The Mathematical Metaphysics


Registered Senior Member
It makes sense to call the Theory of relativity and the Theory of quantum mechanics Mathematical Metaphysics?

Literally these theories are beyond Physics.
Literally these theories are beyond Physics.
I guess in the same way 1+1=2 is "beyond" math.

- you know ... if your definition of "beyond" is "one of the foundational pillars of".

Which is kind of the opposite of what the rest of us mean by "beyond".
I mean that with Mathematics we can go beyond our sensory experience in the knowledge of nature.
I mean that with Mathematics we can go beyond our sensory experience in the knowledge of nature.
We realized that.
Because everyone knows that "Theory of relativity and the Theory of quantum mechanics" actually means "maths" and that "Physics" really means "sensory experience".
What sort of drugs are you on?
No, but I've read many of your posts.
I imagine the detachment from reality/ rationality is somewhat similar to drugs.

I generally don't argue with square-minded people like you.

You are reported for maintaining hate and discord.

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Yesterday I saw a video (in Spanish) on YouTube about how Mathematics is the language of Science. I really liked the video. So I came to the conclusion that Mathematics applied to the world of the smallest (Quantum Mechanics) and the world of the fastest (Relativity) is metaphysical. But not in the philosophical sense of this word.
...Mathematics applied to the world of the smallest (Quantum Mechanics) and the world of the fastest (Relativity) is metaphysical.
"metaphysics refers to the studies of what cannot be reached through objective studies of material reality."
"Examples of metaphysical concepts are: Being, Existence, Purpose, Universals..."

Do you think that SR and QM cannot be studied objectively?
We cannot travel at the speed of light,
We certainly have relativistic velocities and masses within our realm of direct measurement.
Got a phone with GPS? It relies on relativity.

nor we can see particles directly.
Yes we can.

Strontium atom visible to the naked eye:

Molecule undergoing a chemical reaction: