The Inter Mind

There is no neural activity associated with the processing of light. As Exchemist explained and you ignored.

Light causes molecular changes in the retinae, which are converted to electrical signals. Electrical signals are sent to the brain, and it is electrical signals that are processed, not light.

And that is why your idea is doomed. Whether through ignorance or mere lazy shortcutting, you fundamentally misrepresent the very mechanics you are trying to explain.
Yes, the stripped down version of the Inter Mind Model in the OP does leave out some things that were more important than I thought when I cut the text back to 10k characters. Can't seem to edit the OP so please see for the full text and other important introductory concepts.
It just occurred to me that biological (neural) differential equations may be responsible for producing "experience" ?

I am not well versed in "transformations", but AFAIK, it is a matter of mathematical processing and comparing (experiencing) different electrical and chemical values.

Ordinary differential equations with applications in molecular biology, M Ilea1, M Turnea, M Rotariu

Differential equations are of basic importance in molecular biology mathematics because many biological laws and relations appear mathematically in the form of a differential equation. In this article we presented some applications of mathematical models represented by ordinary differential equations in molecular biology.
Material and methods:
The vast majority of quantitative models in cell and molecular biology are formulated in terms of ordinary differential equations for the time evolution of concentrations of molecular species. Assuming that the diffusion in the cell is high enough to make the spatial distribution of molecules homogenous, these equations describe systems with many participating molecules of each kind.
Many molecular biology processes can be quantitatively characterized by ordinary differential equations. Mathematical cell biology is a very active and fast growing interdisciplinary area in which mathematical concepts, techniques, and models are applied to a variety of problems in developmental medicine and bioengineering. Among the different modeling approaches, ordinary differential equations (ODE) are particularly important and have led to significant advances. Ordinary differential equations are used to model biological processes on various levels ranging from DNA molecules or biosynthesis phospholipids on the cellular level.

This idea occurred to me after viewing some videos of partially color-blind people using chromatic color glasses to enhance optical stimulation. The results seem to be remarkable and definitely "experiential" in nature. (note; this is not an attempt at advertising)

There are different types dependent on the type of colorblindness.
There is a whole series of amateur recordings , showing the enormous impact of discovering the experience of color.
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Your insistence that the Redness of Red, the Standard A Tone, and the Salty Taste must all be in the Physical Brain is merely Speculation without any Scientific proof.
There is also no "Scientific Proof" that Red and Salt are not in the form of songs sung by a tiny Pink Unicorn that telepathically sings to us from another dimension.

But we just don't invent exotic explanations without evidence, do we?

Science does not do "proof"; it does theory and evidence. There is no evidence for any form of mind or consciousness outside the bounds of the brain.

You think if you say it enough times that it will eventually be true. Sorry, but people have been reciting your Mantra for a Hundred years and these Sensory Experiences refuse to be pushed into the Brain.
They don't refuse to be pushed into the brain at all. This is another one of those content-free claims.

I don't Know that they are not in the Brain, but you need to do a better job Explaining how they are in the Brain.
Why? Red is a qualia that is formed in our brains by electrical input from signals that ultimately are traceable back to EMR.
While we don't understand the mechanics of exactly how our perception and consciousness works, that doesn't mean we don't know the start and end of it.

You might as well say "we don't know exactly how gravity works therefore there's no proof it holds us to the ground".

You can't just say they are in the Brain, and that is that.
Nobody said 'that is that'. Try addressing what people are actually saying rather than putting words in their mouths.

Not very Scientific.
Your own words reveal that you don't really know what that means. For starters, stop using the word "proof".
Just to get an idea of the meaning of color vision deficiency, this may bring some clarity as related by a color deficient person who has actually studied the phenomenon.

and for good measure;

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There is also no "Scientific Proof" that Red and Salt are not in the form of songs sung by a tiny Pink Unicorn that telepathically sings to us from another dimension.

But we just don't invent exotic explanations without evidence, do we?

Science does not do "proof"; it does theory and evidence. There is no evidence for any form of mind or consciousness outside the bounds of the brain.
There is no Scientific proof for anything about the Conscious Experience of Redness, Standard A Tone, or Salty Taste. For all Science can say it might as well be Pink Unicorns. This is an embarrassment for Science.

They don't refuse to be pushed into the brain at all. This is another one of those content-free claims.

Why? Red is a qualia that is formed in our brains by electrical input from signals that ultimately are traceable back to EMR.
While we don't understand the mechanics of exactly how our perception and consciousness works, that doesn't mean we don't know the start and end of it.
Ok good at least you are not saying that Science already has it figured out. The Inter Mind Model is a Framework for future theories that might be able to Explain Conscious Experience.

You might as well say "we don't know exactly how gravity works therefore there's no proof it holds us to the ground".

Nobody said 'that is that'. Try addressing what people are actually saying rather than putting words in their mouths.

Your own words reveal that you don't really know what that means. For starters, stop using the word "proof".
This is about Conscious Experience not Gravity. Apples and Oranges.
The Mind explains the paranormal . Ghosts and Spirits , and the experiences , experienced .
We can only know our own individual Minds. I know my Mind, and it does not Explain Ghosts and Spirits, for which I have never seen anything but sketchy evidence. My Mind certainly does Experience Experiences but there is no Scientific Explanation for that. I know I am that Mind but I don't know what that Mind could possibly be.
river said:
The Mind explains the paranormal . Ghosts and Spirits , and the experiences , experienced .

We can only know our own individual Minds. I know my Mind, and it does not Explain Ghosts and Spirits, for which I have never seen anything but sketchy evidence. My Mind certainly does Experience Experiences but there is no Scientific Explanation for that. I know I am that Mind but I don't know what that Mind could possibly be.


You misunderstand me , my fault , ; the mind is the essence of the existence of ghosts and spirits .

You misunderstand me , my fault , ; the mind is the essence of the existence of ghosts and spirits .
Yes, if there is such a thing as Conscious Space, then that is where all Conscious Minds have their existence. Then it could be said that a Ghost or a Spirit is just a Conscious Mind, in Conscious Space, that has been detached from its' Physical Space body.
Yes, if there is such a thing as Conscious Space, then that is where all Conscious Minds have their existence. Then it could be said that a Ghost or a Spirit is just a Conscious Mind, in Conscious Space, that has been detached from its' Physical Space body.


Explain further , in more depth ; of your understanding of what Conscious Space means and/or defined as .
Yes, if there is such a thing as Conscious Space, then that is where all Conscious Minds have their existence. Then it could be said that a Ghost or a Spirit is just a Conscious Mind, in Conscious Space, that has been detached from its' Physical Space body.


There is no Scientific proof for anything about the Conscious Experience of Redness, Standard A Tone, or Salty Taste. For all Science can say it might as well be Pink Unicorns. This is an embarrassment for Science.
There are several misapprehensions in the above quote, indicating you don't know how the scientific method works.

But I see river is here to save the day. I'll leave you in his capable hands.

Explain further , in more depth ; of your understanding of what Conscious Space means and/or defined as .
Conscious Space comes from the Inter Mind website at Conscious Space, at this point in our understanding, is simply a place to put Conscious Sensory Experiences such as, Redness, Standard A Tone, and Salty Taste. These Experiences certainly cannot be located in the Neurons although there are Correlations to areas of the Brain for these Experiences. People blithely say, Oh look these Neurons fired and a Redness Experience happened. Then they say that Explains it. That Explains nothing. That only shows a Correlation between Cortical Area Activity and Conscious Experience, but does nothing to explain the Experience itself that happens in the Mind. The website also explains the Connection Perspective, which is integral to the Inter Mind Model Framework for Consciousness.