The first experimental measurement of God; to a 2-decimal point accuracy

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Didn't say could not be EXPRESSED in decimal

Not WORKED as decimal ie cannot be notated as 5 (foot) . 9 (inches) 5"9'

Which is why you CONVERTED 5"9' IMPERIAL into DECIMAL 5.75

Additionally 7.188 would only round DOWN to two decimal places 7.19 OR one decimal place 7.2


[George Hammond MS physics]
... Okay we are in agreement on the first point, I didn't know what you meant by "worked" and thought you meant "expressed", you're right, no problem.
... On the 2nd point about 7.188; --- .188 feet is equal to 2.26 inches, which I arbitrarily "rounded up" to 3, instead of "rounded down" to 2. So that God turns out to be 7'3" instead of 7'2", and admittedly the reason for doing so was simply for "psychological reasons", since historically the number 3 has a religious symbolization (Trinity etc.) while the number 2 has a more sinister connotation (doublecross, duplicity etc.). Thanks for keeping me on my toes!
You began your hight calculation as
Assume the average guy in the US is 5'9", or 5.75 feet.
followed by
Assuming the average growth curve deficit (GCD) worldwide is ** 15%
followed by
and then assuming that he is at least *10% genetically taller than the average man,
* 5.75 feet (average hight) + 10% = 5.75 + ((5.75 ÷ 100) ×10) 0.575) = 6.325 *
switching back to ** (15%)
that would make him 125%
taller than 5.75 feet (5.75 foot + ((5.75 ÷ 100) = 7.1875) or (7.188 close enough to 7.1875)! feet, or God is (rounding up) = 7'3" tall.
Both Imperial and Percentile versions give in the screenshots

Should 2¼ inches be rounded up or down?

and admittedly the reason for doing so was simply for "psychological reasons", since historically the number 3 has a religious symbolization (Trinity etc.) while the number 2 has a more sinister connotation (doublecross, duplicity etc.).

I would forget about psychological reasons, definitely not scientific

Another much greater problem however is god has not been proven to exist with merely mathematics. You need to detect god or provide a lump of god

Are any scientists building god detection equipment, or organising expoditions to look for physical god?

The mathematical proof seems to lack any detail of where god might be detected or found

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[Michael 345 said:]
"Are any scientists building god detection equipment, or organising expoditions to look for physical god?
The mathematical proof seems to lack any detail of where god might be detected or found"

[George E Hammond MS physics Cape Cod MA USA]
... For Pete's sake 3-45, you apparently have not even read my 713 word paper contained on Post-#1 of this thread! How do you think that you're going to scientifically critique a paper that you haven't even read!
... This entire discovery is due to the advent of the desktop computer in the 1970s. In that initial 713 word paper, I describe how a worldwide 1000 man army of PhD psychometry researchers in 20 foreign countries and foreign languages, for 50 years, in a peer–published literature now large enough to fill a major library, using hundreds of different personality and IQ tests discovered that there is exists an "Eigenvector Pyramid"
That describes to 2 decimal point accuracy, the entire structure of human Psychology! This is the DATA that you're looking for, and the data that I'm talking about! There are 4 levels of eigenvectors in this pyramid. At the 2nd order (2nd level) are the so-called "personality types". These were referred to as the "gods" in ancient days, whereas today they are commonly known as "Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Bugs Bunny, Porky pig etc. etc. etc. I discovered that these 13 2nd order personality types are caused by the embryological cubic cleavage of the brain:

