The God Dellusion

Actually, several decades ago I read a scholarly paper submitted to a Psychiatric Journal that discussed Paranoid Psychotic Episodes that embodied 'God Themes' as being the most likely to end in the Remission of pathological psychological symptoms.

People would have the Psychotic 'Delusion' of encountering 'God' and would come out the other side 'healed'.

His advice, to those of the Psychiatric Community was that if it seemed that a patients 'delusions' were toward the God Motif then it would be well worth considering allowing the psychotic episodes to progress, rather than suppressing the delusions with medication.

So, even if God is not Real, delusions of God are accepted to be healthy and healing.
Reminds me of Carl Jung.

I continue to find it amusing that an evolutionary biologist like Richard Dawkins would go on a crusade against something that is quite clearly a natural process. You evidently don't have to understand the past to discover it.
Reminds me of Carl Jung.

I continue to find it amusing that an evolutionary biologist like Richard Dawkins would go on a crusade against something that is quite clearly a natural process. You evidently don't have to understand the past to discover it.

Dawkins writes about this in The God Delusion.
Reminds me of Carl Jung.

I continue to find it amusing that an evolutionary biologist like Richard Dawkins would go on a crusade against something that is quite clearly a natural process. You evidently don't have to understand the past to discover it.

As much as contempory Science claims to be objective and impartial, they DO have a social agenda to discredit Religion. You see, they WANT TO BE the New Priests. So they discredit the Old.

So any Scientist who accepts any commission to study the Supernatural or the Miraculous is simply drummed out of the Community... their credentials withheld to punish them. They are Excommunicated.

There was an old man in India named Pralad Jnani who had not eaten in 60 years. The Scientists at the Sterling Hospital thought that it would be useful to the World in general and NASA in particular if they could STUDY how it is that a man can live without food, but first they had to establish that this man actually was living without food. So they designed an experiment respecting every scientific protocol and established for a fact that this Pralad Jnani was indeed thriving without the intake of either food or water.

The Peer Review decided that the Scientists lacked the 'objectivity' to conduct such an experiment because their conclusions were a priori impossible. If they could conclude that the possible had indeed occurred than that was proof in itself that their Experiment had been flawed.

Is that Circular or what?

Science demands that Religion proves its claims. When Religion does, then the claims are rejected because such things, on their face, cannot be proven.

Science has its own Dogma.
Very odd that any scientist would take such a rationalistic stance. Then again, maybe not. Few scientists nowadays seem to know the philosophical underpinnings of their work. But I digress.

Can I find more information on this experiment? The specific methodology, perhaps? The original report? Scientific credentials of the experimenters, et cetera? Anything you can point me to would be great. I will try Google tomorrow morning, as well.
As much as contempory Science claims to be objective and impartial, they DO have a social agenda to discredit Religion. You see, they WANT TO BE the New Priests. So they discredit the Old.

So any Scientist who accepts any commission to study the Supernatural or the Miraculous is simply drummed out of the Community... their credentials withheld to punish them. They are Excommunicated.

There was an old man in India named Pralad Jnani who had not eaten in 60 years. The Scientists at the Sterling Hospital thought that it would be useful to the World in general and NASA in particular if they could STUDY how it is that a man can live without food, but first they had to establish that this man actually was living without food. So they designed an experiment respecting every scientific protocol and established for a fact that this Pralad Jnani was indeed thriving without the intake of either food or water.

The Peer Review decided that the Scientists lacked the 'objectivity' to conduct such an experiment because their conclusions were a priori impossible. If they could conclude that the possible had indeed occurred than that was proof in itself that their Experiment had been flawed.

Is that Circular or what?

Science demands that Religion proves its claims. When Religion does, then the claims are rejected because such things, on their face, cannot be proven.

Science has its own Dogma.
Who designed the experiment? Who reviewed the protocol? How many independent observers were invited?

The reason anyone is skeptical of such an absolutely extraordinary claim is because it is indeed so far outside the norm of anyones experience.

And this argument that scientists want to be the new "priests" is rediculous. Do you know how scientists get fame and recognition? By discovering amazing new things. Like a human that can thrive without food or water. For 60 years yet. Show us the study.
Can I find more information on this experiment? The specific methodology, perhaps? The original report? Scientific credentials of the experimenters, et cetera? Anything you can point me to would be great. I will try Google tomorrow morning, as well.

The oddest thing happened... I searched up "Pralad Jnani Sterling Hospital", and I was confronted with all of my own posts. It turns out that I spelled 'Jnani' the way it is spelled in Sanknglish, but should have been spelling it the way the Newpapers had -- Pralad Jani.

Start with this:

But if you seach "Pralad Jani Sterling Hospital" you will find everything that has been said.
Like I said: a few people fooled by a con artist. Pralad Jani turned down Randi and his million dollar prize. It would seem that he knows better than to try and fool the prepared.

The guy has NOT demonstrated his "power" in controlled conditions. A single online news article hardly constitutes any sort of academic confirmation. In other words, his "accomplishments" are as bogus as your superstitions, Leo.
Like I said: a few people fooled by a con artist. Pralad Jani turned down Randi and his million dollar prize. It would seem that he knows better than to try and fool the prepared.

The guy has NOT demonstrated his "power" in controlled conditions. A single online news article hardly constitutes any sort of academic confirmation. In other words, his "accomplishments" are as bogus as your superstitions, Leo.

So you honestly think that the Doctors at the Sterling Hospital submitted a sloppy study.

What? Are you racist? Have something against Indian Doctors?

Well, guess what? Where Indians are qualifiying, by merit, for American Medical Schools, the only way American Students are getting in is because Daddy was an Alumni. So your Racist Assumption that Indian Doctors are Second Rate is misplaced.

But try reasoning with some bigotted racist...

I'm talking to a wall. If you hate indians, then you hate indians.
It doesn't strike me as a conclusive study. According to the report, Jani lost weight over the ten day surveillance period and suffered hearing loss. It was an incredible act of endurance, but certainly nothing that would make me think that he has gone decades without sustenance.

It's just a curiosity to me. I know very well that the scientific community has its own "dogma" of sorts. Some topics of study are blessed, some taboo. If you plan on getting funding for your research, you had better have a favorable bias to the former.
So you honestly think that the Doctors at the Sterling Hospital submitted a sloppy study.

What? Are you racist? Have something against Indian Doctors?

Leo, that's what's known as a non sequitur and I'll not answer such a bullshit response. I care not where or by whom the con artist was "examined," if he was examined at all. The fact remains whoever examined him was duped. Period. I don't know their race. Nor do I care. Even smart people can be duped. You're apparently smart. You're also apparently duped.

I'd thank you to retract your accusation of racism immediately. Such a non sequitur is pure intellectual dishonesty.