The manipulation of Religion

im tired of proving that organised religion is a bad thing. now if your religious and follow those really peacefull teachings correctly then thats great but show me the ones that do this, and if there so may of them why arent they doing anything atall about anything atall.
geeser said:
again what threat, there is no threat from scientist, the people that fund there research, well thats another

me-----and where do you tink their legal power comes from....come one wake up. it comes from te backing of SCIENCE tis is theeeee Scientific Age!

so I gather the scientist should stop and humanity should revert back to the stone ages.

me:: you see. tat attitude is so
superior. 'either the science 'religion' orrr the 'stone age''? i have heard that argumen so many times before from scientismic devotees. soon you'll be talkin bout caves right?
It's as though all tat came before'science' i wrong, and bad etc.

yes,To deter and punish terrorist acts, but what has that to do with the scientist, surely it's a govenments thing. again a govenment thing.actually I'm a working class man I'm a builder, my main skill being a carpenter. again science cant be deemed reactionary or dictatorial, your blaming science for the political misuse of the ideas, yes we have new technological weapons, but the original idea behind them was not warfare, IE black powder(sulfur, charcoal, and saltpeter (potassium nitrate).) commonly known now as "gunpower" was originally for fireworks, you just cant blame science for it's misuse. yes there has been some nasty things done in the name of medical science, and they still are in cosmetic science. but you cant blame the scientist, it's because people need these things, that these sciences have advanced to fill these voids.agreed, but not for control, but to fill a need.

me:: cant really understand your lack of insight about whats going o, and the linkship betweixt Science and State, as in prevous paradigm--whic was also very oppressive--was CHurch and State. both amalgamate and oppress.
so, you are a working man yeah. well i am not naive enough to imagine its only middle calssians whpo haven't a clue about whats going on.
ALL i dan tell you, in way of a hint and encouragement to look more into tis is that te whole war on terror like te war on drugs-implemented tocontrol PEOPLE. to take away liberties, which is exaclty wht is happening. IF you cant see this, then dude you are blind dumb and deaf.
you've heard that saying: "first they came for the Jews. and i said nothing, then tey cme for the....etc and i said nothing. then they cme for me and it was too late!"

you seem to be blaming the wrong people.
hah. you seem to be sleepwalkin
duendy said:
and where do you think their legal power comes from....come one wake up. it comes from tte backing of SCIENCE this is the Scientific Age!
but what has this to do with science, it's all to do with corporate business politics,the govenments, the armed forces/police etc.
duendy said:
you see. that attitude is so superior. 'either the science or the 'stone age''?[
I'm sorry if you think, I'm acting superior, but you arguement should be against corporate business politics, the govenments, the armed forces/police, not science. your not making a valid case, your picking on the wrong guys.
duendy said:
cant really understand your lack of insight about whats going on, and the linkship between Science and State,
because science is the small fry used by corporate business politics, the govenments, the armed forces/police etc,
duendy said: in prevous paradigm--which was also very oppressive--was CHurch and State. both amalgamate and oppress.
you see the difference there is, the church has had a powerful hand in all humanities affairs in the past 2000 yrs or more , but not so science. science is and always has been in the background making things better, fortunately it has never had the power you credit it with.
duendy said:
ALL I can tell you, in way of a hint and encouragement to look more into this is that the whole war on terror like the war on drugs-implemented to control PEOPLE. to take away liberties, which is exaclty what is happening. IF you cant see this, then dude you are blind dumb and deaf.
I can see it and I agree peoples right etc, should be guarded, but it has nothing to do with science, it to do with, corporate business politics, the govenments, the armed forces/police etc, this is where this debate loses it for me, your constantly blaming the wrong guys.
duendy said:
hah. you seem to be sleepwalkin
funny that, I must do it with my eyes wide open.
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duendy: what are you talking about, how cant science be held responsible, for everything done by the rulers and governments of world, they just plod alone in the background minding there own business.
you seem a little screwed up to me, you dont happen to be using a computer in a prison do you, as that may explain you angst.
stefan said:
duendy: what are you talking about, how cant science be held responsible, for everything done by the rulers and governments of world, they just plod alone in the background minding there own business.
you seem a little screwed up to me, you dont happen to be using a computer in a prison do you, as that may explain you angst.
Aye...i'm in me little prison cell tapp tappin away inbetween doing slave labour for te corporates

this thread is called The Manipulation of, how religion is manipulated towards an elites benefit

in past times we had the amalgamation of Church & State........NOW it is Science & State

SCIENCE, yeah....forget scientists for te momnt. we are talking the paradigm tat e are in, that has gone from a theocracy to pharmacracy (Szasz)

What tis means is that all hman exprinces now are grilled through the judgment of scienific method....or in oterwords.....what is considered authentic in tis world has to be backed up by science....take a persons behaviour.....

If yourbehaviour is deemed unacceptable for whateve reaso you my be clssed 'mentally ill'....thisis even though--listen carefully--there is no scientific evidence to bck it up!

Where are all the scientists coming to tell us ths is so, if they really are indepenent andcare? ar naive the wa system is set up isthe more so-clled education and prestige and security you get..nd need for grant monies, nd so o...the more caught u you are IN the system!...GET ME
Ah! another (Szasz) literate, I knew you had it in ya!. Though that's still not the scientist fault, it's the tool that the elites use, to control the masses, the ingnorants one which are being brain washed daily, their kids taking drugs to subdue their little minds and make them little robots for their future. This you will enjoy Duendy;
Is Normal Now A Mental Illness?

Not everyone is sleeping in the wheels as you well know if you and I are aware of it, there are literatelly thousands who are also aware of it.

Thanks for that link Godless. THE most sad and tragic part of this sorry tale is that parents who believe they really love heir children come to be bought by thisuterly evil, and unprecidented pseudoscience.

And i hope you are right about te growing number of people becoming savvy to this.
In my experience, talking wit real people, and real peoples at various forums of diverse nature--including forums dedicated to psychedelic issues....any seem not aware, and many really antagonistic to the bringing up of tis extremelycontroverial isue
yes godless great link, who need to give kids drugs, when a good clip round the ear, sorts the problem out.
it's because we outlawed this type of discipline, that we now have to resort to drugs, to stem the tide of anti social behavior.
well i dont know bout that way neither. to i am not anti slappin IF it calls forit

but how may of us seriously question the very INSTITUTION of the schooling system. they are rathe indoctrinating prisons
I am a strong Christian believer through the experirences I've had although I like to explore other religeons and understand them...anyway Katana mensioned and I quote "i am quite sure they don't tell you to blow yourself up" (he was talking about Muslims now this is just a part of the Qu'uran (the Islamic Bible) "slay or crucify or cut the hands and feet of the unbelievers, that they be expelled from the land with disgrace..." (Koran 5:34). this is a link to a site that compares Islamic beliefs with Christian'd be suprised.