Okay, at the 3rd level (3rd order) there are 4 eigenvectors and these form a 4 x 4 matrix with 3 of them being personality dimensions Eysenck's ENP and the 4th being "g" (intelligence) which is a time dimension (all intelligence tests are timed) and this matrix is not diagonal it is what Einstein calls "curved", it is a curvature of SUBJECTIVE space-time (human subjective reality) and the curvature of this metric turns out to be the single, lone, top eigenvector which has been dubbed the "GFP" by the psychologists.
... It turns out that the psychologists cannot figure out what this top eigenvector is! It is a total MUSTERY to them! They are arguing rancorously about what the meaning of it is! And then Hammond comes along and says look; because of the cubic cleavage of the brain, since a cube has 13 symmetry axes, there must be exactly 13 2nd order factors, and obviously they are personality types and just as obviously they are the "12 Olympian gods" of antiquity. And furthermore, since the 2nd orders are the gods, is intuitively obvious to even a casual observer that the single, top eigenvector must be THE GOD OF THE BIBLE !
... Okay 3-45, I'll quit the rapidfire here, but I suggest you go back and read the original paper for chrissakes, before you come back at me with any more questions.
... So okay, now you know where the DATA is. And here are the top names of the people who have been investigating the top 4th order "God eigenvector" for the last 15 years:
Janek Musek (2007) he was the first one to discover the GFP.
...He is a famous psychologist from Slovenia
Rushton and Irwing, 2009 they published dozens of papers on the GFP
van der Linden et al., 2010 he published many papers on the GFP
note: if you type ("GFP" psychology) into Google search you will get over 1 million hits
and not one of them will tell you that the GFP is God !!
you apparently have not even read my 713 word paper
How do you think that you're going to scientifically critique a paper that you haven't even read!
I doubt any science in the paper to critique
This entire discovery
From the above to
the end here there has the same burden of proof

None has any detectability or physical presence. Eigenvectors apparently are "a vector which when operated on by a given operator gives a scalar multiple of itself."
ie mathematics ie made up descriptions, no detectability, no physicality. Other descriptive words such as left right up down inch etc belong in a non existent tray (ie a tray containing words describing non existent stuff)

I would also put the word god in the tray :)

Should that be was since
Hammond comes along and says look; because of the cubic cleavage of the brain, since a cube has 13 symmetry axes, there must be exactly 13 2nd order factors, and obviously they are personality types and just as obviously they are the "12 Olympian gods" of antiquity. And furthermore, since the 2nd orders are the gods, is intuitively obvious to even a casual observer that the single, top eigenvector must be THE GOD OF THE BIBLE
It turns out that the psychologists cannot figure out what this top eigenvector is! It is a total MUSTERY to them
But MUSTERY now solved
I suggest you go back and read the original
Not going to happen
if you type ("GFP" psychology) into Google search you will get over 1 million hits
and not one of them will tell you that the GFP is God !!
Since you have informed me that not one of them will tell you that the GFP is God saved me the trouble :)

Time for coffee


I doubt any science in the paper to critique

From the above to

the end here there has the same burden of proof

None has any detectability or physical presence. Eigenvectors apparently are "a vector which when operated on by a given operator gives a scalar multiple of itself."
ie mathematics ie made up descriptions, no detectability, no physicality. Other descriptive words such as left right up down inch etc belong in a non existent tray (ie a tray containing words describing non existent stuff)

I would also put the word god in the tray :)

Should that be was since

But MUSTERY now solved

Not going to happen

Since you have informed me that not one of them will tell you that the GFP is God saved me the trouble :)

Time for coffee


[George E Hammond MS physics Cape Cod MA USA]
... There is one thing your going to miss Chief, by not reading the original paper on post #1 of this thread. The last couple of paragraphs at the bottom of the paper mentions my discovery of a new microtubule Theory of Life after Death. No one has mentioned it so far in this discussion, so if you don't read the paper, or at least the last 2 or 3 paragraphs, you'll never know about it. Fact is, I show that there is at least a 1 in 3 probability that life after death actually exists ! You should find that interesting, because if there is a Heaven there certainly is a Hell !
Had enough about microtubules from another member

I am sure you don't but feel free to put your calculations in Readers Digest from here


