The Nonsense of Atheists

what's the frigging nonsense is the constant charade that has to be put up with these theists. let's be real.

society is full of people who are theists or believe in a "god" and they are still crappy human beings. it makes no real difference even though they are thiests. believing in a god doesn't mean squat and doesn't make you better in the least or make any real difference! and if believing in god or being a theist somehow is enough of a qualification for this god, then it's laughable because it's got "lots" of shitty people. lol

there are atheists that are better people than a lot of theists!!!
i entirely agree with him. i'm having trouble understanding how you don't see that.

greed is one of many things that enslaves us.

But do you agree that the two scenario's are synonymous ?

I mean, do you really believe that our chosen path to be materialist slaves (which is so that we can simply have more crap) and are free to chose not to be materialists is the same as being forced to work in a camp for 20+ hours a day, separated from family, chained and beaten if necessary by another etc etc.
what's the frigging nonsense is the constant charade that has to be put up with these theists. let's be real.

society is full of people who are theists or believe in a "god" and they are still crappy human beings. it makes no real difference even though they are thiests. believing in a god doesn't mean squat and doesn't make you better in the least or make any real difference! and if believing in god or being a theist somehow is enough of a qualification for this god, then it's laughable because it's got "lots" of shitty people. lol

there are atheists that are better people than a lot of theists!!!

Being a theist/atheist the difference is up to you. people that denigrate theism seem to be misguided or have a motive that is personally not understood to me.
As noted before. Being a theist is not a requirement to do good things or bad things.

Theistic belief has nothing to do with it as evidenced by both the good and bad that has been done in it's name.

So being a theist or atheist does not solely impact ones actions.

It's the reason rational and educated theists pick and choose what from their religion they teach their kids.

"do unto others as you would want done to you" Great.

"Slavery" "Genocide" "Rape", Umm, let's just leave that part out.

Smart, educated theists understand this, that is also why they believe in evolution and allow it to fit in with their religious views. Because they get to a point where arguing against the evidence makes them look the fool, and they aren't.,2933,176050,00.html
Is it your point that rape, genocide and slavery exist because of a belief in God? What does a incomplete scientific theory have to do with God?
My belief when atheists trash theism is they in some way need to shirk their responsibility as humans or they have been hurt or traumatized in some way or both. Nothing that has been said in this forum has changed my mind and they don't want to seem to budge.
Do you really want to compare the perceived slavery of the brainless materialist to the slaves brought over from Africa ?

What a f*cking insult to all those (theists included) who righteously fought for their freedom.

"Many auctions ripped mothers away from their children, husbands away from their wives, sisters away from brothers. It is devastating to envision how this must have affected a human being. Scrutiny passed from one to the other, from mother to child, and so on. Three hundred years of slaves being chained together, thrown overboard to drown. Three hundred years of slaves tightly packed together suffocating from the lack of air ventilation. Three hundred years of kidnapping. Three hundred years of children being taken from their mothers. Three hundred years of rape. Three hundred years of fear. Three hundred years of crying. Three hundred years of enslavement. Three hundred years of treating a human as though they weren't human at all"

I apologize. In no way do we suffer in the way slaves were forced to live and die. The Bible speaks of the way we live, have lived and then points the way we might live and grow as humans. It is pertinent today as it was 300 years ago.
Is it your point that rape, genocide and slavery exist because of a belief in God? What does a incomplete scientific theory have to do with God?

No, not at all.

My point is that slavery, rape and genocide are allowed/condoned by the god of the bible, complete with specifics about how it is to be done. It's all in there, the good, the bad and the downright ugly.

I have consistently said that a belief in god neither adds nor takes away from whether someone attempts to do good in the world or not.

History is filled with examples of this.

As far as evolution, it has nothing to do with god, or at least as far as I am concerned it doesn't. But to many educated theists, it is part of gods creation. IOW, they contend that god created the universe and that we evolved here. They are ok with that. They aren't willing to look the other way when the evidence is presented.

It's those who choose to remain in the dark who are continually spouting nonsense about evolution because they can not get past the belief that the bible is inspired by god and thus based on the texts we could not have evolved here. They see it as a contradiction as do many atheists. I do as well if you want to make the claim that the bible texts are inspired by god or the word of god.

