The Love connection

:D ..................
8-If you think about her even while you are offline and rush home every day to see if she posted something, you are in love....and a lonely nerd with no life.
9-If you spend time daydreaming about how she looks, how she may smell, how she may feel nestled against you, you are in love....and horny.
10- If you are overly affected by her put-downs and worry that she may actually mean them, you are in love....and a sucker for punishment.
11- If you find yourself continuously drawn to the threads she participates in but you tell yourself that you just share common interests or it is just a coincidence, you are in love....and in denial... and obsessed.
12- If you mention her name even while posting an answer to someone else and find yourself thinking of her as an example or hoping she will see her name and post a reply to you, you are in love....and pathetic.
13- If posting on the public Forum is just an excuse for your only real interest in just sending ’private messages’ to her, you are in love...and an idiot.
14- If you’ve sent her pm’s putting down and ridiculing another male or you spend way too much time privately criticizing other male memebers to her, you are in lust.....I mean in love?
15- If you send a pm to her, out of the blue, with some pretext to make a connection or start a correspondence, you are in lust. Don't fool yourself.
16- If you insinuate her or try to goad her into a response or a pm to you, you are in love.
17- If you are overly preoccupied with her and find yourself always drawn to her alias, her posts and her threads, you are in love.
18- If you are 15ofnothing, you are in love...and a moron.
19- If you imitate her style and find yourself adopting her labels, metaphors and caricatures, you are in love...and lacking in imagination.
20- If you sweat while you type messages to her, you are in love…..and overweight

By the way, the her can be replaced with a he for the ladies. :p
...and yes, all this applies to me as well.
Abby, I think you've just described yourself... ;)

And you have way too much time on your hands...
Is it just me, or is it a bit curious that I am the only member of sciforums that wizzle singles out in his laundry list?

Obsession....? :rolleyes:
gendanken said:

No, I did read the edit. Said 'but this does not mean I dislike you!'

Andy, sarcasm aside I'm being very honest with you here. I truly think you should reconsider your value systems.



Mierda, merde, caca, turd and brown shuga....

Just d/l'd Brown Sugar just for you. -Now playing- Now how's that for someone I don't like? Like-dislike... doesn't mean a damn thing.

Value systems? Why else did I delete? But memories need more time. As to how I affected others... bloody bummer. Oh well. Ciao.
Android, why don’t you reconsider your value system like the Forum queen urges you to?
It doesn’t fit into her own system, so it must be wrong.
You see, she defines what is ‘truth’ and what is powerful, and what is noble and what is beautiful.

Can you not see how indifferent she is to this place?
How above it she is, how superior she is?
See how she has softened up now; how sweet she is, how full of reconciliation?
Now that’s beauty.

Abby, I think you've just described yourself...
I did?! :(
God, I'm a loser.
Shoot me please.
Oh Bellsy, what hidden worlds you cannot see.
This place is a joke; a seesaw for little boys and girls.
Or is it more like a merry-go-round?
I haven't found the right metaphor yet.
Look at the subjects they talk about, look at the preoccupation with forum politics and government, look at the slight hints at private exchanges and obsessive attractions.
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Oh Bellsy, what hidden worlds you cannot see.
This place is a joke; a seesaw for little boys and girls.
Or is it more like a merry-go-round?
I haven't found the right metaphor yet.
Look at the subjects they talk about, look at the preoccupation with forum politics and government, look at the slight hints at private exchanges and obsessive attractions.
Oh it's not hard to miss the hidden world of this place. But lets face it, it's amusing to watch the small exchanges which occur in the threads.

I think you have found the right metaphor... in you edit message... 'wasting time' ;). After all, when it comes down to it, that's what most of us on here are doing. I waste my time on here inbetween reading boring cases. Breaks the monotony. :D
Android, why don’t you reconsider your value system like the Forum queen urges you to?
It doesn’t fit into her own system, so it must be wrong.
You see, she defines what is ‘truth’ and what is powerful, and what is noble and what is beautiful.

Can you not see how indifferent she is to this place?
How above it she is, how superior she is?
See how she has softened up now; how sweet she is, how full of reconciliation?
Now that’s beauty.

Huh???? Ya speakin' ta mich? About her? Why don't you just address your stupid post to her and stop using me as a go-in-between. Hypocrite.

_an.droid_ said:
Huh???? Ya speakin' ta mich? About her? Why don't you just address your stupid post to her and stop using me as a go-in-between. Hypocrite.

Now now And, that's not the way to talk to your demi-god. He might stop patting you on the head... figuratively speaking of course ;)

Why do you insist on using an.droid as a "whipping boy"? Is it because you don't like the feeling of smacking yourself in the face? You have to do it to him/her so you can feel better? I would REALLY like to know.
Just d/l'd Brown Sugar just for you. -Now playing- Now how's that for someone I don't like? Like-dislike... doesn't mean a damn thing.
Moo- download some Rossini and we're on.

Huh???? Ya speakin' ta mich? About her? Why don't you just address your stupid post to her and stop using me as a go-in-between. Hypocrite.

You're getting there Andy, almost there......................its wonderful.


Why do you insist on using an.droid as a "whipping boy"? Is it because you don't like the feeling of smacking yourself in the face? You have to do it to him/her so you can feel better? I would REALLY like to know

Now that Wanda is a nosy little bitch, you know.

Ain't she cute though? So small and charming you want to put her on a keychain.

Now now And, that's not the way to talk to your demi-god. He might stop patting you on the head... figuratively speaking of course

Your only concern should be the left hand Wanda pats you with.
gendanken said:

Now that Wanda is a nosy little bitch, you know.

Ain't she cute though? So small and charming you want to put her on a keychain.

Ooooo! Keychain. Great idea gendanken, you must be a real trend starter where you come from.
"Now that Wanda is a nosy little bitch, you know."

But for that matter, he doesn't find you nearly as fascinating as you find him. Nor has he ever asked anyone to run IP checks on his potential boyfriends.
Embarassed because he doesn't sniff after your swollen crotch like the rest of the boys here?
Or is it because he's actually not making coded references to your cyber-romances - quite likely because he doesn't care?

Or simply because he's a better attention whore than you?
Ooooo! Keychain. Great idea gendanken, you must be a real trend starter where you come from.
If vindictive little cunts register as trends then I'm quite skilled in inspiring them, wouldn't you say?

Like, Lmao......
What makes you think he's gone?

Can't you smell him? "Wet dog" is a hard scent to camaflouge.
Well looky here all the usual suspects have gathered once again.
This is fun. Can I play?

So much information in all those short bursts I must mull over.
Look how their words say one thing and their acts another. But I think they have a ready excuse for that too.
Think General Hospital on Cliff Notes of the Great Philosophers and lots and lots of crack.

Wanda, I do owe you an apology for calling your interest in these proceedings low and voyeristic. They're funnier than a bucket of dead babies!