[George E Hammond MS physics]
... Now there is an idea. I submitted that 713 word paper to Scientific American as a news item and within 15 minutes I got an email back from the chief editor Mike LaMonick saying "No thanks" which I thought was a bit wordy, so I sent back a reply saying "Shrug".
... At least he knew enough to read the thing, which is more than you know!
[George E Hammond MS physics]
... Now there is an idea. I submitted that 713 word paper to Scientific American as a news item and within 15 minutes I got an email back from the chief editor Mike LaMonick saying "No thanks" which I thought was a bit wordy, so I sent back a reply saying "Shrug".
... At least he knew enough to read the thing, which is more than you know!
Did it have the same title as this thread?
Did it have the same title as this thread?

[George Hammond MS physics Cape Cod MA USA]
... Well hello Mary Magdalene, the cast of characters keeps growing! I don't identify myself with "J. C." by the way, I'm more of a "Paul" type character historically speaking. I'm a US citizen the largest superpower on earth, so I can't be publicly crucified!
... The title of the 713 word paper (see post #1 of this thread) that I sent to Mike LaMonick chief editor as SCIAM was entitled "The Psychometric Measurement of God". This is the official "academic" title of the discovery, but I didn't use it here because the average reader wouldn't even know what "Psychometry" means!
... By the way, the "new Jews "in this 21st century event is going to turn out to be the psychology community, the 1000 man worldwide army of desktop computer academics who discovered the library sized peer reviewed DATA which underlies all of this! And they know it!!
... For instance, for 30 years I have been posting a blow-by-blow day by day record of my research on "IDANET" a well known Jisc email discussion list moderated by Prof. Paul Barrett. Barrett was Hans Eysenck's laboratory chief at the IOP (Institute of Psychiatry) in London for many years before Hans passed away in 1997 (BTW a picture of me with Hans Eysenck appears on the first page of this thread). Barrett fled to New Zealand finally when he began to realize what they had discovered. And not only that he has joined the "rearguard of psychology" as we might call them who have now turned on and attacked psychometry, exactly because they are terrified because they suspect that psychometry has actually discovered The World's First Scientific Proof of God (SPOG). And as a result of that you will see today if you click on "IDANET" the following notice in all capital letters:

which tells you, after 30 years of posting there, how alarmed The Psychology community has actually become.
...So stick around "Mary Magdalene", because the first physicist in the world has now examined the psychometry evidence and determined that it is overwhelming and without any doubt the world's first SPOG and the psychology community does not have one single psychologist who has a degree in physics, and they don't even realize it !!!
For instance, for 30 years I have been posting a blow-by-blow day by day record of my research

...So stick around "Mary Magdalene", because the first physicist in the world has now examined the psychometry evidence and determined that it is overwhelming and without any doubt the world's first SPOG and the psychology community does not have one single psychologist who has a degree in physics, and they don't even realize it !!!
[Beer w/Straw: masturbating]

I'm masturbating.
Did it have the same title as this thread?

[George Hammond MS physics, Hyannis ]
... Hey Magdalene, besides DaveC, the moderator of this group, you're the only one to ask me a forensic and intelligent question about all this!
... I'm wondering now why you were curious as to what title I used when I submitted the article to Scientific American?
... I get the uneasy feeling you know something I don't know !!
Move over Dan Brown.
Barrett fled to New Zealand finally when he began to realize what they had discovered. And not only that he has joined the "rearguard of psychology" as we might call them who have now turned on and attacked psychometry, exactly because they are terrified because they suspect that psychometry has actually discovered The World's First Scientific Proof of God (SPOG).

The Da Vinci Code follows "symbologist" Robert Langdon and cryptologist Sophie Neveu after a murder in the Louvre Museum in Paris causes them to become involved in a battle between the Priory of Sion and Opus Dei over the possibility of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene having had a child together.

