Proposal: The Great Flood - Fact or Fiction?

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Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Adieu, Sciforums.
Valued Senior Member
So since Magical Realist seems to like harping on it... How about a formal debate regarding whether or not a flood of 'biblical proportion' ever occurred.

Per his comment:
Do I really need to quote your ridiculous arguments for Noah's ark and the worldwide flood? lol!

Perhaps he would be kind enough to specify what argument(s) of mine he is referring to.
So since Magical Realist seems to like harping on it... How about a formal debate regarding whether or not a flood of 'biblical proportion' ever occurred.

Per his comment:

Perhaps he would be kind enough to specify what argument(s) of mine he is referring to.

What were the boundary of that biblical world ?
So since Magical Realist seems to like harping on it... How about a formal debate regarding whether or not a flood of 'biblical proportion' ever occurred.
Dont be tricked Kitta... you pick you'r favorit biblical topic that you beleive in that the scientific method considers little more that superstition... an then amaze us all wit the scientific evidence you have for that beleif.!!!
So since Magical Realist seems to like harping on it... How about a formal debate regarding whether or not a flood of 'biblical proportion' ever occurred.

Per his comment:

Perhaps he would be kind enough to specify what argument(s) of mine he is referring to.

No..I'm not going to debate the veracity of Bible fables with a science forum moderator in a supposed science forum. That doesn't even make sense.
No..I'm not going to debate the veracity of Bible fables with a science forum moderator in a supposed science forum. That doesn't even make sense.

Fair enough.

Given your above admission that you have no desire to actually debate the topic in a rational manner, from now on, whenever you feel the need to bring it up, I will simply treat it as the utterly off-topic trolling that it so obviously is, and will handle it as such.

Thanks for playing.
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