THE MEANING OF LIFE (positive thought)

786 and okincus :
Science is proof without certainty; Religion is certainty without proof.

I do not feel obliged to believe that God who endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect, had intended us to not use them.(sarcasm)

as a atheist I have belief that there is no god/god's nor devil's or demon's
and that life is precious.
and that we are all equal, what ever colour creed or race or religion we are and that no person has the right to condemn or surpress other's.
and that we should spend our live's making sure life is good for all, and live in joy and harmony. this is free will

Is that supposed to be funny or you really don't know.

No its not meant to be funny, How did we do it all on our own?

If the latter, why do you argue against evolution?

Darwinistic evolution does not state how "we did it all on our own", it doesn't even state that "we did it".

IF being the operative word.

True, but can you find reason to believe otherwise without the need to simply say, "God did it?"

Easy, life comes from life it is a proven fact.
There is no demonstrable evidence which supports the concept that matter causes life to appear.
There is no reason to believe in something for which there is zero evidence like life spontaneosly generating from complex particles which came from nothing.

Jan Ardena.
There is no demonstrable evidence which supports the concept that matter causes life to appear.
There is no reason to believe in something for which there is zero evidence like life spontaneosly generating from complex particles which came from nothing.

Ah yes, as I suspected - you know little about evolution. Thanks.
(Q) said:
There is no demonstrable evidence which supports the concept that matter causes life to appear.
There is no reason to believe in something for which there is zero evidence like life spontaneosly generating from complex particles which came from nothing.

Ah yes, as I suspected - you know little about evolution. Thanks.

Oh, Well you think you know a lot. Doesn't matter if it is the Evolution theory or any other.

Where did the first living cell come from? How was the first living cell formed?

It may be fact that you believe,

NO. It is a fact that I consider my life to be precious. There is no belief involved.

but it's also fact that people believe in God. If neither provide evidence, then what is the difference between your belief and theirs?

Mine is a fact not a belief. Your comparison is not valid.

No, it does not really follow, because someone could consider their own life precious while other's are not.

My operative words were ”To me”, “should” and “reasonable”. From my perspective I consider life precious because of my naturalistic worldview.

The super-naturalists often consider their lives subservient to some deity or universal order; that is their problem not mine.

The opening post was arguing for the atheist perspective not from the viewpoint of life being objectively precious. Although I think it would be of value to the human race if we all saw it that way.
(Q) said:
Laboratory experiments show that phospholipid molecules can spontaneously assemble into membrane structures; cells - natural selection weeds out the cells with the least efficient systems of replication.

It talks of the cell membrane.

Go read the Cell Theory. It clearly states that living cells come from pre-existing living cells. This is a proven theory.

So if a living-cell comes from another living-cell then where did the first cell come from? It couldn't have been made by any natural instance because that will contradict the Cell theory, which is proven.
Go read the Cell Theory. It clearly states that living cells come from pre-existing living cells. This is a proven theory.

So what? Are you trying to tell me that cells of today are the same as cells which formed billions of years ago? Are you trying to tell me that the environment on Earth is the same today as it was billions of years ago? Are you trying to tell me that DNA today contains the same blueprint it had billions of years ago? Are you trying to tell me that the chemical composition of Earths oceans were not filled with protein chains and enzymes that no longer exist?

So if a living-cell comes from another living-cell then where did the first cell come from?

I already told you - pay attention.
(Q) said:
Go read the Cell Theory. It clearly states that living cells come from pre-existing living cells. This is a proven theory.

So what? Are you trying to tell me that cells of today are the same as cells which formed billions of years ago? Are you trying to tell me that the environment on Earth is the same today as it was billions of years ago? Are you trying to tell me that DNA today contains the same blueprint it had billions of years ago? Are you trying to tell me that the chemical composition of Earths oceans were not filled with protein chains and enzymes that no longer exist?

So if a living-cell comes from another living-cell then where did the first cell come from?

I already told you - pay attention.

Just as I thought "So what?". You disregard the proven things. I think I got my point through. So I don't care what you believe. My advice to you is, to believe in the proven theories, then later if their are theories out there, believe them. But don't believe them when they contradict proven theories.
You disregard the proven things.

I have done no such thing. I have attempted to switch on the little light in your brain but alas there is no one home. You appear to think that the Earth today is what it was billions of years ago and make comparisons accordingly.

I think I got my point through.

Yes, you've shown us your thinking is one dimensional.

So I don't care what you believe.

No one asked you to believe in anything - just use your head for a change.

But don't believe them when they contradict proven theories.

Cell theory is the theory of cells as they exist TODAY!!!


So what's your evidence that shows where the first cell came from?
(Q) said:
You disregard the proven things.

I have done no such thing. I have attempted to switch on the little light in your brain but alas there is no one home. You appear to think that the Earth today is what it was billions of years ago and make comparisons accordingly.

I think I got my point through.

Yes, you've shown us your thinking is one dimensional.

So I don't care what you believe.

No one asked you to believe in anything - just use your head for a change.

But don't believe them when they contradict proven theories.

Cell theory is the theory of cells as they exist TODAY!!!


By Evolution we evolved from monkies. Monkies cells also come from pre-existing cell. All living things have living-cell which come from other living-cells. This theory is not about us only, but of everything.
Cris said:

So what's your evidence that shows where the first cell came from?

I don't have evidence. I am only asking for your evidence.

All living things have living-cell which come from other living-cells.

So, according to you the first living cells came from... ?

I don't have evidence. I am only asking for your evidence.

Does that mean that you don't know how life originated on this planet?

“ By Evolution we evolved from monkies. Monkies cells also come from pre-existing cell. ”

Well no - monkeys evolved on a parrallel path to humans. But I understand your drift. If you take that idea to its logical conclusion you will see that each life form arose from something simpler. The history of cells also shows that earlier cells were also quite simpler. You will eventually reach a point where there was a transition from inorganic molecules into animated molecules that we have arbitrarily called life. But such molecules or early cells would have been fundamntally different to modern cells.
Hey 786 - why don't you just plagiarize another website? You seem to have no problem with that.

And don't forget to pray to your god for forgiveness afterwards.
mustafhakofi [COLOR=Blue said:
As an atheist, I consider all life to be sacred.

what about the ones who dont?

lets forget about divine issues. the thing with atheism that confuses me is that there does not seem to be a general consensus among them. with the statement you made above, you deserve respect and you have mine.

but what about the atheists who do not believe that all life is sacred? how can anyone contradict them if there is no law (bear in mind what maybe law in your country may not be in mine)? who is to say they are wrong? what if someone claims that they are "natural born killers", as in the movie, who has the right to stop them if it is their calling? maybe humans evolved for the purpose of another form of superior life to evolve and if we dont destroy ourselves that would never materialize?

you can do all the things you mentioned with any belief. religion (anyone) does not blind/distract/fog/etc anyone. it is the mind that does that.

a philospher (the name seems to escape me right now, STM ;) ) once was asked if he believed in god. his response was that if god didnt exist then it didnt really matter, but if he did, what was there to lose by believing in him. because in the end you die.

"live your life as though you were to live forever, prepare for death as though you were to die tomorrow" -- not mine.

now i am just rambling, sorry :p .

basically, what i am asking is: is there a general guideline among atheists?
(Q) said:
Hey 786 - why don't you just plagiarize another website? You seem to have no problem with that.

And don't forget to pray to your god for forgiveness afterwards.

Sorry man, I should've just posted the link. I made a mistake. Who doesn't?(Except God, if you believe, but you don't so leave it)