[George E Hammond MS physics ('67) Cape Cod MA USA]
... Thanks Foghorn for your reference to the Da Vinci Code. I am not a Catholic, being a New England "swamp Yankee Protestant" by birth. However, I recognize the Catholic Church as being the leading church of Christianity; being historically "The Church of Peter" descended directly from the Apostolic Age. However, one of the first persons I contacted after discovering the SPOG was: Professor Marcel Sarot, Dean: Tilburg School of Catholic Theology and Permanent Deacon of the Archdiocese of Utrecht, Netherlands. That open letter is posted on my website here:

... I agree with Dan Brown that the Da Vinci Code is essentially "all true" even though it is obviously "allegorical" for the most part. The historical influence of Nobility, Arms and Money in the history of Christianity is undeniable!
... On the other hand physicist George Hammond does not come from Nobility, Arms, or Money! Hammond, like Michael Faraday, is simply an independent researcher, without even a PhD, who ACCIDENTALLY discovered the world's first scientific proof of God while searching for the long-lost "Structural Model of Personality". I made this discovery BTW because I happen to be the ONLY physicist in history to ever research the arcane field of "Psychometry" in the field of Psychology! There isn't one psychologist in the entire world who has a degree in physics. And that is a fact! If anyone ever happens across such a person, other than me, please let me know immediately!
... So Foghorn, 2000 years after Calvary, and an incessant argument over whether or not there actually is a God, we finally, in 2022 A.D., have a bona fide hard science, experimentally proven, scientific proof that the God of the Bible actually exists, and is in fact "an Einsteinian curvature of subjective reality" (subjective space-time). You have no idea what reassurance and hope this will yield for humanity across the Globe.
... And it has happened BTW "just in the nick of time". The first effect it will have is to unify the world's religions; Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism etc. The whole world will now be on the same page regarding "the existence of God". And just in the nick of time because we are now facing the greatest existential threat to humanity ever to arise, and that is "Global Warming" so called. The human race has overpopulated the world and this overconsumption Is causing Global Warming. The smart money has it that the only cure for the problem is to reduce the global population, and how to do that rationally, and without war or pandemic, is now the problem we face. The first step is to get all of the world's religions on the same page, in my opinion. The discovery of a scientific proof that "God exists" and can be scientifically measured to prove it, will become a major tool in this global human effort to survive!
The first effect it will have is to unify the world's religions; Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism etc

We really really do need
ROFL and urinating myself emoji
for occasions like this

God exists

You keep making the claim but produce no evidence

Where is the detectability?
Where is the physicality?

Either or both of those should be available for any person to examine

No detectability - No physicality = No god

We really really do need
ROFL and urinating myself emoji
for occasions like this

You keep making the claim but produce no evidence

Where is the detectability?
Where is the physicality?

Either or both of those should be available for any person to examine

No detectability - No physicality = No god


[George E Hammond MS physics Cape Cod MA USA]
... Look M345, you admittedly refused to read any of my posts, and continually claim that there is "no data, "no evidence". Well my posts continually cite the enormous 50 year peer published library sized experimental literature, produced by 1000 man academic psychometry research army in 50 years using desktop computers testing millions of people worldwide with Personality and IQ tests which form the enormous DATA which underlies this discovery.
... The top of the "eigenvector pyramid" that this army of researchers has discovered is known as the "GFP" (general factor of personality, or if including IQ, general factor of psychology), a few of the major researchers and investigator – publishers in this area are "
Janek Muusek (2007}
Rushton and Irwing, 2009
van der Linden et al., 2010
Loehlin, 2012

... Prof. Janek Muusek from Slovenia originally discovered the "GFP" in 2007, and then Rushton and Irwing followed that up with a shower of papers. If you type ("GFP" psychology) into a Google search you will get over 1 million hits, that's how widely it is known!
... My contribution has been to prove, that the so-called "GFP", which the psychologists can't figure out what it actually is, IS IN FACT the God of the Bible!
... I'm not going to do your reading for you, if you actually want to know what's going on you'll have to read my posts and or some of this material!
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