5. Other types of aether wind experiments
Moving on from milestone 0 (1887), a very large number of experiments and attempts have been made in more recent times.
I am about to translate about 50 experiments into English and will post them on my website in the near future. Here I have highlighted only a few of the experiments at considerable random.
1. Michaelson, Morley, and Morley etc.
The experimental physicists did not lose faith after a negative conclusion and continued to perform experiments in the early 1900s. However, it is appropriate to write about these in more detail, which I will translate into English later.
2. Kennedy and Thorndike, 1932
In this experiment, the researchers used an interferometer of different arm lengths in an acute-angled (56 degrees) arrangement. With a light-path difference of 32 cm, the creation of interference fringes was a feat. This was achieved in the infrared region of the mercury vapor lamp (l=5461 nm). Unlike Michelson, the instrument was not rotated but fixed to the laboratory table. It was obviously expected that a change of velocity and direction along the earth's orbit would cause an interference pattern change. But even the rotation of the earth's surface could show up in the result.
3. Jaseva, Javan, 1964
On a rotating table 2, high-stability infrared lasers lay in a perpendicular position. The researchers allowed an anisotropy of up to 30 m/s as inferred from the difference in frequency.
4. Shamir and Fox, 1969
A replicated M-M type experiment with light beams passing through plexiglass (n=1.49). The sensitivity of the laser-based optics was ~0.00003. The researchers reported null results, allowing the max deviation could be 6.64 m/s.
5. Mueller et al, 2003
Modern Michelson-Morley experiment with cryogenic optical resonators. The anisotropy was less than 10-15Hz.
6. Herrmann et al, 2005
This is also a test for the isotropy of the speed of light. The experimental device was a constantly rotating optical resonator. The limit is 10-16Hz.
7. C.W. Chou et al, 2010
The "American" experimental physicist developed an extremely sensitive and extra-stable energy measuring instrument. It consists of two metal boxes, each containing an exciting aluminum-ion radiant source (~1015Hz, near-ultraviolet range.) One box contains the electronics for the difference frequency display and is connected to the other box by a 70 m optical cable. If the energy level of one of the boxes changes, the frequency emitted by the aluminum ions inside it changes. It can detect heights as low as 0.5 m and speeds as high as 3.2 m/s with a difference signal of 0.05 Hz.
Eh=mgh=1*10*0,5=5J, Em=mv2/2=1*3,22/2=5J. This stylized calculation is for a mass of 1 kg but instead, think of the mass of an aluminum atom.
The experiments also show that the motion of the aether could not be detected, i.e. the aether wind does not blow at ground level! As things stand at the moment, it is very close to 0, so this is no longer of any practical significance. Further refinement of the experiments is now unnecessary because it is likely that the speed of the aether wind at the ground surface is not only practical but also theoretically 0.
6. Evaluation of the topic
The Michaelson-Morly experiment is a very important part of the discovery of physical reality and is also the basis of the theory of relativity. Unfortunately, the physics community has accepted the flawed experiment and its flawed evaluation that the speed of light is the same value as c for all bodies, neither more nor less. This is obviously a logical absurdity, and whichever theory is based on this absurdity must be questioned and revised.
The cream of physicists, however, did not give in to the null result of the MM experiment but continued to try to find the correct solution. They were like this the people who carried out the experiments described in Chapter 5, and most notably Michaelson himself too. He often said that he was very sorry that his no-effect experiment had started a process in science that would surely lead to a fallacy. It was mainly for this courageous stand that he became my favorite physicist and my role model.
The moral of this unfinished story is that incredible results should never be accepted. Experiments and logical proofs must be repeated over and over again, and we must believe that nature's solutions are logical and understandable to us.
A good example of trying again is the development of the aluminum ion source by C.W. Chou. Then subsequently repeated the MM experiment with a new method and showed a positive effect. This is the kind of experiment that the eminent physicists of past centuries believed in, and their intuition and faith in human logic proved successful. I will add that I will be translating some more experiments with positive effects into English in the near future, and I will also describe some of the hopeful experiments I have devised, including one that I have already done and which has produced positive results.
These sophisticated experiments, though looking back in time, are important, but we have more important work to do. We need to reactivate the ether, the liquid-like substance that fills the universe and creates the physical connection between material bodies. By the way, it is the ether that fills the cosmos, the material bodies, and subatomic particles, and it is the ether that keeps everything moving with its enormous hidden energy. Delusions aside, we must say that the ether does exist! This fact was taken for granted by the scientists of old and used to create the physical worldview. Without aether, the unity of nature is inexplicable, incoherent, and obviously appears to be based on faulty foundations. Of course, I am of the opinion that the aether must be brought back into "modern" physics and urgently incorporated into all modern theories. My new book, which is about to go to print, will express this idea:
A paradigm shift in physics – now!