average human being
sees it appears to be
15% larger and 15% faster than it really is. And by the way if the world average is 15%, there are plenty of people who are
20 or 30% growth stunted!
... This makes the world look and feel far more
terrifying and frightening than a really actually is, and the world population is affected by this. And finally, this phenomenon is historically and universally known as the phenomenon of "
... So in
practical daily scientific terms, this phenomenon is of
overwhelming scientific and practical significance! And as I have pointed out, there is now a complete scientific explanation (
indeed proof) that this is all true, and that there actually is a real God.
... So I simply suggest that your "
mathematical universe" is
missing a major scientific and indeed mathematical phenomenon: namely God !