If you believe that, then please explain the approval of slavery by said god. Approval of rape and genocide etc etc.

If you look at it as a book written by men, then it makes sense, because man at the time accepted slavery as part of their world. But an all knowing god would have known better then to approve slavery.

Do you understand the implied contradictions ?
My belief when atheists trash theism is they in some way need to shirk their responsibility as humans or they have been hurt or traumatized in some way or both. Nothing that has been said in this forum has changed my mind and they don't want to seem to budge.

You couldn't be any more wrong.

In fact the opposite is actually true.
No, not at all.

My point is that slavery, rape and genocide are allowed/condoned by the god of the bible, complete with specifics about how it is to be done. It's all in there, the good, the bad and the downright ugly.

I have consistently said that a belief in god neither adds nor takes away from whether someone attempts to do good in the world or not.

History is filled with examples of this.

As far as evolution, it has nothing to do with god, or at least as far as I am concerned it doesn't. But to many educated theists, it is part of gods creation. IOW, they contend that god created the universe and that we evolved here. They are ok with that. They aren't willing to look the other way when the evidence is presented.

It's those who choose to remain in the dark who are continually spouting nonsense about evolution because they can not get past the belief that the bible is inspired by god and thus based on the texts we could not have evolved here. They see it as a contradiction as do many atheists. I do as well if you want to make the claim that the bible texts are inspired by god or the word of god.

If you believe that, then please explain the approval of slavery by said god. Approval of rape and genocide etc etc.

If you look at it as a book written by men, then it makes sense, because man at the time accepted slavery as part of their world. But an all knowing god would have known better then to approve slavery.

Do you understand the implied contradictions ?

God probably feels we are all enslaved and probably doesn't see much of a difference if you are enslaved by your own sin or by another human. He is concerned on how each own acts, behaves. Where in the ten commandments or the NT, to narrow things down some abit, does it talk about rape and murder in a condoning sense?
what's the frigging nonsense is the constant charade that has to be put up with these theists. let's be real.

society is full of people who are theists or believe in a "god" and they are still crappy human beings. it makes no real difference even though they are thiests. believing in a god doesn't mean squat and doesn't make you better in the least or make any real difference! and if believing in god or being a theist somehow is enough of a qualification for this god, then it's laughable because it's got "lots" of shitty people. lol

there are atheists that are better people than a lot of theists!!!

I'll take that one step further and say that atheists are overall better people than theists. They know that this life is the only one they have and the must do something with it. Theists don't give a shit, they're living for the afterlife which they will get.
How many atheists operated the underground railroad? I bet there were few. Theists are flawed like everyone else, but theistic belief has made the world a beautiful place to live.

No, it's made the world a horrible place full of lies, cruelty and death.

We would be much better without any of it. It is holding back science, society and personal freedom.
I apologize. In no way do we suffer in the way slaves were forced to live and die. The Bible speaks of the way we live, have lived and then points the way we might live and grow as humans. It is pertinent today as it was 300 years ago.

Good to hear it, was worried there for a moment. I understand the word can mean many things at different levels.

There are times when someone might want to be a slave :D at least for one night or maybe a few hours. But that kind usually comes with a safe word.

Yes, the bible and other religious texts can offer insight.

But this is my main point.

For those of us who are looking to do good things in the world and want nothing but good things for our families, friends and neighbors and for all in the world for that matter.

We don't need the bible or the koran or any other specific text to teach us this. The theist who wants to do good will find that which encourages such behavior in the bible. The bad guy can find things which are condoned by god to do bad.

There are way more muslims than any other, if they were all bad we would be EFFED. Fortunately, as I believe most people in the world, want good things to happen for others.

As to your last statement. Don't forget the bible also allowed and condoned slavery, genocide and rape.

Like I said, the good, the bad and the ugly.
No, it's made the world a horrible place full of lies, cruelty and death.

We would be much better without any of it. It is holding back science, society and personal freedom.

What personal freedom that could be shared by all is being held back because of a belief in a God?
i entirely agree with him. i'm having trouble understanding how you don't see that.

greed is one of many things that enslaves us.

Stupidity is THE thing that enslaves us. Belief without proof enslaves us. Willing disbelief enslaves us.