The moon isn't real

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*wipes a tear away*

The moon, not real? Your joking right? Okay, explian tides. Explain how are technology (which sucks) could do a projection like that, that moved around the earth and have us have lunar eclipses and moon rocks, and explain why when I look through my telescope, it's NOT a projection. his isn't batman kid.

Your funny.
No No we just uncovered it here (read other post) its all a alien plan to trick us into believing the moon is not real, when it is!, in fact its is their secret base... and it is made of cheese.
I haven't read all the posts but i agree that there is a possiblity that the moon isn't real. I'm very open minded. It is hard to beleive and i'm sure it would be hard for the government to do this 3000 years ago. Although they could have tampered with history. I don't think that they had holograms etc back then but you never know.

Groove on all

For all of you novice con artists out there, please allow me to illustrate the type of comment you'll generally hear before you can easily identify "the mark".

Originally posted by roadblock
I haven't read all the posts but i agree that there is a possiblity that the moon isn't real.

It is this naive willingness to bend on facts that rational individuals take as well, uh... facts, that earns "the mark" his dubious title. Note the response to the follow-up question:

"Hey, uh.. does that mean that Jupiter might not be real too?"
This is one of the stupidest things ive heard.... or read rather.
The moon....... a fake created by the govt.?
People are always willing to believe something strang, something fantastic.
There is a fine line between the spirit of enquiry as was displayed during the renaissance... an openness to new ideas, a liberalised mindset, and believing anything fed to people. Sensationalism is the term i use..... people looking for a quick story, looking for their 15 min. of fame.

If the moon is really a GIANT plastic bag or watever, filled with helium, what have our forefathers been seeing for centuries?
What did Aryabhata see, what did Aristotle see, what did Copernicus see, what did Galileo see?

Surely if the moon is a fake, a fake moon must have existed for centuries. That would mean human technology would have to be so advanced, it would have been able to hoist a fake moon into the skies thousands of years ago.

Explain the influence of tides then? Oh right..... the moon is a fake built by aliens right? I honestly would not be suprised if this came up.

You are a pristine example of an education system based on analysis and independant thought gone wrong. You expand the limits of guillability of the human mind.
hey airavata,

are you sure you're not guilty of the crimes you accuse us of?

did you READ this thread before spouting off?

you're just pissed because we figured it out before you, AREN'T YOU!! ADMIT IT!!!!!!

*stares incredulously at the monitor* i cant believe there are people who STILL take this thread seriously!!!!!:eek:
Originally posted by Scrap@lot
You know the moon isnt really earths "moon"
It came from another planet and got stuck in our orbit
oh so you're one of "them", huh? trying new tactics to make us believe that the moon exists, huh? you just watch of these days i'm going to catch you!
"Thats not a moon, it's a spacestation".......yeah right

If there's craft parked up there, they say USAF.

Follow the paper trail, back to palmdale.
Oh it's real, but it's acctualy a lot closer than most people think. Next time you see it just reach out and pick it right out of the air, it should be at arms length. Just be sure that if it's a cressant moon not to prick your fingers on the pointy ends, you should probably wear gloves, that thing can be razor sharp.

You forgot that you will need a common painters ladder. It like 12 feet high, I don’t thing you can reach that far?
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
No No we just uncovered it here (read other post) its all a alien plan to trick us into believing the moon is not real, when it is!, in fact its is their secret base... and it is made of cheese.

wellcookedfetus is more insane than the thought that jesus is the masia and the bible is non-fiction
anyone that thinks the moon landing was fake probably needs more than just convincing (like at-home care.)
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